Principles of Operating Systems

CMSC 421 — Spring 2020

Project 2

Part 1 — Due By: 11:59PM EDT on Tuesday, April 14th

Part 2 — Due By: 11:59PM EDT on Sunday, May 3rd


April 29: Clarified that for the 08/09 commands for Part 2's extra credit that the filename will be an absolute path.

April 15: Added Part 2 extra credit, added stalemate detection to the extra credit, added en passant and castling to the extra credit

April 11: Part 1 due date extension

April 6: Added reference link to a beginner's guide to chess

April 5: Added Part 2

April 3: Fixed a bug in detection of win conditions for the CPU in the example program for tic-tac-toe. Thanks again to pomino for finding the bug.

April 1: ILLMOV\n -> ILLMOVE\n. Thanks to pomino on Discord for pointing it out.

March 30: Row and column -> column and row, add tie game error code and driver program, add linux-headers package to the list of things to install

March 29: Add clarification of board layout for tic-tac-toe and the input/output formats

March 29: Initial Version


In this project, you will be creating virtual device drivers in the form of Linux loadable kernel modules. There will be one module required to complete each of the two parts of the project. While the two modules do not build off of one another, the development of the first module will be immensely helpful to the development of the second one. Each of your loadable kernel modules will implement a virtual character device to perform a specific task.

You will have to access Piazza to find the link to create your repositories for this project. You will have two separate repositories, one for part 1 and the other for part 2 of the project. However, unlike previous projects, your two repositories will be empty on creation. As this project involves creating loadable kernel modules, you do not need to compile the entire source of the Linux kernel multiple times (you will need to compile it once in order to install a clean copy of the 5.5 kernel that you will use as a base for your development). In order to submit your work for this project, you will follow the process that was described in Homework 1 to create a blank repository on your local machine, add files to it, set the remote to point to the correct repository, and push your changes to the repository. You do not need to tag your repositories for this project, however.

As a first step, you will need to clone a clean copy of the 5.5 kernel to build as a base for your project. To do so, clone the repository located at the following URL and build it in the same manner that you have done in the previous two projects:
You should not change anything in this copy of the kernel — not even the version string. As described in the previous paragraph, you will not be making changes directly to the kernel in order to develop this project, and you will not be turning the complete source of the Linux kernel in to complete your project.

When you build a clean copy of this kernel, please make sure to follow the steps to enable the CRC32c algorithm in the kernel, as you did in Project 0. Also, when installing it, you will need to install not only the kernel image, but also the linux-libc-dev and linux-headers packages that are also built (otherwise, you will get errors when you try to build your modules later).

Incremental Development

One of the nice things about using GitHub for submitting assignments is that it lends itself nicely to an incremental development process. As they say, Rome wasn't built in a day — nor is most software. Part of our goal in using GitHub for assignment submission is to give all of the students in the class experience with using an source control system for incremental development.

You are required in this project to plan out an incremental development process for yourself — one that works for you. There is no one-size-fits-all approach here. As this project is largely about designing a system of your own, your approach will largely depend on the design you adopt.

You should not attempt to complete this entire project in one sitting. Also, we don't want you all waiting until the last minute to even start on the assignment. Students doing either of these tend to lead to getting poor grades on the assignment. To this end, we are requiring you to make at least 2 non-trivial commits to your GitHub repository for part 1 of the assignment and at least 3 non-trivial commits to your GitHub repository for part 2 of the assignment. Each of the commits on a given part of the assignment must be made on different days (however you may, at your option, make a commit on the same day in each of the repositories once part 2 of the project is released and have both commits count — one for part 1 and one for part 2). As part 1 of the assignment is due earlier than part 2, you must complete both commits to part 1's repository before that due date. You may make more than the minimum number of commits during the timeline of the project — this number is simply a minimum number required for full credit.

A non-trivial commit is defined for this assignment as one that meets all of these requirements:

Failure to adhere to these requirments will result in a significant deduction in your score for the assignment. This deduction will be applied after the rest of your score is calculated, much like a deduction for turning in the assigment with a late penalty.

Part 1: Tic-Tac-Toe (40% of Project 2 Grade)

In part 1 of this assignment, you will be implementing a kernel module that can be used to play against the user in a game of tic-tac-toe. This module will implement a virtual character device (with a corresponding entry in /dev that the user can open a file descriptor to), which will be interacted with by the user using normal file read and write operations. The module will work on the principle that the user opens a file descriptor to the module's /dev entry (which shall be named /dev/tictactoe), writes commands to that file descriptor with the write() system call, and reads the responses to those commands with the read() system call. To this end, the module must keep track of the state of the game board, implement logic to read and parse commands, check the validity of any commands, and check if the game is over (either in the case that one player wins or there is a draw). Your module must be named tictactoe.ko once it is compiled.

A minimal solution to this project does not have to implement any sort of AI to determine what move to make when it is the computer's turn. It may simply choose a random valid move.

The set of commands that your module must support the user supplying from user-space, as well as the expected responses are described below. Each command consists of a two-digit command code followed by any arguments that are required for the command, and ends with a newline ('\n') character. Please note that you should always check the data sent in by the user for validity!

Your code may make the assumption that no more than one command is ever present in one write to your module and that if a write does not end in a newline character that it is invalid. Additionally, if multiple writes to your device occur without an intervening read, you shall return only the most recent response when a read does come in.

Any illegal commands shall respond with "UNKCMD\n". Improperly formatted commands shall respond with "INVFMT\n". If you wish to add additional error codes not covered here, document them in your README. All error codes must end with a newline character and be no more than 8 characters long (not counting the newline).

Commands must match the input and output described above exactly to be considered valid. It is not valid to change the output of the 01 command to return the data in a pictorial representation, for instance — this would be something that should be handled in a user-space program that interacts with your character device. If the input to your character device does not match exactly the format described above, then you shall return an invalid format error.

If you wish to add any additional commands to this list (for debugging purposes, for instance), the command code used must be two digits long and must start with a number greater than or equal to 7. Please document any extra commands you add in your README. Note: You must not make any additional commands required to be called in a normal playthrough of the game — our testcases will not call any such extra commands.

The board shall be oriented such that coordinate (0, 0) corresponds to the upper left corner of the board and such that coordinate (2, 2) corresponds to the lower right corner of the board, as shown in this diagram (which matches the description given for the 01 command):

 (0, 0) | (1, 0) | (2, 0)
 (0, 1) | (1, 1) | (2, 1)
 (0, 2) | (1, 2) | (2, 2)

Your submission for this part of the assignment must include a Makefile that can be used to build your kernel module. All source code for your module and the Makefile to build it must be in a subdirectory of your repository called "module". If you build any test programs for this portion of the project (and you are highly encouraged to do so), you shall place them in a subdirectory of your repository called "test" and include a Makefile to build them with. You shall also document what the test program(s) you created test in your README file. If you write your own driver program, we encourage you to include that in your repository as well in a directory called "driver".

As an example of how this works, please refer to the following example. Lines that start with > are written to the device with write(), whereas lines that start with < are read from the device with read(). Each line below ends with a single newline character (and the greater/less than signs are not included as a part of the data — they are only there for illustrative purposes).

>00 X
>02 1 1
>02 0 0
>02 0 0
>02 1 0
>02 1 2
>00 O
>02 0 0
Required Documentation

You must include a README file in the root of your repository for this part of the assignment, documenting anything that you feel that it would be useful to tell us as a part of grading the assignment, as well as any references outside of the course materials that you may have used in the development of this assignment.

Program to interact with the module

In order to facilitate the gameplay, we are providing a simple program that can interact with the kernel module. The source code to this program can be found at this link. You may write your own similar program if you wish, but please be sure that it implements the correct specification for the communications between the kernel module and user-space described above. Please note that this program does not have support for any of the extra credit.

Extra Credit (Up to 10% of project grade)

In order to qualify for any extra credit, you must make a reasonable attempt to complete all of the required portions of the assignment (including those in part 2). If you do not complete any portion of the assignment, including required documentation, you will not qualify for any extra credit you attempt! Extra credit on this assignment is not designed to help you make up for not attempting parts of the assignment that may be more difficult.

Any extra credit earned on this project will be applied toward the grade you receive on the assignment. That is to say, it is possible to earn more than a 100% on this assignment.

For part 1 of the project, there are three tasks that you can undertake in order to earn extra credit. Each of these tasks is worth 3% of your project grade, with an extra 1% if you attempt all three. The three tasks you can do to earn extra credit are detailed below (you may attempt them in any order you see fit).

  1. Implement some form of artificial intelligence in your computer player for the game. For instance, if the computer sees that the human player has two marks in a row, it should place a mark to block the human from getting three in a row, if possible. In addition, it should make sensible moves that lead toward the goal of winning the game.
  2. Allow for multiple file descriptors to be opened to the kernel module, each one representing a separate game state. That is to say that if there are five different programs open on your machine, each with a file descriptor open to the module, then each one should represent its own game in progress. Moves from one game should not affect any other games (obviously).
  3. Allow for two "human" players to play against each other using the module. To this end, you will need to add two new commands to the module, described below:
    • 04 — Creates a two human-player game and initializes the game board. Player 1 will be X and Player 2 will be O. Player 1 will continue to specify their moves by way of the 02 command from above. Replies with "OK\n" on success. This command takes no arguments.
    • 05 X Y — Performs a move for Player 2. Otherwise works the same as the 02 command above.

You may work on extra credit for Part 1 of the project after Part 1 is due. If you choose to do so, please make another directory in your repository called "module-ec" to continue your work there. DO NOT CHANGE YOUR "module" DIRECTORY OR ANY FILES IN IT AFTER YOU HAVE SUBMITTED PART 1 OF THE ASSIGNMENT OR IT WILL BE MARKED AS LATE. Also, do not allow work on the extra credit to distract you from completing Part 2 of the project.

Part 2: Chess (60% of Project 2 Grade)

In part 2 of this assignment, you will be implementing a kernel module that can be used to play against the user in a game of chess. Once again, this will be implemented by way of a virtual device driver that the user can read/write with commands, much like in part 1 (except the device's entry shall be /dev/chess). The kernel module shall be compiled to a file named chess.ko.

A minimal solution to this part of the project need not implement any sort of complex AI for determining the CPU's move — you may randomly select a piece and then randomly make any valid move for that piece when a CPU move is requested. However, you must ensure that the CPU does not attempt to make any invalid moves (i.e, ones that move pieces incorrectly or ones that place their king in check).

Required Design Document

You will be required to include a design document along with your kernel module for part 2 of the project, describing in detail your choices for any data structures used, determining if moves are valid, determining if either the player or CPU is in check, and determining if a checkmate has occurred. In addition, if any extra credit is attempted, it must be fully described in the design document as well. This design document is a significant portion of your grade on this part of the assignment — 1/3 of your Part 2 grade (20% of the total grade on this project).

While we are not prescribing any particular template to be used for your design document, we do expect it to be of a significant length. We expect that your design document will consist of at least 4 double-spaced pages with 12 point fonts (Helvetica, Times, Arial, or Times New Roman), 1 inch margins, and Letter sized pages. You may include diagrams as needed, but any diagrams do not count toward your page count (nor do title pages, tables of contents, bibliographies, code segments from your project, etc). Your design document must be a PDF file named "design.pdf" and be in the root directory of your project2-part2 repository.

We expect that the design document would be sufficient for a relatively proficient kernel programmer (who knows how to play chess) to recreate your kernel module without consulting with your code, especially in the areas of how you checked the validity of moves, checked if either player is in check after a move, and determined which moves the CPU would make.

Move Notation

There are many different forms of notation for recording moves in the game of chess, each of which has its own pros and cons. To ensure that moves can be notated in a descript, yet compact form, we are requiring the following format for moves to be notated in your assignment (for sending player moves into the module).

A move shall be notated starting with a two-letter abbreviation of the piece that is being moved. White pieces shall start with a 'W' character, while black pieces shall start with a 'B'. After the color designation shall appear an abbreviation of the piece's rank: 'K' for king, 'Q' for queen, 'B' for bishop, 'N' for knight, 'R' for rook, and 'P' for pawn. After the piece abbreviation shall be the piece's location before the move as a two character position (columns are labeled a through h from left to right and rows are labeled 1 through 8 from bottom (where the white player's pieces start the game) to top (where the black player's pieces start the game), per the normal conventions of the game of chess. After the starting location of the piece, there shall be a hyphen ('-') character, followed by the location that the piece is moved to (in the same format as the starting location above). If any of the opponent's pieces are captured by the move, then an 'x' character shall be appended after the ending location, followed by the two-character abbreviation of the piece that was captured. There are two exceptions to this format for two special moves that are allowed. Support for these moves (castling and the en passant capture) is part of the extra credit for this part of the project, and will be described in the extra credit section.

Here are a few examples of moves that could be seen in a normal game (not necessarily in the same game):

If a pawn reaches the other side of the board without being captured, it is promoted to a piece of the player's choosing. The pawn may be promoted to any piece of the same player's color, other than a pawn or king, even if this would mean there are more of a piece on the board than is allowed at the start of the game. This shall be notated in the move by appending a 'y' character, followed by the two letter abbreviation of the piece that the pawn is being promoted to. Below are a few examples:

Please note that only pawns may be promoted in this way. No other piece gets any bonus for reaching the other side of the board. Also, pawns must be promoted when they reach the other side of the board, as there is no other valid move for them to make once they do (pawns can only move forward).

Board Notation

When a user-space program requests the layout of the board from the module, it will reply with two characters for each square of the game board in row order. The two characters shall be the abbreviation of the piece that occupies that square (from the move notation above), or '**' for an unoccupied square of the board. The first two characters shall be for square a1, followed by b1, c1, d1, e1, f1, g1, h1, a2, and so on until you reach square h8.


The set of commands that the user-space program will use to interact with your kernel module is described below. As with Part 1 of this assignment, a valid command will end with a newline character.

Your code may make the assumption that no more than one command is ever present in one write to your module and that if a write does not end in a newline character that it is invalid. Additionally, if multiple writes to your device occur without an intervening read, you shall return only the most recent response when a read does come in.

As with Part 1 of this assignment, any illegal commands shall respond with "UNKCMD\n" and any improperly formatted commands shall respond with "INVFMT\n". Once again, if you wish to add additional error codes not covered here, document them in your README, subject to the same requirements in Part 1 (no more than 8 characters and ending in a newline).

If you wish to add any additional commands to this list (for debugging purposes, for instance), the command code used must be two digits long and must start with a number greater than or equal to 7. Please document any such commands in your README. As with Part 1, you must not require any such commands to be called in a normal playthrough as our test programs will not call any such commands.

Repository Layout

Your submission for this part of the project must include a Makefile that can be used to build your kernel module. All source code for your module and the Makefile used to build it must be in a subdirectory of your project2-part2 repository called "module". If you build any test programs for this portion of the project and wish to share them with us, you must place them in a subdirectory of your repository called "test" and include a Makefile to build them. You shall also document what these test programs do in your README file. Any driver program that you might write that you wish to share with us shall go in a directory called "driver" in your repository.

Program to interact with the module

The TA for section 04 (John) has graciously provided a server/viewer application for interacting with your module. You can find that at this link. Please note that this program does not handle the extra credit portions of this project.

Extra Credit

Like with Part 1 of this project, extra credit cannot be used to make up for any part of the project that is not attempted. The extra credit for this part of the project can add up to 30% on top of your project grade. Each piece of the extra credit is worth a different amount, which is noted with each option. Some parts of the extra credit may require you to complete other parts of the extra credit to qualify, so please pay careful attention to the requirements listed below. If you attempt multiple parts of the extra credit, you must ensure that all of the parts you attempt work together properly.

As this is extra credit, the TAs and instructors will not answer any technical questions about it. Clarification questions are fine, but we will not help you implement the extra credit in any way. Do not ask.

If you attempt any part of the extra credit, you must document it in your design document for part 2 in full and you must also document it in your README. Failure to document your extra credit in both the design document and your README will forfeit any points that you may have otherwise earned for it.

Two human player chess (2% of final project grade)

To complete this option, you must allow for two human players, like in the extra credit for Part 1. To do this, once again, you will be adding a few new commands, as described below:

If the 03 command is used in a two-player game, it shall reply with "ILLCMD\n".

Allow multiple games at once (3% of final project grade)

To complete this portion of the extra credit, you must allow for multiple open file descriptors to the /dev/chess module to each represent their own game. That is to say if there are five different programs on your VM each opening a file descriptor to /dev/chess then there can be five different games in progress. Moves from one game should not affect any other games.

Allow saving/resuming of games of chess (5% of final project grade)

To complete this portion of the extra credit, you must implement an additional command to serialize the entire playthrough of a game. This means that the command will open a file and write out to that file the exact commands that have been used (successfully) to mutate the game board to the state it is in when the request is made. As the normal 03 command does not capture the moves made by the AI player, the 06 command from the first part of this extra credit must be used to represent any AI moves (this is the exception mentioned above). In addition, there will be another command added to load the state of the game from a file written by this command. To do this, you must store every move made in every game and keep track of the ordering of those moves. Your save files will consist of only the following commands: 00, 02, 04, 05, 06, and 07 (this means it is possible to save a game that has been completed, such as one that ended with a player resigning). Each line of the file should be terminated by a newline character. To implement this functionality, you must add two new commands to your program to serialize and deserialize game state:

Detection of Stalemate (2% of final project grade)

To complete this portion of the extra credit, you must implement detection for a stalemate condition in the game of chess. A stalemate condition is one where one of the players is not in check but has no legal move to make when it is time to take their turn. This results in a tie game being declared. To this end, you must modify the handlers for any commmands that are used for taking a turn (02, 03, and 06) to check if the next player has a valid move to make. If not, these commands shall reply to their corresponding read() with "TIE\n" to represent that the game has ended in a stalemate.

Support for Castling and En Passant captures (3% of final project grade)

To complete this portion of the extra credit, you must implement support in your move handling commmands for the special moves of castling and en passant captures. These moves have their own special rules associated with them, and you must enforce them properly. If the user attempts to make such a move and it is not valid to do so, you must give them an appropriate error code in return and not change the state of the game. Please pay careful attention to the rules of each of these move types. Implementing one of these special moves properly is worth 1% of your final project grade as extra credit — implementing both properly is worth 3%.

To notatate a castling move, you shall essentially encode both moves on one line, separated by a colon (:) character, with the King's move before the colon and the Rook's move after it. For instance, the white player castling king-side would be notated as WKe1-g1:WRh1-f1.

To notate an en passant capture, you must note what space the pawn that was captured was actually in. Thus, the capture notation for this one move must be modified. Please note that this only applies to the en passant capture, and does not modify the notation for any other captures. For instance, if a black pawn that is currently sitting in square b4 were to capture a white pawn moving from a2 to a4 by way of an en passant, it would be notated in the following way: BPb4-a3xWPa4.

Chess AI (up to 10% of final project grade)

To complete this portion of the extra credit, you must implement an AI that applies some form of computation to determine moves and document what the strategy you implemented does. The more complex the strategy employed (and stronger the AI that you produce is at chess), the more points you can earn here. This part of the extra credit is fairly open-ended in what you can do and how many points that can be earned. However, to complete this portion of the assignment and earn points for it, you must have implemented the saving and loading game feature from the above part of the extra credit as it will be used in the evaluation of the AI.

Chess Tournament (up to 5% of final project grade)

For those that attempt all of the other portions of the extra credit on this part of the project, there will be the chance to compete in a chess tournament versus all of the other students who do likewise (in all sections). You must complete all of the above parts of the extra credit to qualify for the tournament! Also, you must turn in the project by the stated due date in order to qualify for the tournament! The champion chess AI implementation will earn 5% extra credit. The other finalist will earn 4%. The two losing semi-finalists will each earn 2%.

Submission Instructions

The submission of this project follows the same procedure that you used for Homework 1, rather than that of project 0 and project 1. That is to say that you will use the git init command to create a blank repository in a directory, add files to the repository with git add, commit them to your local repository with git commit, set the remote location with git remote add, and push changes up to your GitHub repository with git push. You are not required to make any tags on your repositories for this project (unlike HW1). You will follow the same process for part 2 that you do for part 1 of this assignment, with the repository created for that part.

You should also verify that your changes are reflected in the GitHub repository by viewing your repository in your web browser.


Below is a list of references that you may find useful in your quest to complete this project:

If in doubt, the Kernel API, Kernel Module Programming Guide, and Linux Cross Reference should be your ultimate guides.

What to do if you want to lose points on this project

Any of the following will cause a significant point loss on this project.

Please do not make us take off points for any of these things!

Last Modified: Thursday, 03-Sep-2020 22:59:01 EDT