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Lecture 2b, 3D printer development example

  A 3D printer uses nylon, PLA, etc to make a physical object.
  UMBC has a 3D printer, and I have a Dremel 3D45.
  The example below was a developement to get a specific object.
  The source code  shape7.java, I developed in stages as
  shown in graphics below.
  Other prior shapes 1 thru 6 were made earlier.

  The java source code mentioned below can be obtained on linux.gl by:
  cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/shape7.java  .
  and many other files.

  shape7.java after development
  shape7_java.out output
  finally, complete 3D object
  shape7.dat output of shape7.java
  shape7.stl used to make 3D object
  Dremel software converted .stl to .gcode to run 3D printer

  In order to develop 3D I had to create many tools, listed below:
  I use a Makefile on Linux, a .bat file on Windows 10.
  javac datread.java
  javac datwrite.java
  javac light_dat.java
  javac dat_to_stl.java
  javac shape7.java
  java  shape7 > shape7_java.out
  java  light_dat  shape7.dat
  java  dat_to_stl shape7.dat shape7.stl
  java  light_stl  shape7.stl
  datread.java  source code
  datwrite.java  source code

  Available for download.

  tree leaf example
  shape8.java  source code
  shape8_java.out  output
  shape8.dat  3D
  shape8.stl  3D object

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Other links

Many web sites on Java GUI, AWT, Swing, etc.
Many web sites on Python wx, tk, qt, etc.

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