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Lecture 18, Project Outline and VHDL

Project part1 starts with  part1_start.vhdl
Search for "???" where you need to do some work.
!!! remove ??? , ... , they are not legal VHDL.

The schematic for non CMPE is:

with ALU schematic for non CMPE

CMPE include divide, divcas16 covered in Lecture 8 and provided.
Use your pmul16.vhdl from HW6.

Various versions have different signal names for same signal,
orop_and may be just orop, result of anding oropa with rrop
S_sel may be shortened  sllop_and_srlop

Extracted code to indicate where you need to do some work "...":
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

entity alu_32 is -- given. Do not change this interface
  port(inA    : in  std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
       inB    : in  std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
       inst   : in  std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
       result : out std_logic_vector (31 downto 0));
end entity alu_32;

architecture schematic of alu_32 is 
  signal cin     : std_logic := '0';
  signal cout    : std_logic;

  -- ... add or change  signals as required 

begin  -- schematic
  adder: entity WORK.add32 port map(a    => inA,
                                    b    => inB,    -- ... change
                                    cin  => cin,    -- ... change
                                    sum  => result, -- ... change
                                    cout => cout);
  -- ...
  -- bsh: entity WORK.bshift port map(left => sllop,
  --                                  logical => '1',
  --                                  shift => inst(10 downto 6),
  --                                  input => inB,
  --                                  output => bresult);

  -- ...
  -- r1: entity WORK.equal6 port map(inst => inst(31 downto 26),
  --                                 test => "000000",
  --                                 equal => rrop);

  -- ...
  -- s1: entity WORK.equal6 port map(inst => inst(5 downto 0),
  --                                 test => "100010",
  --                                 equal => subopa);

  -- ...
  -- a1: subop <= rrop and subopa;
  -- ...

end architecture schematic;  -- of alu_32

The additional files, non CMPE, needed are:
part1.abs the program to be executed

part1.run to stop execution, no halt instruction

part1.chk the expected output

cs411_opcodes.txt opcode bit patterns
You will need to enter opcode bit patterns not in part1_start.vhdl.

Modify your  Makefile :

all:  ... part1.out

Project CMPE part1 starts with  part1ce_start.vhdl

The additional files, for CMPE,  needed are:
part1ce.abs the program to be executed

part1ce.run to stop execution, no halt instruction

part1ce.chk the expected output

cs411_opcodes.txt opcode bit patterns
You will need to enter opcode bit patterns not in part1_start.vhdl.

Modify your non CMPE Makefile :
all:  ... part1.out
part1.out: add32.vhdl bshift.vhdl part1.vhdl part1.abs part1.run
         ncvhdl -v93 add32.vhdl
         ncvhdl -v93 bshift.vhdl
         ncvhdl -v93 part1.vhdl  # renamed and modified part1_start.vhdl
         ncelab -v93 part1:schematic
	 ncsim  -batch -logfile part1.out -input part1.run part1

optional in Makefile, should be run on GL before  submit cs411 part1 part1.vhdl
         diff -iw part1.out part1.chk     should be no differences other
                                          than copyright or dates

Modify your CMPE Makefile :

all:  ... part1.out

part1.out: add32.vhdl bshift.vhdl pmul16.vhdl divcas16.vhdl \
                      part1.vhdl part1.abs part1.run
         ncvhdl -v93 add32.vhdl
         ncvhdl -v93 bshift.vhdl
         ncvhdl -v93 pmul16.vhdl
         ncvhdl -v93 divcas16.vhdl
         ncvhdl -v93 part1.vhdl  # renamed and modified part1ce_start.vhdl
         ncelab -v93 part1:schematic
	 ncsim  -batch -logfile part1.out -input part1.run part1

optional in Makefile, should be run on GL before  submit cs411 part1 part1.vhdl

         diff -iw part1.out part1.chk     should be no differences other
                                          than copyright or dates

Now, non CMPE work on the ALU

Now, CMPE work on the ALU

The full project writeup:

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