Research / Affiliate / Additional Faculty

Research Faculty

Kanika Bansal, Research Assistant Professor

Alioune Niang, Research Associate

Thomas Carruthers, Senior Research Scientist

Peter Olsen, Research Assistant

John Dorband, Research Associate Professor

Ted Selker, Research Professor

Cheryl Dunigan, Research Associate Professor

Jennifer Sleeman, Research Assistant Professor

Haitham El-Demerdash, Visiting Faculty Research Assistant

Duane Wilson, Research Assistant Professor

Michael Grasso, Research Assistant Professor

Bai Xue, Research Associate

Milt Halem, Research Professor
Josh Young, Research Associate
Andrea Iorga, Research Assistant Professor

Affiliated Faculty

Affiliate faculty are UMBC faculty members whose primary appointment is outside the CSEE department but who have ongoing collaborations with CSEE faculty.

Nader Abuhassan, Affiliate Associate Professor, Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology

Karuna Joshi, Affiliate Associate Professor, Information Systems

Lee Boot, Affiliate Associate Professor, Imaging Research Center

Helena Mentis, Affiliate Professor, Information Systems

Dana Burr Bradley, Affiliate Professor, Erickson School

Patricia Ordonez, Affiliate Associate Professor, Information Systems

John Fritz, Affiliate Assistant Professor, Division of Information Technology

Janet Rutledge, Affiliate Professor, Graduate School

Fei Han, Affiliate Assistant Professor, The Hilltop Institute

Narsingh Singh, Affiliate Research Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Christina Hedges, Affiliate Associate Professor, Center for Space Sciences and Technology

Jianwu Wang, Affiliate Associate Professor, Information Systems

Additional Faculty

Ajinkya Borle, Visiting Professor

Michael Morris, Adjunct Assistant Professor

David Chapman, Adjunct Assistant Professor

Andre Nguyen, Adjunct Assistant Professor

Giuseppe D’Aguanno, Adjunct Professor

Hakju Oh, Adjunct Assistant Professor

Rita McCardell Doerr, Adjunct Professor

Bradley Potteiger, Visiting Assistant Professor

Fu Ming Hu, Adjunct Professor

Karl Roenigk, Adjunct Professor

Jonathan Hu, Adjunct Associate Professor

Babak Saboury, Adjunct Professor

Peter Kochunov, Adjunct Professor

Lawrence Sebald, Visiting Lecturer

Robinson Kuis, Adjunct Assistant Professor

Abhishek Umrawal, Visiting Lecturer

Dana Lahat, Adjunct Assistant Professor

Yihong Yang, Adjunct Professor

Hanbing Lu, Adjunct Associate Professor

Ting Zhu, Adjunct Associate Professor

Keith Mayes, Adjunct Professor