UMBC CMSC 471 Intro to AI, Spring 2022
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UMBC CMSC 471 Spring 2022
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Using GitHub for your Homework

We'll use GitHub Classroom for homework assignments -- for distributing home work material such as starter code, for submitting your work, and for feedback. You will need to have an account on GitHub which has special programs for students. For each homework we will distribute a URL that you will access to Create your private repository on GitHub for the assignment. We've outlined the steps you should take to use this for your assignment.

  1. Visit the URL link for the homework
  2. If you have a GitHub account, login. If not create an account.
  3. Once you are logged in, you will be asked to "Accept the assignment". Do it!
  4. A private git repository for the homework assignment will then be automatically created for you as a branch of the class started repository and a link to the repository provided. Click on the link to go to the your homework repository.
  5. For HW1 this will only include a file. In future homework assignments, it might include files with starter code that you will have to complete, supporting files and data.
  6. In your homework repository view, click on the green box that says clone or download, which will popup a window that says "Clone with HTTPS". Copy the URL shown by clicking on the clipboard icon to its right.
  7. If git is not already installed on the computer you want to use to develop your homework, you will need to install it. Here is help on this for common operating systems.
  8. Go to a command-line window on the computer where you will do the homework (e.g., your laptop or the gl server). Change (e.g., cd) to the directory where you will have subdirectories for each 471 homework assignment. Enter the command "git clone" followed by the URL which you can paste into the window. This will create a copy of your HW1 repository on your computer.
  9. Edit the files locally. If you create additional files, use the git add command to make them part of the repository. When you are done, use the git commit and git push commands to upload your files to the to the 471 classroom repo on GitHub.