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Lecture 12, VHDL - circuits and debugging

  Debugging VHDL (or almost any computer input)

  1) Expect errors. Nobody's perfect.

  2) Automate to make it easy to re-run, e.g. Makefile_411 or Makefile_ghdl
  for HW4, you may use either or both.
        make -f Makefile_411 tadd32.out    # cadence
        diff -iw tadd32.out tadd32.chk
        make -f Makefile_ghdl tadd32.gout  # GHDL  diff in Makefile_ghdl
        diff -iw tadd32.gout tadd32.chkg

The .out and .gout differ in extra lines, vhdl output should be the same.
     Use Makefile or do a lot of typing:  for cadence
	run_ncvhdl.bash -v93 -messages -linedebug -cdslib ~/cs411/vhdl2/cds.lib -hdlvar ~/cs411/vhdl2/hdl.var -smartorder add32.vhdl tadd32.vhdl
	run_ncelab.bash -v93 -messages -access rwc -cdslib  ~/cs411/vhdl2/cds.lib -hdlvar ~/cs411/vhdl2/hdl.var tadd32
	run_ncsim.bash -input tadd32.run -batch -logfile tadd32.out -messages -cdslib ~/cs411/vhdl2/cds.lib -hdlvar  ~/cs411/vhdl2/hdl.var tadd32

     Use Makefile or do a lot of typing: for GHDL

	ghdl -a --ieee=synopsys add32.vhdl
	ghdl -a --ieee=synopsys tadd32.vhdl
	ghdl -e --ieee=synopsys tadd32
	ghdl -r --ieee=synopsys tadd32 --stop-time=65ns > tadd32.gout
        diff -iw tadd32.gout tadd32.chkg

  3) for rest  HW6, part1, part2a, part2b, part3a, part3b
        make -f Makefile_411 pmull16_test.out    # cadence
        diff -iw pmul16_test.out pmul16.chk
        make -f Makefile_ghdl tadd32.gout        # GHDL  
        diff -iw pmul16_test.gout pmul16.chkg
        make -f Makefile_411 part1.out    # cadence
        diff -iw part1.out part1.chk
        make -f Makefile_ghdl part1.gout  # GHDL
        diff -iw part1.gout part1.chkg
        make -f Makefile_411 part2a.out    # cadence
        diff -iw part2a.out part2a.chk
        make -f Makefile_ghdl part2a.gout  # GHDL
        diff -iw part2a.gout part2a.chkg
        make -f Makefile_411 part2b.out    # cadence
        diff -iw part2b.out part2b.chk
        make -f Makefile_ghdl part2b.gout  # GHDL
        diff -iw part2b.gout part2b.chkg
        make -f Makefile_411 part3a.out    # cadence
        diff -iw part3a.out part3a.chk
        make -f Makefile_ghdl part3a.gout  # GHDL
        diff -iw part3a.gout part3a.chkg
        make -f Makefile_411 part3b.out    # cadence
        diff -iw part3b.out part3b.chk
        make -f Makefile_ghdl part3b.gout  # GHDL
        diff -iw part3b.gout part3b.gchk

     Yes, you can fix other errors also, but one error can cause
     a cascading effect and produce many errors.

     Don't panic when there was only one error, you fixed that,
     then the next run you get 37 errors. The compiler has stages,
     it stops on a stage if there is an error. Fixing that error
     lets the compiler move to the next stage and check for other
     types of errors. Go to step 3)

  5) Don't give up. Don't make wild guesses. Do experiment with
     one change at a time. You may actually have to read some
     of the lectures  :)

  6) Your circuit compiles and simulates but the output is not
     correct. Solution: find first difference, or add debug print.
     OK to put in debug printout, remove or comment out before submit.

     Most circuits in this course have a print process. You can
     easily add printout of more signals. Look for the existing
     code that has 'write' and 'writeline' statements.
     To print out some signal, xxx, after a 'writeline' statement add

           write(my_line, string'("  xxx=")); -- label printout
           hwrite(my_line, xxx);              -- hex for long signals
           write(my_line, string'("  enb="));
           write(my_line, enb);               -- bit for single values
           writeline(output, my_line);        -- outputs line

  7) You have a signal, xxx, that seems to be wrong and you can not
     find when it gets the wrong value. OK, create a new process to
     print every change and when it occurs.

     prtxxx: process (xxx)
               variable my_line : LINE; -- my_line needs to be defined
               write(my_line, string'("xxx="));
               write(my_line, xxx);         -- or hwrite for long signals
               write(my_line, string'(" at="));
               write(my_line, now);         -- "now" is simulation time
               writeline(output, my_line);  -- outputs line
             end process prtxxx;

     When adding 'write' statements, you may need to add the
     context clause in front of the enclosing design unit. e.g.
        library STD;
        use STD.textio.all; -- defines LINE, writeline, etc.
        library IEEE;
        use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
        use IEEE.std_logic_textio.all; -- defines write on std_logic (_vector)

  8) Read your code.
     Every identifier must be declared before it is used.
     Every signal MUST be set exactly once, e.g.
         xxx <= a;
         xxx <= b; -- somewhere else, BAD !
                   -- all hardware runs all the time
                   -- the ordering of some statements does not matter

         a0: fadd port map(a(0), b(0), cin , sum(0), c(0));
         a1: fadd port map(a(1), b(1), c(0), sum(1), c(0));
                                                     ####    BAD !

    Signals must match in type and size. An error having 
    "shape mismatch" means incompatible size. You can not put
    one bit into a 32 bit signal nor 32 bits into a one bit signal.
    "...type... error" Are you putting an integer into a std_logic?
    You can not put an identifier of type std_logic into
    std_logic_vector.  a(31 downto 28) is of type std_logic_vector,
    a(31) is of type std_logic.

Everywhere a specific signal name is used, these points are
wired together. For VHDL simulation purposes, all points on a
wire always have exactly the same value. Zero propagation delay
through a wire. Be careful what you wire together. Use the VHDL
reserved word 'open' for open circuits rather than NC for
no connection.

ncsim: 05.40-s011: (c) Copyright 1995-2005 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
ncsim> run 7 ns
A= 1  B= 1  C= U  D= U  CNC= U  DNC= U  NC= U at time 0 ns
A= 1  B= 1  C= U  D= U  CNC= U  DNC= U  NC= U at time 1 ns
A= 1  B= 1  C= 1  D= U  CNC= U  DNC= U  NC= U at time 2 ns
A= 1  B= 1  C= 1  D= U  CNC= U  DNC= U  NC= U at time 3 ns
A= 1  B= 1  C= 1  D= 1  CNC= U  DNC= U  NC= U at time 4 ns
A= 1  B= 1  C= 1  D= 1  CNC= U  DNC= U  NC= U at time 5 ns
A= 1  B= 1  C= 1  D= 1  CNC= U  DNC= U  NC= U at time 6 ns
Ran until 7 NS + 0
ncsim> exit
                            !!!     !!! never set due to connection

-- use_open.vhdl
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

entity AN is 
  port(IN1  : in  std_logic;
       IN2  : in  std_logic;
       OUTB : inout std_logic; -- because used internally, bad design
       OUTT : out std_logic);
end entity AN;

architecture circuits of AN is
begin  -- circuits
  OUTB <= IN1 nand IN2 after 1 ns;
  OUTT <= not OUTB     after 1 ns;
end architecture circuits;  -- of AN

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use STD.textio.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_textio.all;

entity use_open is 
end entity use_open;

architecture circuits of use_open is
  signal A : std_logic := '1';
  signal B : std_logic := '1';
  signal C, CNC : std_logic;
  signal D, DNC : std_logic;
  signal NC : std_logic := '1'; -- for no connection or tied off
  my_print : process is
               variable my_line : line;
               write(my_line, string'("A= "));
               write(my_line, A);
               write(my_line, string'("  B= "));
               write(my_line, B);
               write(my_line, string'("  C= "));
               write(my_line, C);
               write(my_line, string'("  D= "));
               write(my_line, D);
               write(my_line, string'("  CNC= "));
               write(my_line, CNC);
               write(my_line, string'("  DNC= "));
               write(my_line, DNC);
               write(my_line, string'("  NC= "));
               write(my_line, NC);
               write(my_line, string'(" at time "));
               write(my_line, now);
               writeline(output, my_line);
               wait for 1 ns;
             end process my_print;
  n01: entity WORK.AN port map(A, B, open, C);
  n02: entity WORK.AN port map('1', C, open, D);
  n03: entity WORK.AN port map(A, B, NC, CNC);
  n04: entity WORK.AN port map('1', CNC, NC, DNC);

end architecture circuits; -- of use_open

Truth tables using type std_logic


Now, some Cadence VHDL error messages.

-- error.vhdl   demonstrate VHDL compiler error messages

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

entity AN is 
  port(IN1  : in  std_logic;
       IN2  : in  std_logic;
       OUTB : inout std_logic; -- because used internally
       OUTT : out std_logic;);
end entity AN;

architecture circuits of AN is
  signal aaa : std_logic;
begin  -- circuits
  OUTB <= aa and IN1 and IN2 after 1 ns;
  OUTT <= not OUTB     after 1 ns;
end architecture circuits;  -- of AN

old output:
ncvhdl: 05.40-s011: (c) Copyright 1995-2005 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
       OUTT : out std_logic;);
ncvhdl_p: *E,PORNKW (error.vhdl,10|28): identifier expected.
       OUTT : out std_logic;);
ncvhdl_p: *E,MISCOL (error.vhdl,10|28): expecting a colon (':') 87[4.3.3] 93[4.3.2].
       OUTT : out std_logic;);
ncvhdl_p: *E,PORNKW (error.vhdl,10|31): identifier expected.
       OUTT : out std_logic;);
ncvhdl_p: *E,MISCOL (error.vhdl,10|31): expecting a colon (':') 87[4.3.3] 93[4.3.2].
end entity AN;
ncvhdl_p: *E,EXPRIS (error.vhdl,11|13): expecting the reserved word 'IS' [1.1].
  OUTB <= aa and IN1 and IN2 after 1 ns;
ncvhdl_p: *E,IDENTU (error.vhdl,16|11): identifier (AA) is not declared [10.3].

Now you are ready to tackle Homework 6

To simplify

sqrt examples of simplify

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