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Lecture 16, Finding Roots and Nonlinear Equations

Finding Roots

First, a special case, the "roots of unity" x +1=0 root is x=-1 x^2+1=0 roots are x=i x=-i i=sqrt(-1) x^3+1=0 roots are x=-1 x=1/2 +i sqrt(3)/2 x=1/2 -i sqrt(3)/2 x^4+1=0 roots are x=+sqrt(2)/2 +i sqrt(2)/2 (all four combinations of +/-) Note that all roots are on the unit circle in the complex plane. Consider the Maple root finding for x^12+1=0 : root12g.html In general the roots of a polynomial are complex numbers. A general purpose root finder for polynomials is difficult to develop. Fortunately, some very smart people have written the function, cpoly, that can take a general polynomial with complex coefficients and find the complex roots. It also works with real coefficients and real roots. MatLab root finding for polynomials is just r = roots(p) Where p is the vector of polynomial coefficients and r is the vector of roots. Both r and p may be complex. find_roots.m source code find_roots_m.out output Maple root finding for polynomials, not great: find_roots.mws source code find_roots_mws.out output real and complex work some times. Finding roots of a polynomial seems easy: given c_n x^n + c_n-1 x^n-1 + ... _ c_1 x + c_0 = 0 find a value, x=r, that satisfies the equation, divide the polynomial by (x-r) and thus have a polynomial of one degree lower. Repeat. Done. Unfortunately there are a lot of pitfalls, solved by the codes below. Standard techniques include dividing through by c_n, if c_0 is zero, there is a root equal zero, divide through by x, if highest power is 2, directly solve the quadratic equation. "cpoly" is a very old routine to compute roots of a polynomial with complex coefficients c_0 ... c_n. The Fortran code, including the test program (driver) for cpoly is 419.for in Fortran IV, compiles with g95 419_f.out is the output of many test cases Another version, with an automatic conversion of Fortran to C. The program f2c converts .f to .c it may not be very pretty. It also needs the library that comes with f2c. 419.f driver and cpoly 419.c driver and cpoly The Java code, including the test program (driver) is c419.java in standard Java c419.out is the output of many test cases The Ada code, including the test program (driver) is long_complex_polynomial_roots.ada in Ada To understand how some iterative methods can converge quickly, consider how to compute sqrt when you have no math library: Basically y=sqrt(x) guess y, y_next = (x/y+y)/2, repeat. Do not guess zero for y, x/y does not work, use y = 1 as guess. sqrt.c sqrt_c.out A professional implementation of sqrt would reduce the input, x, to a range from 0.25 to 1.0 by dividing by an even power of 2. The sqrt(x^2n) is just x^n. The square root of a product is the product of the square root of the factors. This can be easy with IEEE floating point numbers because they are stored with an exponent of 2. So, since the sqrt iteration was basically Newtons method, why not just use Newtons method to find roots? here is how it works, even for complex roots. Given: f(x) = 0 guess x x_next = x - f(x)/f'(x) f'(x) is the derivative of f(x) avoid region where slope is zero repeat until |x_next-x| < epsilon newton.c newton_c.out Notice the oscillation in the last few steps. The problem can come from a bad guess that causes a big oscillation. The problem can come from hitting an x where f'(x) is zero. Thus, there have been many workarounds. "cpoly" is one of the most general solutions.

Nonlinear Equations

Other examples: given f(x) = x + 2 x^2 + 3/x = 6 thus f'(x) = 1 + 4 x - 6/x^2 then guess a value of x, Newton iteration is next x = x - f(x)/f'(x) First, expect x=1, we happen to have at least two possible solutions: simple_nl.c simple_nl_c.out Second, expect x=2, have convergence to expected solution: simple2_nl.c simple2_nl_c.out

Systems of Nonlinear Equations

in matrix form, the equations are: A * X = Y | 1 2 3 | | x1 | = | 10.000 | | 2 1 1 | * | x2^2 | = | 6.333 | | 3 1 4 | | 1/x3 | = | 8.333 | A * X = Y from equations that have these derivatives f1(x1, x2, x3) = x1 + 2 x2^2 + 3/x3 = 10 f1'(x1) = 1 f1'(x2) = 4 x2 f1'(x3) = -3/x3^2 f2(x1, x2, x3) = 2 x1 + x2^2 + 1/x3 = 6.333 f2'(x1) = 2 f2'(x2) = 2 x2 f2'(x3) = -1/x3^2 f3(x1, x2, x3) = 3 x1 + x2^2 + 4/x3 = 8.333 f3'(x1) = 3 f3'(x2) = 2 x2 f3'(x3) = -4/x3^2 create the Jacobian | 1 | | 1 4*x2 -3/x3^2 | A * | 2*x2 | = | 2 2*x2 -1/x3^2 | = Ja |-1/x3^2 | | 3 2*x2 -4/x3^2 | A * D = Ja deriv of X wrt x1,x2,x3 The Newton iteration becomes next X = X - (A*X-Y)/Ja, /Ja is times transpose inverse of Ja Ja is, in general, dependent on all variables Three equations in three unknowns, not direct convergence. Experiments show great difference with widely different initial conditions. Two sets of equations with a choice of initial condition. x1, x2, x3 are the variables. equation_nl.c equation_nl_c.out inverse.c used by code above In other languages: equation_nl.adb equation_nl_ada.out inverse.adb equation_nl.f90 equation_nl_f90.out inverse.f90 equation_nl.java equation_nl_java.out inverse.java A system of non linear equations with powers 1, 2, 3, -1 and -2. This example has a lot of debug print and several checks. Added is also, variable control of fctr, a multiplier on how much correction is to be made each iteration. The problem and method are described as comments in the code. equation2_nl.adb equation2_nl_ada.out Same example as above, in various languages, with debug removed: equation2_nl.f90 equation2_nl_f90.out equation2_nl.c equation2_nl_c.out equation2_nl.java equation2_nl_java.out A polynomial nonlinear example that converges with no fctr control. equation4_nl.c equation4_nl_c.out A more general routine for solving a system of nonlinear simultaneous equations A x = y where there are n unknowns and any unknown may be first, second, third power of negative one or negative two power: A is n by n+nonlinear terms. y is n right hand sides of equations x is n+nonlinear, initially the first guess at solution of the linear terms with space for non linear terms. The caller sets up var1 with indices of first power. The caller sets up var2 with indices of second power. The caller sets up var3 with indices of third power. The caller sets up vari1 with indices of negative first power. The caller sets up vari2 with indices of negative second power. Must have each term, then non linear, note: -1 means no term a*x[0] + b*x[0]*x[1]*x[2] + c*x[1]*x[1]*x1[1]/(x[0]*x[2]) = d n=3 variables, nonlinear=2 in this example x[0] x[1] x[2] b c int var1[] = { 0, 1, 2, 0, 1 }; // zero based subscript int var2[] = {-1, -1, -1, 1, 1 }; // e.g. last is x3*x4 int var3[] = {-1, -1, -1, 2, 1 }; // possible cube or 3 term int vari1[] = {-1, -1, -1, -1, 0 }; // zero based subscript int vari2[] = {-1, -1, -1, -1, 2 }; // e.g. last is x3*x4 simeq_newton5.java test_simeq_newton5.java test_simeq_newton5_java.out inverse.java simeq_newton5.py3 test_simeq_newton5.py3 test_simeq_newton5_py3.out
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