
Expected Output:

CD Catalog:
Before Sorting:
0: Lady Gaga: The Fame: 2008,
7: Lady Gaga: The Fame Monster: 2009,
5: Jay-Z: The Blueprint 3: 2009,
2: Santana: Supernatural: 1999]

After Sorting by ID:
0: Lady Gaga: The Fame: 2008,
2: Santana: Supernatural: 1999,
5: Jay-Z: The Blueprint 3: 2009,
7: Lady Gaga: The Fame Monster: 2009]

Book Catalog:
Before Sorting:
B5: Atlas Shrugged : Ayn Rand : 1957,
A0: Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring : J.R.R. Tolkien : 1954,
C2: Even Cowgirls Get the Blues : Tom Robbins : 1976,
A1: The Subtle Knife : Philip Pullman : 1997]

After Sorting by ID:
A0: Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring : J.R.R. Tolkien : 1954,
A1: The Subtle Knife : Philip Pullman : 1997,
B5: Atlas Shrugged : Ayn Rand : 1957,
C2: Even Cowgirls Get the Blues : Tom Robbins : 1976]