CMSC 104 -- Problem Solving & Computer Programming | Section 0101, Instructor: John Y. Park

Section 0101 Course Schedule

*** You will be notified by your instructor in advance of any major changes to this schedule ***

L01 Wed 8/27 Introduction --- Get your myUMBC account
L02 Wed 9/3 Machine Architecture, Binary 1.1 - 1.2 ---
L03 Mon 9/8 Operating Systems & Using Linux --- ---
LAB 1 Wed 9/10 UNIX, pine, xemacs --- HW1 out (e-mail exercise)
LAB 2, L03b Mon 9/15 More UNIX, Internet: lab + mini-lecture --- ---
L04, L05 Wed 9/17 Algorithms I, II 1.4 - 1.5 HW1 due
L06 Mon 9/22 Algorithms III 1.4 - 1.5 HW2 out (algorithms)
L06b Wed 9/24 More Algorithms --- ---
L07 Mon 9/29 Introduction to C 2.1 - 2.4, 2.6 HW2 due
L08 Wed 10/1 Variables in C 2.1 - 2.4 ---
LAB 3 Mon 10/6 The C Compiler --- HW3 out (in class lab exercise)
L09 Wed 10/8 Arithmetic Operators 2.5 ---
EXAM Mon 10/13 Exam 1 --- ---
L10 Wed 10/15 Relational Operators 4.2 - 4.4 HW3 due, Proj1 out
L11 Mon 10/20 while Loops 5A.1 - 5A.3 ---
L12 Wed 10/22 More Loops 5A.4 - 5A.6 Proj1 due FRIDAY, Oct. 24
L13 Mon 10/27 Assignment Operators 5A.3 - 5A.4 Proj2 out
L14 Wed 10/29 switch 4.8 Friday is H A L L O W E E N ! !
LAB 4 Mon 11/3 Lab Exercise (switch, for loops) --- ---
L15 Wed 11/5 Functions I --- Proj2 due Friday, Nov. 7
L16 Mon 11/10 Functions II 3.2 - 3.5 ---
LAB 5, L17 Wed 11/12 Functions III (Lab Exercise) 3.2 - 3.5 Proj3 out; Proj2 extension: due Nov. 12
EXAM Mon 11/17 Exam 2 --- ---
L18 Wed 11/19 Arrays I 6.1 - 6.5 ---
L19 Mon 11/24 Arrays II 6.1 - 6.5 Proj4 out; Proj3 due TUESDAY, Nov. 25
--- Wed 11/26 Optional Review Lecture: Topics TBA --- H A P P Y   T H A N K S G I V I N G ! !
--- Mon 12/1 Arrays Lab Exercise --- ---
L20 Wed 12/3 Searching & Sorting 6.6 - 6.8 ---
L21 Mon 12/8 Miscellaneous topics, Review 5.1 - 5.5 Proj4 due TUESDAY, Dec. 9
EXAM Mon 12/15 Exam 3 --- 6:00pm - 8:00pm, ITE 233

Last modified: Wednesday, 03-Dec-2008 15:57:00 EDT