Implementing Point Class

The Point class represents the x- and y-coordinates of a single point in the coordinate plane.

Creating Instance Variables

Create two private instance variables of type integer for the x-coordinate and y-coordinate of a point.

Creating a Constructor

Create a public constructor that takes two parameters with the first parameter being the x-coordinate and the second parameter being the y-coordinate. Assign the x- and y-coordinate parameters to the corresponding instance variables.(See Lab3-Step3 on how to create constructors.)

public Point ( int x, int y )
	// Add your code here
	// Assign the x-coordinate parameter to the instance variable x
	// Assign the y-coordinate parameter to the instance variable y

Creating Accessors

Create accessors for the two instance variables. (See Lab3-Step3 on how to create accessors.)

Ceating Point Mutators

Create the mutators for the point class.