Creating Members, a Constructor & Getters/Setters

Creating Members

Instance variables of an object acts as data containers within an object. The entire object state is represented by the values of its instance variables. Each instantiated object has its own copy of its classes' instance variables.

In the Fraction class:

  1. Create a private instance variable of type int with the name numerator.
  2. Create a private instance variable of type int with the name denominator.
 * An int representing the numerator of the fraction.
private int numerator;

 * An int representing the denominator of the fraction.
private int denominator;

Together, the numerator and denominator variables represent the state of a particular instance of a Fraction object. The visibility modifier is private, meaning that only the Fraction class's methods have access to instance variables. The instance variables cannot be accessed outside the Fraction class by a different class.

Creating a Constructor

Constructors are invoked when a new object is created. They are used to initialized the object and set the instance variables. All classes must have at least one constructor.

In the Fraction class:

  1. Create a public constructor that takes two parameters with the first parameter being an int named n, and the second parameter being an int named d. These variables can be named whatever you want because, as input parameters to a method, they only exist within this method.
  2. Set the instance variable numerator equal to the input parameter n, and set the instance variable denominator equal to the input parameter d.

Since you are able to name the input parameters to the constructor whatever you want, what would happen if you were to name them numerator and denominator? How would you be able to tell them apart from the instance variables (which are also named numerator and denominator).

The keyword this when used within a class is a reference to the calling/host object. If you consider the following example, the parameters passed into the constructor have the same name as the instance variables. So when the numerator name is used within the constructor, the variable with the narrowest scope (in this case, the parameter passed to the constructor) takes precedence. In this case, the this keyword must be used to differentiate between the parameters and instance variables.

 * Constructs a new Fraction with a provided numerator and denominator
 * @param n the numerator of the new Fraction
 * @param d the denominator of the new Fraction
public Fraction( int numerator, int denominator )
     //Use this keyword to assign value of the argument to the private variables
     //A Fraction cannot have a zero denominator. Use conditional statement to ensure this.

Creating Accessors

Accessor (or getter) methods simply return the value of an object's instance variables. The standard naming convention for an accessor in Java is get[VariableName](). In many cases, you may not want a user of your class to access or even know about an instance variable's type or value, but in most instances it is considered safe to provide accessors.

The return type of an accessor should be the type of the instance variable being accessed. In most cases it will simply consist of a single return statement.

 * Retrieves the value of the numerator
 * @return An int representing the numerator
public int getNumerator()
  //return numerator

Creating Mutators

Mutator (or setter) methods change the values of an object's instance variables. The standard naming convention for a mutator in Java is set[VariableName](). As with accessors, providing mutators is not always a good idea. Allowing a user to change certain instance variables directly instead of letting the class control its own instance variables may not be safe. Take for example, any class which keeps a counter instance variable. If the counter is altered directly by a user, it could ruin the state of an object.

For our Fraction class, we do not want the user to be able to change the numerator or denominator independently from each other. So we will not be writing mutators. But if we did, the form would be as follows:

 * Sets the value of the numerator to the provided value
 * @param n the value to which the numerator should be changed.
public void setNumerator(int n)
	this.numerator = n;