Talk: Application of Machine Learning in Photonics, 12-1 2/2
Lunch & Seminar sponsored by UMBC Optica Student Chapter

The UMBC Optica student chapter is sponsoring a talk by CSEE Assistant Professor Ergun Simsek on applications of machine learning in photonics.
The talk will take place from 12:00 to 1:00pm on Thursday February 2, 2023 in room 206 of the Technology Research Center.
Lunch will be provided. Please register for the talk here.
UMBC's student chapter of Optica (formerly Optical Society of America) is a professional society of individuals and companies with an interest in optics and photonics. Its graduate and undergraduate student members share technical interests rooted in optics, photonics, and related disciplines. Its meetings and events present and promote current research trends in optics an photonics, host talks and workshops, and provide members the opportunity to enhance their knowledge, skills, and professional growth.
Posted: January 30, 2023, 4:40 PM