Constructor Happy Path

This may be obvious, but you should always test your program with good input.
General test cases make an important assumption that the class invariants and the preconditions are met. This is called the "Happy Path".

General Case
You will find the following general test.

	case 5:
		// 5: Constructor General Case (happy path #1)
		System.out.println("General test case for constructor (happy path)");
		int[] testArray={-5,-6,0,-1,3,6,7,-2,2,3,4,7,-8};
		BoundedArray b=new BoundedArray(testArray, -9, 10);
Run this general case (test case #5).

Edge Case
We also want to test when the input is on the edge of the allowed values. This following edge case contains values (in the array) that are equal to the 'minimum' and 'maximum' values. This is allowed by our class invariants and is still a "Happy Path"
	case 6:
		// 6: Constructor Edge Case (happy path #2)
		System.out.println("Edge case for constructor. Array values " +
			"exactly on range limits");
		int[] testArray={-5,-9,0,-1,3,6,7,-2,2};
		BoundedArray b=new BoundedArray(testArray,-9,7);
Run this edge case (test case #6).