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Standard Commands in PAULMON2

PAULMON2 has nine built-in commands. The keys assigned to each command can be configured when PAULMON2 is assembled. The letters shown here represent the default keys for each command
M - List programs
Attempt to locate programs in memory and display a list. To find a program, if must have a 64 byte program header. For example:
PAULMON2 (beta4) Loc:0100 > List programs

Program Name                     Location      Type
  List                             1000      External command
  Single-Step                      1400      External command
  On-Line Docs                     1700      External command
R - Run program
Allows you to run programs which have a 64 byte header indicating they are programs. This provides a simple means to run a program without having to specify which memory location to jump to. For programs without the 64 byte header, use the Jump command. While the program is running, it has complete control over the processor... PAULMON2 is not still running. If the program crashes (infinite loop), the only way to return to PAULMON2 is to reset the processor.

D - Download
The download command allows PAULMON2 to receive an Intel-Hex file, which is written into memory as it is received. After executing this command, you need to transmit your intel-hex file to PAULMON2. Since the Intel-Hex is a text only format, the ascii-send feature in your terminal emulation program should work. A protocol such as xmodem or zmodem should not be used. The Intel-Hex format includes information specifing where the data is to be written into memory, so the memory pointer value is not used.

When downloading to RAM, PAULMON2 can accept data at the maximum possible rate, so it is not necessary to use character pacing or other delays. To abort a download, just press <ESC>. As PAULMON2 receives each line of Intel-Hex data, it prints a period. When a download is finished or aborted, a brief summary is shown.

PAULMON2 (beta4) Loc:2000 > Download

Begin ascii transfer of Intel hex file, or ESC to abort

Download completed

 249  lines received
 3923  bytes received
 3923  bytes written
No errors detected
If the download command reports errors attempting to write, such as:
 246  lines received
 3834  bytes received
 630  bytes written
 3204  bytes unable to write
then it has correctly received the Intel-Hex, but the memory which was specifed by the Intel-Hex file is read-only. In this example, many of the read-only memory locations contained the same data (because it was a new revision of the same code), so PAULMON2 verfied 630 of the bytes as correctly written.

When PAULMON2 received a corrupted input, a summary similar to this will be printed:

 3  lines received
 62  bytes received
 62  bytes written
 1  bad checksums
 2  unexpected begin of line
 17  unexpected hex digits
 2  unexpected non hex digits
U - Upload
The upload command allows you to specify a portion of memory which is to be transmitted to your computer in Intel-Hex format. After the memory range is specified, PAULMON2 prompts for a keypress before transmitting, so you can activate a "capture" feature in your terminal emulation program to save the incoming data to disk. A typical upload may look like this:
PAULMON2 (beta4) Loc:0100 > Upload

First Location: 0000
Last Location:  003A

Sending Intel hex file from  0000  to  003A
Press any key: 
N - New location
This allow you to change the memory pointer:
PAULMON2 (beta6) Loc:8000 > New location

New memory location: 2C00

PAULMON2 (beta6) Loc:2C00 >
J - Jump to memory location
The Jump command allows you to jump directly to a program. PAULMON2 pushes 0000 onto the stack, so a program which terminates with "RET" will rerun PAULMON2. If the program crashes (infinite loop), the only way to return to PAULMON2 is to reset the processor.

H - Hex dump memory
The Hex Dump command allows you to inspect the external memory. 256 bytes are printed in hexidecimal and ascii, beginning at the location of the memory pointer. The data is read from code memory (with MOVC).
PAULMON2 (beta6) Loc:2100 > Hex dump memory

2100: FD 31 3F 40 C6 CD 12 20 6A ED C0 E0 31 1D D0 E0   }1?@FM  jm@`1 P`
2110: 2A FA E4 3B FB DC B4 C3 8A 82 8B 83 22 EB C4 54   *zd;{\4C    "kDT
2120: F0 FB EA C4 54 0F 4B FB EA C4 54 F0 FA 22 EA C4   p{jDT K{jDTpz"jD
2130: 54 0F FA EB C4 54 F0 4A FA EB C4 54 0F FB 22 C3   T zkDTpJzkDT {"C
2140: C0 F0 94 30 F5 F0 94 0A 40 06 E5 F0 94 07 F5 F0   @p 0up  @ ep  up
2150: E5 F0 C3 54 F0 60 01 D3 E5 F0 D0 F0 22 C0 E0 C4   epCTp` SepPp"@`D
2160: 54 0F 24 F6 50 02 24 07 24 3A 11 6A D0 E0 C0 E0   T $vP $ $: jP`@`
2170: 54 0F 24 F6 50 02 24 07 24 3A 11 6A D0 E0 22 C0   T $vP $ $: jP`"@
2180: E0 E5 83 31 5D E5 82 31 5D D0 E0 22 C0 E0 E4 93   `e 1]e 1]P`"@`d 
2190: A3 60 0A A2 E7 54 7F 11 6A 40 02 80 F1 D0 E0 22   #` "gT j@  qP`"
21A0: 90 2D 50 11 45 EF 31 5D EE 31 5D 11 06 75 83 10    -P Eo1]n1]  u  
21B0: F1 BB 50 2F 75 82 08 E4 93 B4 A5 23 05 82 E4 93   q;P/u  d 4%#  d 
21C0: B4 64 1C C0 83 74 DA C0 E0 74 21 C0 E0 05 82 E4   4d @ tZ@`t!@`  d
21D0: 93 C0 E0 05 82 E4 93 C0 E0 22 D0 83 12 20 06 05    @`  d @`"P     
21E0: 83 21 B0 90 2D 60 31 8C 11 62 11 16 75 F0 A0 C0    !0 -`1  b  up @
21F0: F0 75 F0 21 C0 F0 F5 F0 90 10 00 F1 BB 50 21 75   pup!@pup   q;P!u
I - Hex dump internal memory
This command displays a dump of the internal memory, for example:
PAULMON2 (beta7) Loc:FFF0 > Hex dump internal memory

00: 00 00 00 00 43 03 F0 FF 55 55 55 55 AA AA AA AA
10: 55 55 55 55 AA AA AA AA 55 55 55 55 AA AA AA AA
20: 55 55 55 55 AA AA AA AA 55 55 55 55 AA AA AA AA
30: 55 A0 01 E6 07 0A 00 01 43 31 0F 48 0B 00 0B AA
40: 55 55 55 55 AA AA AA AA 55 55 55 55 AA AA AA AA
50: 55 55 55 55 AA AA AA AA 55 55 55 55 AA AA AA AA
60: 55 55 55 55 AA AA AA AA 55 55 55 55 AA AA AA AA
70: 55 55 55 55 AA AA AA AA E2 33 AA FF AA AA AA AA
This function can be useful to examine the internal memory after a user program has run. However, PAULMON2 uses internal RAM, so the following memory ranges are likely to have been overwritten by PAULMON2, shown in red above.

Memory RangeUsage by PAULMON2
00 to 07Registers R0 to R7
10 to 1FUsed during Download (Error counts)
31 to 40Stack
78 to 7BBaud rate storage for warm reset

E - Editing external ram
The Edit command allows you to write directly into the external memory. (add some more here...)

C - Clear memory
The Clear command provides an easy way to fill a range of memory with zeros. Because RAM chips often power up with "garbage" in them, this is usually used to get a "clean" memory, so it's easy to see the "real" data.

PAULMON2 Documentation, Paul Stoffregen
Last updated: November 28, 2003
Status: This page almost done... need to do edit command
Suggestions, comments, bug reports??? <paul@pjrc.com>