CMSC 671: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Fall 2010

Home News Schedule Homework Grading Useful Links Final Project

Useful Links

Introduction to AI


Turing Test, Loebner Contest

ELIZA and ELIZA-like programs

Lisp, Homework2, Search

Google 2010 AI Challenge

The Google AI Challenge is organized by the University of Waterloo Computer Science Club and sponsored by Google.
The objective is to create a computer program that plays the game of Planet Wars as intelligently as possible. Starter programs are available in Python, Java, C# and C++ and support for Common Lisp, Haskell, Ruby and Perl is under development. Planet Wars is inspired by Galcon iPhone and desktop strategy game. Check a Planet Wars game in action!

Midterm Exam

Here are some notes on the midterm exam, which will be held in class on Thursday October 21st at 2:15pm.

It might help you to look at some old mid-term exams. NOTE however that some topics on those tests will not be cover (e.g. no questions on Lisp, Prolog, planning, etc). The exam will cover up until the Oct.12th class. Check the schedule and the notes for a list of contents.

Final Project

Description of the final project is at the Final Project page.

For those of you working with Genetic Algorithms, the following page is very illustrative of what runs and experiments you will have to do:

For those of you working with Machine Learning, and experimental problems, visit the UCI machine learning repository and the WEKA collection of machine learning algorithms (in Java).

Additionally, you might want to check this:

Final Exam

The final exam, which will be held in class on Thursday December 16th at 2:15pm.

It might help you to look at some old final exams. NOTE however that some topics on those tests will not be cover (e.g. no questions on Lisp, Prolog, planning exercises, etc). The exam will cover material starting from Oct. 14th class. Check the schedule and the guide for a list of contents.

Here are some links to old exams. The content is not a perfect match to ours, so for each exam, I mention what would be relevant for our final exam:

I will also post here the solutions to the homeworks