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CMSC 455 Numerical Computations

Class schedule, topic and assignments

Tuesday and Thursday 6:00pm to 9:00pm ITE 227

Reading assignments: pages from Applied Numerical Analysis

by Gerald and Wheatley ISBN 0-321-13304-8

Subject to change. Check periodically.

Cls Date   Subject                                 Reading     Homework
                                                   and Notes   assigned due
 1. 5/29   Introduction, Overview, floating point  Lect 1

 2. 5/29   Rocket Science                          Lect 2       HW1

 3. 5/29   Solving Simultaneous Equations          Lect 3
           Case Study, matrix inversion            Lect 3a
           Parallel processing with MPI (optional) Lect 3b
           Equation Boundary Reduction (optional)  Lect 3c
           openMP parallel computing (optional)    Lect openMP

 4. 5/31   Least Square Fit                        Lect 4       HW2

 5. 5/31   Polynomials                             Lect 5

 6. 5/31   Curve Fitting                           Lect 6 

 7. 6/5    Numerical Integration                   Lect 7       HW3    HW1

 8. 6/5    Numerical Integration 2                 Lect 8

 9. 6/5    Review                                  Lect 9

10. 6/7   Quiz 1                                  Lect 10             HW2

11. 6/7   Complex Arithmetic                       Lect 11
           More Complex Arithmetic                 Lect 11a

12. 6/12   Complex Functions                       Lect 12

13. 6/12   Eigenvalues of a Complex Matrix         Lect 13

14. 6/14   LAPACK                                  Lect 14              HW3

15. 6/14   Multiple precision, bignum              Lect 15      HW4 

16. 6/14   Finding Roots and Nonlinear Equations   Lect 16

17. 6/19   Optimization, finding minima            Lect 17      proj

18. 6/19   FFT, Fast Fourier Transform             Lect 18      HW5
           Digital Filtering, db sound             Lect 18a
           Molecular frequency response, light     Lect 18b

19. 6/19   Review                                  Lect 19

20. 6/21   Quiz 2  after lectures                  Lect 20              HW4

21. 6/21   Benchmarks, time and size               Lect 21      HW6     

22. 6/21   Project Discussion                      Lect 22

23. 6/21   Computing Volume and Area               Lect 23

24. 6/26   Numerical Differentiation               Lect 24
           Computing Partial Derivatives           Lect 24a
           Polar, Cylindrical, Spherical           Lect 24b
           Fourth order Spherical                  Lect 24b4

25. 6/26   Ordinary differential equations         Lect 25              HW5

26. 6/26   Ordinary differential equations 2       Lect 26

27. 6/28    Partial differential equations          Lect 27
           Partial differential equations initial  Lect 27b
           Differential equation definitions       Lect 27a
28. 6/28   Partial differential equations          Lect 28              HW6
           High order, high dimensional            Lect 28a
           Optional Biharmonic PDE case study      Lect 28d
           Optional Navier Stokes case study       Lect 28b
           Optional 5D five dimensions             Lect 28e
           Optional 6D six dimensions Biharmonic   Lect 28f
           Optional extending to 7 dimensions      Lect 28g
           Optional extending to 8 dimensions      Lect 28k
           Optional extending to 9 dimensions      Lect 28m

29. 6/28   Optional Creating PDE Test Cases         Lect 31
29.       Optional complex variables PDE           Lect 31z
29. 6/28  Review                                   Lect 29

30. 7/3    Final Exam  6:00 ITE 227                Lect 30               proj

           Optional more ODE PDE definitiona       in Lect 27b
           Optional nonlinear PDE                  Lect 31b
           Optional parallel solution of PDE       Lect 31c
           Optional parallel multiple precision PDELect 31d
           Optional fem_50 case study              Lect 28c
           Optional PDE timing case study          PDE timing
           Optional cylinder, sphere PDE           Lect 28h
           Optional toroid PDE                     Lect 28j
           Optional Finite Element Method          Lect 32
           Optional Finite Element Method, tria    Lect 33
           Optional Lagrange Fit triangles         Lect 33a
           Optional Special PDE's                  Lect 36
           Optional Sea of Unknown Points          Lect 36a
           Optional Comparisons, methods, settings Lect 36b
           Optional Various utility functions      Lect 37
           Optional Open Tutorial on LaTex         Lect 38
           Optional Tutorial on numerical DE's     Lect 39
           Optional Unique numerical solution DE's Lect 40
           Optional Numerically solving AC circuitsLect 41
           Optional Numerically Compute permanent  Lect 42
           System of ODE with solution eigenvalues Lect 43
           Optional Large discrete PDE in sections Lect 44
           Optional Airfoil  lift and drag  coeff  Lect air
           Optional Continuum Hypothesis           Lect con
           Optional openMP parallel computing      Lect openMP
           Optional Functional Programming         Lect functional
           Optional Derivatives of Sum G           Lect Derivatives of Sum
           Optional WEB PDE with equations         Lect WEB input PDE
           Optional MATLAB examples                MATLAB for ODE and PDE
           Optional parallel threads examples      parallel threads examples matrix multiply

    No late homework or projects accepted after midnight July 5, 2018
    Late penalty is 10% per class, limit 50% penalty.
    * submitted, not graded until next weekend (not late for a while)
    "optional" means no homework and no exam questions on that lecture.

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Last updated 5/28/2018