Enrollment and Graduation Data

Enrollment and graduation data are available from the Office of Institutional Research, Analysis and Decision support (IRADS). This information is updated yearly by IRADS. Computer Engineering statistics are found in the College of Engineering and Information Technology (COEIT) sections of the following documents.

  • For the number of students enrolled in the Computer Engineering program according to their first declared major, select “Trends by Primary Plan” on the Undergraduate Enrollment page and scroll down to COEIT entries. Prior to Fall 2015, the Comp Eng enrollment includes students who have not yet passed the Computer Engineering Gateway.  Starting with Fall 2015, the Comp Eng enrollment includes only students who have passed the Gateway.  Students who have indicated intent to study Computer Engineering, but who have not yet passed the Gateway are counted on the line ‘Pre-Comp Eng.’  The sum of Comp Eng and Pre-Comp Eng lines is comparable to the values listed for Fall 2014 and earlier.
  • For the number of graduates from the Computer Engineering program by calendar year, select “Undergraduate” on the Degree Awards page and scroll down to the COEIT entries. This number includes students who graduate in May, August or December of the designated calendar year.