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Lecture 19 Arithmetic circuits

Basic decimal addition (with carry digit shown)
  101  <- carry (note that three numbers are added after first digit)

 + 526

Binary addition (with carry bit shown)
  1011  <- carry (note that three bits are added after first bit)
           for future reference c(3)=1, c(2)=0, c(1)=1, c(0)=1
   1011    bits are numbered from zero, right to left
 + 1001
  10100    for future reference s(3)=0, s(2)=1, s(1)=0, s(0)=0
           the leftmost '1' is cout

Since three bits must be added, a truth table for a full adder
needs three inputs and thus eight entries.

 a b c | s co
 ------+-----        _ _       _   _       _ _
 0 0 0 | 0 0    s = (a*b*c) + (a*b*c) + (a*b*c) + (a*b*c) 
 0 0 1 | 1 0        simplifies to
 0 1 0 | 1 0    s = a xor b xor c
 0 1 1 | 0 1    s <= a xor b xor c;
 1 0 0 | 1 0          _           _           _
 1 0 1 | 0 1    co = (a*b*c) + (a*b*c) + (a*b*c) + (a*b*c)
 1 1 0 | 0 1         simplifies to
 1 1 1 | 1 1    co = (a*b)+(a*c)+(b*c)
                co <= (a and b) or (a and c) or (b and c);

This can be drawn as a box for use on larger schematics

      | a b c |  The inputs are shown at the top (or left)
      |       |
      | fadd  |
      |       |
      | co  s |  The outputs are shown at the bottom (or right)

The full adder can be written as an entity in VHDL

entity fadd is               -- full stage adder, interface
  port(a  : in  std_logic;
       b  : in  std_logic;
       c  : in  std_logic;
       s  : out std_logic;
       co : out std_logic);
end entity fadd;

architecture circuits of fadd is  -- full adder stage, body
begin  -- circuits of fadd
  s <= a xor b xor c after 1 ns;
  co <= (a and b) or (a and c) or (b and c) after 1 ns;
end architecture circuits; -- of fadd

Connecting four full adders, four fadd's, to make a 4-bit adder


The connections are written for VHDL as 

  a0: entity WORK.fadd port map(a(0), b(0),  cin, s(0), c(0));
  a1: entity WORK.fadd port map(a(1), b(1), c(0), s(1), c(1));
  a2: entity WORK.fadd port map(a(2), b(2), c(1), s(2), c(2));
  a3: entity WORK.fadd port map(a(3), b(3), c(2), s(3), c(3));

Note that the carry out of the previous stage is wired into
the carry input of the next higher stage. In a computer,
four bits are added to four bits and this produces four bits of sum.
The last carry bit, c(3) here, is usually called 'cout' and is
not called a 'sum' bit.

The circuit was simulated with
a(3)=0, a(2)=0, a(1)=0, a(0)=1   cin=0
b(3)=1, b(2)=1, b(1)=1, b(0)=1

There is a small delay time from the input to the output.
When a circuit is simulated, the initial values of signals
are shown as 'U' for uninitialized. As the circuit simulation
proceeds, the 'U' are computed and become '0' or '1'.
Partial output from the VHDL simulation shows this propagation.
(the upper line is logic '1', the lower line is logic '0')

s(0)  UU_____________________________
s(1)  UUUUUU_________________________
s(2)  UUUUUUUUUU_____________________
s(3)  UUUUUUUUUUUUUU_________________
c(0)  UU                             
c(1)  UUUUUU                         
c(2)  UUUUUUUUUU                     
c(3)  UUUUUUUUUUUUUU                 

At the end of the simulation the values are:
s(0)=0, s(1)=0, s(2)=0, s(3)=0, c(0)=1, c(1)=1, c(2)=1, c(3)=1

The full VHDL code is   add_trace.vhdl

The run file is         add_trace.run

The full output file is add_trace.out

A fragment of the Makefile is Makefile.add_trace

Given that the computer can "add" it now has to be able to "subtract."
Thus, a representation has to be chosen for negative numbers.
All computers have chosen the left most bit (also called the
high-order bit) to be the sign bit. The convention is that a '1'
in the sign bit means negative, a '0' in the sign bit means positive.
Within these conventions, three representations have been used
in computers: two's complement, one's complement and sign magnitude.
All bits are shown for 4-bit words in the table below.

 decimal   twos complement  ones complement  sign magnitude
       0      0000            0000             0000
       1      0001            0001             0001
       2      0010            0010             0010
       3      0011            0011             0011
       4      0100            0100             0100
       5      0101            0101             0101
       6      0110            0110             0110
       7      0111            0111             0111
      -8      1000             -                -
      -7      1001            1000             1111
      -6      1010            1001             1110
      -5      1011            1010             1101
      -4      1100            1011             1100
      -3      1101            1100             1011
      -2      1110            1101             1010
      -1      1111            1110             1001
      -0       -              1111             1000

We could choose to build a subtractor that uses a borrow, yet
this would require as many gates as were needed for the adder.
By choosing the two's complement representation of negative
numbers, an adder with a relatively low gate count multiplexor
and inverter can become a subtractor. The implementation follows
the definition of a negative number in two's complement
representation: invert the bits and add one.

Given a new symbol for an adder, the complete circuit for
doing 4-bit add and subtract becomes:

When the signal "subtract" is '1' the circuit subtracts 'b' from 'a'.
When the signal "subtract" is '0' the circuit adds 'a' to 'b'.

The basic circuit is written for VHDL as:

  a4: entity work.add4 port map(a, b_mux, subtract, sum, cout);
  i4: b_bar <= not b;
  m4: entity work.mux4 port map(b, b_bar, subtract, b_mux);

The general rule is that each circuit component symbol on
a schematic diagram will become one VHDL statement.
There are many other VHDL statements needed to run a complete

The annotated output of the simulation is:

subtract=0, a=0100, b=0010, sum=0110  4+2=6
subtract=1, a=0100, b=0010, sum=0010  4-2=2
subtract=0, a=1100, b=0010, sum=1110  (-4)+2=(-2)
subtract=1, a=1100, b=0010, sum=1010  (-4)-2=(-6)
subtract=0, a=1100, b=1110, sum=1010  (-4)+(-2)=(-6)
subtract=1, a=1100, b=1110, sum=1110  (-4)-(-2)=(-2)
subtract=0, a=0011, b=1110, sum=0001, 3+(-2)=1
subtract=1, a=0011, b=1110, sum=0101, 3-(-2)=5

The full VHDL code is   sub4.vhdl

The run file is         sub4.run

The full output file is sub4.out

A fragment of the Makefile is Makefile.sub4

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