The University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC)
in partnership with the The UMBC Chess Club presents

Chess Scholarships to UMBC:
Chess-Player Scholars Wanted

UMBC offers three types of scholarships to UMBC for chess players: merit scholarships, annual scholarship to the Maryland Scholastic Chess Champion, and special merit scholarships for chess. These scholarships range from partial tuition awards to full rides (full four-year tuition + room and board).

  • FLASH...UMBC will also offer a special scholarship to the winning team at the 1996 Pan-American Scholastic Team Championship, to be held December 27-30, 1996, in Baltimore. The top board accepting the prize will receive a full four-year tuition scholarship to UMBC. The next three boards each will receive a four-year $2,000 per year tuition scholarship. See details and conditions.