Students Present Cybersecurity Research Projects; Tue 12/20
Information Security Research & Education (INSuRE) project

The UMBC Cyber Defense Lab presents
Student Presentations from CMSC-491/691 Cybersecurity Research (INSuRE)
10:30-12:30 ET Tuesday, 20 December 2022, ITE 229, UMBC
Students from Alan Sherman's fall edition of CMSC-491/691 Cybersecurity Research (INSuRE) will present their research projects through talks and posters. In this project-based learning course, 18 students carried out original research projects, working collaboratively in three groups. Each group prepared a written report, poster, and presentation, guided in part by a technical director (TD) and other subject experts. For more information about the INSuRE network of CAE-R universities, see their website and an article written by Sherman et al. (IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine, July/August 2017, Vol. 15, Issue 4, pp. 72-78.) The next UMBC edition of INSuRE will take place in fall 2024. (CAE-R = National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Research)
- Group 1 (10:30am-11:10am): A Man-in-the-Middle Attack against the Registration Protocol in FIDO UAF, Jonathan Fuchs, Sophia Hamer, Danning Liu, TD: Edward Zieglar (NSA)
- Group 2: (11:10am-11:50am): Detecting Outliers in Malware:Analyzing Control Flow Graphs Using Machine Learning, Naod Assefa, Mason Herndon, Xavier Jenkins, Jack Kingsbury, Bojing (Tim) Li, Alex Ruthloff, Joseph Shaalan, Brian Yi, Duo (Dora) Zhong
- Group 3: (11:50am-12:30pm): Reconnaissance and Reverse Engineering: A Case Study of the Cyberphysical Systems in the UMBC Academic Building ILSB, Zachary Amoss, Leo Brown, Kevin Chen, Will DeStaffan, Andrea Ferketich, Brandon Hill, Kathleen Koerner, TD: Zachary Birnbaum (APL)
Host: Alan T. Sherman, Support for this event was provided in part by the National Science Foundation under SFS grant DGE-1753681. The UMBC Cyber Defense Lab meets biweekly Fridays. All meetings are open to the public. Upcoming CDL Meetings: January 2-6, 2023, SFS/CySP Research Study. Biweekly CDL talks will resume on Fridays in the spring 2023 semester on Webex.
Posted: December 7, 2022, 4:09 PM