CMSC 441 - Analysis of Algorithms
Fall 1997
Tentative Syllabus

Text: "Introduction to Algorithms" by Cormen, Leiserson and Rivest.

Class   Topic                               Reading      HW
 1      Intro. & Order of Growth             1.1 - 2.2
 2      Analyzing Loop Algorithms            3.1 - 3.2
 3      Analyzing Recursive Algorithms       4.1 - 4.2   HW 1 due
 4      The Master Theorem                   4.3 - 4.4
 5      Heapsort                             7.1 - 7.5   HW 2 due
 6      Quicksort                            8.1 - 8.4
 7      Lower Bounds & Linear-Time Sorts     9.1 - 9.4   HW 3 due
 8      Linear-Time Selection               10.1 - 10.3
 9      Hashing                             12.1 - 12.2  HW 4 due
10      Hashing                             12.3 - 12.4
11              Review
12              Exam 1
13              Exam 1 Discussion
14      Red-Black Trees                     14.1 - 14.4  HW 5 due
15      Dynamic Programming                 16.1 - 16.2
16      Dynamic Programming                 16.3 - 16.4  HW 6 due
17      Dynamic Programming
18      Disjoint-Set Union                  22.1 - 22.3  HW 7 due
19      Breadth & Depth First Search        23.1 - 23.3
20      Topological Sort                    23.4 - 23.5  HW 8 due
           & Connected Components
21      Minimum Spanning Tree               24.1 - 24.2
22      Single-Source Shortest Paths        25.1 - 25.4  HW 9 due
23      All-Pairs Shortest Paths            26.1 - 26.2
24              Review
25              Exam 2
26              Exam 2 Discussion                        HW 10 due
27      Advanced Topic TBA
28      Advanced Topic TBA
TBA             Final Exam