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CMSC 455 Project, 100 points, find minimum

Do not talk to other students about the project.
You may use gmp, BigDecimal, apfloat, mpmath, MatLab, Maple,
Mathematica or other existing software, and any software from
the course WEB site. (Slightly different from previous semesters.)

Given the equation:

z = exp(sin(50.0*x)) + sin(60.0*exp(y)) +
    sin(70.0*sin(x)) + sin(sin(80.0*y)) -
    sin(20.0*(x+y)) + (x*x+y*y)/4.0

Find the global minimum z in -1 < x < 1 , -1 < y < 1
Print x, y, z at end of file. Your z should be < -3.31
Use just normal programming, too slow to do this in multiple precision.
OK to submit global search and code to minimize as seperate files.

Then put best global minimum into multiple precision in some language.

From my  download  directory, sample code:
for C, mpf_math.h  mpf_sin_cos.c  mpf_exp.c  and supporting code 
Also, for Java, Big_math.java and test_Big_math.java.
            and test_apfloat.java
Also, for Python, test_mpmath.py3  need python 3 on linux.gl

There are many local minima, do not get stuck in one of them.
A global search with dx and dy <= 0.001 should be in the
global minimum.

From the global search starting point, use optimization.
See lecture 17, optmn  samples and  spiral examples.
              Optimization for finding x,y of smallest z(x,y)
        |     x-dx,y+dy     x,y+dy      x+dx,y+dy 
        |         o          o           o
        |     x-dx,y        x,y         x+dx,y 
        |         o          o           o
        |     x-dx,y-dy     x,y-dy      x+dx,y-dy 
        |         o          o           o
--------+------------------------------------------------ Y
        |  You are at minimum, from global search, z(x,y)
        |  Check z at 8 points shown above, around  x,y
        |  If any z(point) < z(x,y) move  x,y  to minimum point
        |  Else move to ((x,y) + (minimum point))/2  decrease dx,dy, or both
        |  Keep repeating until no progress, you are at smallest dx,dy

Do not allow dx, dy to get too small, roundoff error if less than
1.0E-16  in 64 bit floating point
1.0E-100 in multiple precision

Print your x and y and z.
I would expect, all to the same number of digits accuracy. (not just %f)

Your points are based on the accuracy of your computed
"x", "y", "z".
Your largest error in x, y, or z rounded to significant digits:
  2 digits  50 points
  3 digits  70 points
  4 digits  75 points
  5 digits  80 points
  6 digits  81 points
  7 digits  82 points
  8 digits  83 points
  9 digits  84 points
 10 digits  85 points
 11 digits  86 points
 12 digits  87 points
 13 digits  88 points
 14 digits  89 points
 15 digits  90 points
 16 digits  91 points
 20 digits  92 points
 30 digits  93 points			     
 40 digits  95 points
 50 digits  96 points
 60 digits  97 points
 70 digits  98 points
 90 digits  99 points
100 digits 100 points

Submitting your Project

 The project source and output is to be submitted on GL as 
   submit cs455 proj list-of-source-files text_output-file
   one file should be your text output file

 The list-of-files should include source code and output
 and other files that were used.
 Do not submit executable file(s).

 Use a language of your choice on an operating system
 of your choice, unless otherwise stated. Talk to the
 instructor if your language choice is not one of:
 Ada 95, C, C++, Fortran 95, Java, Python, Scala, SML, MATLAB,
 Maple, Mathematica, or similar available language or product.

 The goal of the project is to give you a useful
 numeric code that you can apply as needed to future
 tasks. This includes converting a working numeric code
 to your language of choice or being able to interface
 some working numeric code with your language of choice.

 Copying of a project results is zero points for everyone
 involved in copying. Be sure to check your own answers
 by using several languages or several implementations.
 You may want to do the global search in a language
 that is fast, submit that code, and then start the
 multiple precision at the x,y found in the global search
 with a small dx,dy.

A crude plot of similar equation  z vs x,y is

A smaller dx,dy plot

 "see lecture 15 for multiple precision" 

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Last updated 12/1/2019