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Lecture 5, Instructions and Registers

Get paper handout, fill in values for registers and memory
as we discuss the instructions in this lecture.
The program starts with PC set to address zero.
The instructions are defined on cs411_opcodes.txt

Some things slightly different for CMPE, will have extra  "ce" in some file names


address  instruction    assembly language

00000000 8C010074 	lw   $1,w1($0)
00000004 8C020078 	lw   $2,w2($0)
00000008 8C03007C 	lw   $3,w3($0)
0000000C 00000000 	nop
00000010 00000000 	nop
00000014 00232020 	add  $4,$1,$3
00000018 00222822 	sub  $5,$1,$2
0000001C 000133C2 	sll  $6,$1,15
00000020 00023C03 	srl  $7,$2,16
00000024 0003400B 	cmpl $8,$3
00000028 0022480D 	or   $9,$1,$2
0000002C 0023500F 	and  $10,$1,$3
00000030 00435818 	div  $11,$2,$3
00000034 0062601B 	mul  $12,$3,$2
00000038 AC010080 	sw   $1,w4($0)
0000003C 300D0074 	addi $13,w1
00000040 00000000 	nop
00000044 00000000 	nop
00000048 8DAE0004 	lw   $14,4($13)
0000004C 31AF0008 	addi $15,8($13)
00000050 3C100010 	lwim $16,16
00000054 00000000 	nop
00000058 00000000 	nop
0000005C ADE30008 	sw   $3,8($15) 
00000060 00000000 	nop
00000064 00000000 	nop
00000068 00000000 	nop
0000006C 00000000 	nop
00000070 00000000 	nop
00000074 11111111 w1:	word 0x11111111
00000078 22222222 w2:	word 0x22222222
0000007C 33333333 w3:	word 0x33333333
00000080 44444444 w4:	word 0x44444444

After the CPU has executed the first instruction:
General Registers                          RAM memory
                                            initial    final
 $0   00000000
 $1   11111111                     00000074  11111111
      --------                               --------  ____________
 $2                                00000078  22222222
     ______________                          --------  ____________
 $3                                0000007c  33333333
     ______________                          --------  ____________
 $4                                00000080  44444444
     ______________                          --------  ____________
 $5                                00000084  xxxxxxxx
     ______________                          --------  ____________

This is part of your project: part1.abs
and the result of running that small program part1.chk: 


Note the large amount of information printed each clock time.
Note that it takes 5 clock cycles to finish an instruction.

Basic MUX Truth Table and Schematic

How MUX are used to route data

You can see much of the code for the above in the
starter code for Proj1:

There are basic design principles for computer architecture
and many apply to broader applications.

Design Principle 1: 

       Simplicity is best achieved through regularity.

       A few building blocks, used systematically, will have
       fewer errors, be available sooner and sell for less.
       A uniform instruction set allows better compilers.

Design Principle 2:

       Smaller is faster:

       Smaller feature size means signals can move faster.
       Shorter paths, less stages, allow completion sooner.

Design Principle 3:

       Good design requires good compromises.

       There are no perfect architectures. There are kluges.

Design Principle 4:

       Make the common part fast.
       Amdahl's law, be sure you are maximizing speedup.

Pentium 4 Hyper threading

Intel Core Duo

AMD quad core, one core shown

$329 for just 1/2 quad core processor

a 4 CPU, 8GB RAM configuration
Now 12-core 16GB RAM, 3 hard drives, 2 DVD writers

Practice safe computing!

Beware Malware, Spyware and Adware:

Do everything you can to keep malware from infecting your systems,
malware authors do all they can to keep their work from being
detected and removed. By looking at the methods that malware uses
to keep itself safe, you can better root it out and remove 
it before the damage is done. Downloading attachments is the
primary way malware gets into your system.

HW3 assigned

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