a register

Basic register, may be any number of bits.
Typically called a flip-flop if one bit.

The system clock is always running from power on
to power off.

      1   +-------+       +-------+       +------
 clk      |       |       |       |       |
      0 --+       +-------+       +-------+

          ^       ^           ^   ^   ^
          |       |           |   |   |
       raising  falling     input | input
        edge     edge       open  | closed
                                  | new output avaiable

               +----------+                   input 
               |          |                     v
               | register |               +------------+
       input ->|          |-> output      |            |
       data    |          |   data        |  register  |  
               |          |               |            |
               |          |               +------------+
               +----------+                     v
                     ^                        output
                    clk     not usually shown on schematics