Supercomputer(n): “A computer which turns a CPU-bound problem into an I/O-bound problem” -- Ken Batcher

Here is a listing of some of my efforts in writing parallel I/O tools.
The basics involve splitting a file into pieces then distributing and receiving the pieces in parallel then reassembling the file, often from multiple computers and/or disks.
This process will always be the slowest piece of any supercomputing system, which is why it’s performance and levels of parallelism is vital.

threaded copy: A tool that uses a parallel memory mapped I/O technique to move large files on multicore systems with hundreds of GB memory.

Freeloader: A high performance storage scavenging infrastructure for networked workstations and scientific data, demonstrated fast, scalable parallel data striping.

Concurrent cURL: Using cURL, this script uses multiple nodes of a cluster to get pieces of a single file through ftp. This is the easiest way to saturate your available download bandwidth.