ballerina programming language

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Updated for Balerina version 1.0.3 1. Program to output a string, integer, and floating point exbl1.bal source code # exbl1.bal example print string, integer, float // exbl1.bal example print string, integer, float, boolean // ballerina run exbl1.bal import ballerina/io; public function main (string... args) { io:println("exbl1.bal running"); string hi = "Welcome to the Ballerina language"; io:println(hi); int n = 3; io:println("n=",n); float x = 1.0; float y = 1.0e+100; // no double io:println("x=",x,", y=",y); boolean bt = true; boolean bf = false; io:println("bt=",bt,", bf=",bf); io:println("exbl1.bal ends"); } // end exbl1.bal Output from execution: exbl1.bal running Welcome to the Ballerina language n=3 x=1.0, y=1.0E100 bt=true, bf=false exbl1.bal ends 2. commands to execute the source code at a minimum, Windows, Linux, MacOSX. Windows: ballerina run exbl1.bal Linux: ballerina run exbl1.bal MacOSX ballerina run exbl1.bal Sample Makefile: 3. You must be able to declare variables and arrays and matrix of various types. exbl3.bal source code // exbl3.bal example declare and print variable, vector, matrix // ballerina run exbl3.bal import ballerina/io; public function main (string... args) { io:println("exbl3.bal running"); int n = 3; n = n + 3; io:println("n=",n); float x = 1.0; float y = x+2.0; io:println("x=",x,", y=",y); // This creates an `int` array of length 0. int[] a = []; io:println("lengthof a = ",a.length()); // This assigns an array literal. int[] b = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]; io:println("b[0]) = ",b[0]); io:println("b[7]) = ",b[7]); io:println("lengthof b = ",b.length()); foreach int i in 0...7 { io:println("b[",i,"]=",b[i]); } // Arrays are unbounded in length. // They can grow up to any length based on the given index. // In this example, the length of the array is 1000. b[999] = 23; io:println("b[999] = ",b[999]); io:println("lengthof b = ",b.length()); //This initializes an array of int arrays. int[][] iarray = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [10, 20, 30, 40], [5, 6, 7,8]]; io:println("lengthof iarray =",iarray.length()); io:println("lengthof iarray[0] = ",iarray[0].length()); // This initializes the outermost array with the implicit default value. iarray = []; int[] d = [9]; iarray[0] = d; io:println("lengthof iarray =",iarray.length()); io:println("lengthof iarray[0] = ",iarray[0].length()); // This prints the first value of the two-dimensional array. io:println("iarray[0][0] = ",iarray[0][0]); // This creates a sealed `int` array of length 5. int[5] e = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; io:println("lengthof e = ",e.length()); // This creates a sealed `int` array of length 5 int[5] f = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; io:println("lengthof f =",f.length()); // To infer the size of the sealed array from the array literal, // following syntax is used. int[!...] g = [1, 2, 3, 4]; io:println("lengthof g =",g.length()); io:println("arrays.bal finished"); io:println("exbl3.bal ends"); } // end exbl3.bal Execution output: exbl3.bal running n=6 x=1.0, y=3.0 lengthof a = 0 b[0]) = 1 b[7]) = 8 lengthof b = 8 b[0]=1 b[1]=2 b[2]=3 b[3]=4 b[4]=5 b[5]=6 b[6]=7 b[7]=8 b[999] = 23 lengthof b = 1000 lengthof iarray =3 lengthof iarray[0] = 4 lengthof iarray =1 lengthof iarray[0] = 1 iarray[0][0] = 9 lengthof e = 5 lengthof f =5 lengthof g =4 arrays.bal finished exbl3.bal ends 4. You need to be able to have loops, iteration statements exbl4.bal source code // exbl4.bal example loop, iteration // ballerina run exbl4.bal import ballerina/io; public function main (string... args) { io:println("exbl4.bal running"); int i; int n = 3; io:println("n=",n,++"[",i,"]=",a[i]); } } // end procedure prt_vec function prt_mat(string name, float[][] a) { foreach int i in 0..7lt;a.length() { foreach int j in 0..<a[0].length() { io:println(name+"[",i,"][",j,"]=",a[i][j]); } } } // end procedure prt_mat public function main (string... args) { io:println("exbl6.bal running"); int k; int n = 2; io:println("n= ",n); int m = 3; io:println("m= ",m); k = add(n,m); io:println("k=add(n,m) ",k); float[] v1 = [1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0]; prt_vec("v1", v1); float[][] m1 = [[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]]; prt_mat("m1", m1); io:println("exbl6.bal ends"); } // end exbl6.bal Execution output: exbl6.bal running n= 2 m= 3 k=add(n,m) 5 v1[0]=1.0 v1[1]=3.0 v1[2]=5.0 v1[3]=7.0 m1[0][0]=1.0 m1[0][1]=2.0 m1[0][2]=3.0 m1[1][0]=4.0 m1[1][1]=5.0 m1[1][2]=6.0 exbl6.bal ends 7. You need to be able to read and write files in various formats. exbl7.bal source code // exbl7.bal example // ballerina run exbl7.bal import ballerina/io; public function main (string... args) { io:println("exbl7.bal running"); io:println("exbl7.bal ends"); } // end exbl7.bal Execution output: exbl7.bal running exbl7.bal ends 8. You need to be able to use a number of files combined to build a program. This may include packages, libraries, operating system commands, header files, etc. exbl8.bal source code // exbl8.bal example // ballerina run exbl8.bal import ballerina/io; public function main (string... args) { io:println("exbl8.bal running"); io:println("exbl8.bal ends"); } // end exbl8.bal Execution output:

Last updated 11/13/2019