CMSC 601 - Student Survey

rev. 27 January 2010                                                  Feel free to use the back if needed


Name _____________________________________________________________

What do you prefer to be called? _________________________________________

E-mail _____________________________________________________________

How many semesters have you been at UMBC (including this one?) ____________

Are you a M.S. student, Ph.D. student, or other (specify)? ___________________

What is your primary area of research interest? _________________________________

Do you have any ideas for a topic for your research project for this class? If so, please specify.



Do you have a research advisor yet? If so, who? If not, who are you thinking about asking to be your advisor?


What are you most looking forward to about the course? _______________________



What are you most worried about? ________________________________________


Tell me an interesting fact (or two) about yourself.  _________________________




Do you mind if I take your picture? It will help me learn your name, and remember it in the future!
