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display normals to line

Technically a vector can be normal to another vector.
Being "normal" means at 90 degrees, a right angle.
A line is technically a vector with values for x,y,z  [x,y,z]
Given two 3D points p1 and p2, they define a line:
[p2x-p1x, p2y-p1y, p2z-p1z] = [x,y,z] vector.

We call the normal [nx, ny, nz]
Typically length 1.0 = nx*nx + ny*ny + nz*nz

For [nx,ny,nz]  to be normal to [x,y,z] the dot product must be zero.
0 = x*nx + y*ny + z*nz
Obviously there are many normal vectors to any vector.
I want 8 normals that are equally angled that are
on a circle for my graphical display.
I tested my code on 26 vectors in different directions.
Only 4 are plotted at a time, using my  drawc  function.
The source code, output, and graphics are:

test_add_normal.py3 source code

test_add_normal_py3.out output

Four sets of normal vectors to p111, p222, p333, p444

four sets of normal vectord to py1, py2, pz1, pz2

Four sets of normal vectors to pxz1, pxz2, pxz3, pxz4

The image is unreadable if all 26 are in one image.
The 26 directions are from the center of cube27
to vertices.

Older programs plotting normals are shown below:

test_circle1.py3 source code

test_normal.py3 source code

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Other links

Many web sites on Java GUI, AWT, Swing, etc.
Many web sites on Python wx, tk, qt, etc.

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