[CMSC 437] | [Syllabus] | [Lecture Notes] | [Homework] | [Projects] | [Files] | [Notes, all]

CMSC 437 GUI Programming Syllabus, Spring 2005

Class schedule, topic and assignments

Tuesday 2:30-3:45 ECS 104

Thursday 2:30-3:45 ECS 122

Reading assignments: Interactive Computer Graphics,

A Top-Down Approach Using OpenGL, Third Edition

by Edward Angel ISBN 0-201-77343-0

Subject to change. Check periodically.

Cls Date   Subject                                 Reading     Homework
                                                   and Notes   assigned due
 1. 2/1    Introduction
           Overview of X Windows, Motif-Lesstif,   Lect 1      HW1
           OpenGL-Mesa, Microsoft Windows,         1.1-1.2
           Java applications and applets.

 2. 2/3    Examples and sample files               Lect 2
           Installation and
           edit, compile and run a program.        Start

 3. 2/8    Colors and Graphic images.              Lect 3

 4. 2/10   Multiple Windows and Motion             Lect 4
           Help to pick your project               2.1-2.3
 5. 2/15   Menu design and implementation.         Lect 5      HW2   HW1

 6. 2/17   Getting user data, text and numbers.    Lect 6
           Basic mouse input.

 7. 2/22   Lighting in 3D                          Lect 7
           Definitions and equations               Ch 6

 8. 2/24   Texture mapping in 3D                   Lect 8

 9. 3/1    Texture and bump mapping                7.6-7.7
           Review 1                                Lect 9

10. 3/3    Quiz 1                                  Lect 10

11. 3/8    Painters algorithm. Display list.       Lect 11     HW3   HW2
           Select, delete, move, front, back.
           Snap to grid.

12. 3/10   Pan and zoom, scroll bars               Lect 12
           Rubber band sizing.

13. 3/15   Text sizes and fonts.                   Lect 13

14. 3/17   Perspective Viewing, Resize Choices     Lect 14     HW4   HW3
           Transformation Matrices                 5.1-5.5

15. 3/29   Capturing Screen                        Lect 15

16. 3/31   More Graphics Math                      Lect 16
                                                   10.1 - 10.8

17. 4/5    Writing and restoring users work        Lect 17

18. 4/7    Rendering survey                        Lect 18

19. 4/12   Review 2                                Lect 19

20. 4/14   Quiz 2                                  Lect 20

21. 4/19   Curves and Surfaces                     Lect 21     HW5   HW4

22. 4/21   Windowing Systems                       Lect 22

23. 4/26   Movie about graphics                    Lect 23

24. 4/28   Data Structures for Rendering           Lect 24

25. 5/3    Data Structures for Rendering Cont.     Lect 25
           (includes lecture 26 this semester)

26. 5/5    3D with motion                          Lect 26     HW6   HW5

           (Includes Lecture 28 this semester)

27. 5/10   Output graphics as JPEG, xx.jpg  and    Lect 27           HW6
           PostScript, xx.ps.                                        Project

28. 5/12   Kinematics and timing                   Lect 28
           practice projects, screen, hookup 
           (No lecture this semester, given 5/5)

29. 5/17   Review                                  Lect 29
           demonstration of projects

30. 5/24   Final Exam 1:00-3:00                    Lect 30
           demonstration of projects

    No late homework or project accepted after midnight 5/24
    Late penalty is 10% per class, limit 50% penalty.
    * submitted, not graded until next weekend (not late for a while)

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Last updated 5/5/05