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Lecture 3 DFA and regular expressions

 Example of a Deterministic Finite Automata, DFA

 Machine Definition  M = (Q, Sigma, delta, q0, F)
 Q = { q0, q1, q2, q3, q4 } the set of states (finite)
 Sigma = { 0, 1 }           the input string alphabet (finite)
 delta                      the state transition table - below
 q0 = q0                    the starting state
 F = { q2, q4 }             the set of final states (accepting
                            when in this state and no more input)

   delta          |    0    |    1    |
              q0  |   q3    |   q1    |
              q1  |   q1    |   q2    |
    states    q2  |   q2    |   q2    |
              q3  |   q4    |   q3    |
              q4  |   q4    |   q4    |

              ^       ^         ^
              |       |         |
              |       +---------+-- every transition must have a state
              +-- every state must be listed

  An exactly equivalent diagram description for the machine M.
  Each circle is a unique state. The machine is in exactly one state
  and stays in that state until an input arrives. Connection lines
  with arrows represent a state transition from the present state
  to the next state for the input symbol(s) by the line.

 L(M) is the notation for a Formal Language defined by a machine M.
 Some of the shortest strings in L(M) = { 00, 11, 000, 001, 010, 101, 110,
 111, 0000, 0001, 0010, 0011, 0100, 0101, 0110, 1001, ... }

  The regular expression for this state diagram is
  r = (0(1*)0(0+1)*)+(1(0*)1(0+1)*)  using + for or, * for kleene star

    |  V 
  || q3 ||  is a DFA with regular expression  r = (1*)
   \\--//   zero or more sequence of 1 (infinite language)

  1|  v 
  //--\\   is a DFA with regular expression  r = (0+1)*
 || q4 ||  zero or more sequence of 0 or 1 in any order 00 01 10 11 etc
  \\--//   at end because final state (infinite language)

 In words, L is the set of strings over { 0, 1} that contain at least
 two 0's starting with 0, or that contain at least two 1's starting with 1.

 Every input sequence goes through a sequence of states, for example
  00   q0 q3 q4
  11   q0 q1 q2
  000  q0 q3 q4 q4
  001  q0 q3 q4 q4
  010  q0 q3 q3 q4
  011  q0 q3 q3 q3
  0110 q0 q3 q3 q3 q4

Rather abstract, there are tens of millions of DFA being used today.
 practical example DFA

  More information on DFA

More files, examples:
 example data input file reg.dfa 
 example output from dfa.cpp, reg.out 

under development dfa.java  dfa.py

 example output from dfa.java, reg_def_java.out 
 example output from dfa.py, labc_def_py.out 

                 /--\  a   /--\  b   /--\  c   //--\\
labc.dfa is  -->| q0 |--->| q1 |--->| q2 |--->|| q3 ||    using just characters
                 \--/      \--/      \--/      \\--//
 example data input file labc.dfa 
 example output from dfa.py, labc_def_py.out 

For future homework, you can download programs and sample data from
cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/reg.dfa .
                                               and other files

 Definition of a Regular Expression

  A regular expression may be the null string,
     r = epsilon

  A regular expression may be an element of the input alphabet, a in sigma,
     r = a

  A regular expression may be the union of two regular expressions,
     r = r1 + r2              the plus sign is "or"

  A regular expression may be the concatenation (no symbol) of two
  regular expressions,
     r = r1 r2

  A regular expression may be the Kleene closure (star) of a
  regular expression, may be null string or any number of concatenations of r1
     r = r1*    (the asterisk should be a superscript,
                 but this is plain text)

  A regular expression may be a regular expression in parenthesis
     r = (r1)

  Nothing is a regular expression unless it is constructed with only the
  rules given above.

  The language represented or generated by a regular expression is a
  Regular Language, denoted L(r).

  The regular expression for the machine M above is
    r = (1(0*)1(0+1)*)+(0(1*)0(0+1)*)
            \       \ any number of zeros and ones
             \ any number of zero

  Later we will give an algorithm for generating a regular expression from
  a machine definition.  For simple DFA's, start with each accepting
  state and work back to the start state writing the regular expression.
  The union of these regular expressions is the regular expression for
  the machine.

  For every DFA there is a regular language and for every regular language
  there is a regular expression. Thus a DFA can be converted to a
  regular expression and a regular expression can be converted to a DFA.

  Some examples, a regular language with only  0  in alphabet,
  with strings of length 2*n+1 for n>0. Thus infinite language yet
  DFA must have a finite number of states and finite number of
  transitions to accept  {000, 00000, 0000000, ...) 2*n+1 = 3,5,7,...
  The DFA state diagram is

  /--\  0  /--\  0  /--\  0   //--\\  0
 | q0 |-->| q0 |-->| q0 |--->|| q4 ||--+
  \--/     \--/     \--/      \\--//   |
                       ^               |

 Check it out: 000 accepted, then 00000 two more 0 then accepted, ...

 Now, an example of the complement of a regular expression is
 a regular expression. First a DFA that accepts any string with 00
 then a DFA that does not accept any string with 00, the complement.

  |--|<-------+     |--------+       r = ((1)*0)*0(0+1)*
  V  |1       |1    V        |
  /--\  0  /--\  0  //--\\   |1             any  00
-| q0 |-->| q1 |-->|| q2 ||--+              (1)* can be empty string
  \--/     \--/     \\--//   |0
                    ^        |

   |            /--\-+ 1  /--\  0
   |       +-->| q1 |--->| q2 |----+   r = ((1*)+0(1*))*
   V     0 |    \--/  0   \--/---+ |         
  //--\\---+              ^  ^  1| |       no  00
-|| q0 ||                 |  +---+ |
  \\--//---+              +--------+
      ^  1 |              never leaves, never accepted

The general way to create a complement of a regular expression is to
create a new regular expression that has all of the first regular
expression go to phi and all other strings go to a final state.	    
Both regular expressions must have the same alphabet.

Given a DFA and one or more strings, determine if the string(s)
are accepted by the DFA. This may be error prone and time
consuming to do by hand. Fortunately, there is a program
available to do this for you.

On linux.gl.umbc.edu  do the following:

  ln -s /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/dfa dfa
  cp    /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/ab_b.dfa .
  dfa < ab_b.dfa    # or  dfa < ab_b.dfa > ab_a.out

Full information is available at Simulators
The source code for the family of simulators is available.

HW2 is assigned

last update 3/9/2021
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