CMSC 421: Principles of Operating Systems

Homework 2: Signal Your Intent

This homework is due on Thursday, September 27, at 11:59:59 PM (Eastern daylight time). You must use submit to turn in your homework like so: submit cs421_jtang hw2 ballot.c candidate.c

Your programs must be named ballot.c and candidate.c, and they will be compiled on Ubuntu 18.04 as follows:

  gcc ‐‐std=c99 ‐Wall ‐O2 ‐o candidate candidate.c
  gcc ‐‐std=c99 ‐Wall ‐O2 ‐o ballot ballot.c
(Note the above is dash, dash, "std=c99", and the other flags likewise are preceded by dashes.) There must not be any compilation warnings in your submission; warnings will result in grading penalties. In addition, each code file must be properly indented and have a file header comment, as described on the coding conventions page.

Due to UMBC policy, you may not use the GL systems for this assignment, because you will be using the fork() system call.

In this homework, you are writing an e-voting system for the upcoming midterm elections. The system consists of two programs. The user interface is handled by ballot. The candidates that may be voted for are represented by multiple instances of candidate.

Part 1: Write Initial Candidate Code

The first task is to write candidate.c. This program takes a single command-line argument, the name of the candidate. If no name is given, display an error message and quit. Otherwise, display the name and the process's PID.

Add a global variable, representing the number of votes that candidate received. Set this global variable to zero at startup. Create a signal handler for SIGUSR1. Every time the process receives a SIGUSR1, increment the global variable. Then create another signal handler for SIGUSR2. When the process receive SIGUSR2, write to standard error the 32-bit unsigned little-endian integer corresponding to the vote count. That is, do not print an ASCII representation of the value, but literally write 32 bits.

Finally, after candidate.c has set up the signal handlers, go into an infinite loop. Within the loop, read from standard input. When the return value indicates that standard input was closed, then exit from the loop. Print an exit message and terminate the program.

Now compile and test candidate.c. In Linux, while a program is running on the command line, pressing Control-D will close stdin to the active process. (This differs from Control-C, which sends a SIGINT signal.)

$ ./candidate 'George Burdell'
I am George Burdell at PID 6628.
(In a second terminal)$ kill -USR1 6628
$ kill -USR1 6628
$ kill -USR2 6628
(In first terminal) <garbage characters>
(Press Ctrl-D)
PID 6628 terminating.
The garbage characters are because the terminal is trying to render the byte sequence 0x02 0x00 0x00 0x00 as printable ASCII characters. This time, pipe standard error from candidate into a hex viewer:
$ ./candidate 'George Burdell' 2> >(xxd)
I am George Burdell at PID 6783.
(In a second terminal)$ kill -USR1 6783
$ kill -USR1 6783
$ kill -USR1 6783
$ kill -USR1 6783
$ kill -USR2 6783
(Press Ctrl-D in first terminal)
PID 6783 terminating.
00000000: 0400 0000                                ....
The bolded text above is the output from the very useful xxd utility. It shows the candidate wrote (to stderr) 4 bytes, and the first byte is the hexadecimal value 0x04. Test candidate thoroughly, by sending varying amounts of SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 signals, and inspecting its standard output and standard error streams.

Part 2: Write Initial Ballot Code

The ballot.c program will be divided into several parts as follows. Begin by inspecting its command line arguments. There must be exactly four arguments (plus the program name itself); if not then display an error message and quit. These four arguments are the names of candidates to appear on the ballot.

Next, create a loop that executes 4 times. Within the loop, call pipe() function twice; call these pipes P1 and P2. Store all 16 newly created file descriptors somewhere convenient. Then create another loop that executes 4 times. Within this loop, call fork() to create a child process. The first created child will be associated with first P1 and P2 pipes, the second child with second P1 and P2, and so forth.

In each child process, after the call to fork(), ensure the child process does not continue forking additional processes! Call dup2() twice and close() several times:

  1. Use dup2() to close stdin and duplicate the reading end of its P1 pipe.
  2. Close the reading end of its P1 pipe.
  3. Call dup2() again, to close stderr and duplicate the writing end of its P2 pipe.
  4. Close the writing end of its P2 pipe.
  5. Close the writing ends of all P1 pipes, not just the P1 pipes associated with that process.
  6. Finally, close the reading ends of all P2 pipes, not just the P2 pipes associated with that process.
Then call execlp() to execute the candidate program. While executing the program, pass on its command line the candidate's name (from ballot's command line.)

In the parent process, after the loop, close the reading end of all P1 pipes, and the writing end of all P2 pipes. For now, go into an infinite loop. Compile and test ballot like so:

$ ./ballot Clinton Bush Obama Trump
I am Clinton at PID 7242.
I am Bush at PID 7243.
I am Trump at PID 7245.
I am Obama at PID 7244.

Part 3: Add Ballot Menu Options

Within the parent process, in ballot.c, display the following menu after creating all child processes:

Main Menu:
  0. End program
  1. Cast ballot
  2. Show vote counts

Read from the user a menu option. Perform the requested action as below, then return to the main menu.

If the user selects menu option 0, then close each child's P1 pipe's writing end. This should trigger each candidate process to terminate itself, as that its stdin is closing. Back in the parent process, call waitpid() with the child's PID, so as to reap the child. After all children have been reaped, then terminate ballot.

If the user selects menu option 1, display the four candidates' names in a submenu. Read from the user a number, zero through three. Send a SIGUSR1 signal to the candidate process with that name.

If the user selects menu option 2, send a SIGUSR2 to each candidate process. Then read from each child processes' P2 pipe the 32-bit vote count. Display that value as a human-readable string.

Part 4: Add Voter Fraud

No modern election is immune to foreign hostile interference, and your homework is no different. The next step is to add a backdoor to your software.

In ballot.c, add a fourth menu option, "Set vote count". When the user selects this option, display the four candidates' names in a submenu. Read from the user a number, zero through three. Then prompt the user for a new vote count. Send the to target candidate a SIGALRM. Then write to that process's P1 the new vote count, as a 32-bit unsigned little-endian value.

Add to candidate.c a handler for SIGALRM. When that signal arrives, interpret the next four bytes read from its stdin as a new vote count. Silently update its global vote count with the read value. If candidate does not receive a SIGALRM, it is to ignore any bytes read from its stdin. Test your updated candidate like so:

$ (killall -USR2 candidate; echo -e '\xab\xcd\x98\x87'; killall -USR2 candidate) | (./candidate 'George Burdell' 2> >(xxd))
I am George Burdell at PID 32138.
PID 32138 terminating.
00000000: 0000 0000 0000 0000                      ........
$ (killall -USR2 candidate; killall -ALRM candidate; echo -e '\xab\xcd\x98\x87'; killall -USR2 candidate) | (./candidate 'George Burdell' 2> >(xxd))
I am George Burdell at PID 32144.
PID 32144 terminating.
00000000: 0000 0000 abcd 9887                      ........
Observe how in the output from the first command, the vote count remains unchanged. In the second command, the count changes from zero to 0x8798cdab.

The change to candidate.c is trickier than first appearance. If your main() is reading from standard input when SIGALRM arrives, the signal handler cannot also call read(). The correct approach is to set a global variable within that signal handler. Change your main() to ignore the read byte, or to store that byte into the global vote count.

Part 5: Add Required Documentation

After you finish everything above, as an experiment temporarily modify ballot.c so that after the fork(), in the child processes do not close any of the writing ends of P1 pipes. Now run ballot and choose the first option. Observe that child processes are no longer terminating. At the top of your ballot.c file, add a comment block describing your observations. Then explain why a child process needs to close all P1 writing ends, so that it can terminate correctly. (Make sure you revert your changes prior to submitting your work.)

Sample Output

Here is a sample output from running ballot, after all parts have been implemented. Observe that because multiple processes write to the terminal simultaneously, their outputs may interleave in non-obvious ways.

$ ./ballot 'Ethel Rosenberg' 'John Anthony Walker' 'Anna Chapman' 'Maria Butina'
I am Ethel Rosenberg at PID 32340.
I am Maria Butina at PID 32343.
I am John Anthony Walker at PID 32341.
I am Anna Chapman at PID 32342.
Main Menu:
  0. End program
  1. Cast ballot
  2. Show vote counts
  3. Set vote count
Choose an option> (User enters 1)
  0. Ethel Rosenberg
  1. John Anthony Walker
  2. Anna Chapman
  3. Maria Butina
Choose a candidate> (User enters 0)
Main Menu:
  0. End program
  1. Cast ballot
  2. Show vote counts
  3. Set vote count
Choose an option> (User enters 1)
  0. Ethel Rosenberg
  1. John Anthony Walker
  2. Anna Chapman
  3. Maria Butina
Choose a candidate> (User enters 2)
Main Menu:
  0. End program
  1. Cast ballot
  2. Show vote counts
  3. Set vote count
Choose an option> (User enters 1)
  0. Ethel Rosenberg
  1. John Anthony Walker
  2. Anna Chapman
  3. Maria Butina
Choose a candidate> (User enters 2)
Main Menu:
  0. End program
  1. Cast ballot
  2. Show vote counts
  3. Set vote count
Choose an option> (User enters 2)
  Ethel Rosenberg has 1 votes
  John Anthony Walker has 0 votes
  Anna Chapman has 2 votes
  Maria Butina has 0 votes
Main Menu:
  0. End program
  1. Cast ballot
  2. Show vote counts
  3. Set vote count
Choose an option> (User enters 3)
  0. Ethel Rosenberg
  1. John Anthony Walker
  2. Anna Chapman
  3. Maria Butina
Choose a candidate> (User enters 2)
Set vote count to? (User enters 31337)
Main Menu:
  0. End program
  1. Cast ballot
  2. Show vote counts
  3. Set vote count
Choose an option> (User enters 2)
  Ethel Rosenberg has 1 votes
  John Anthony Walker has 0 votes
  Anna Chapman has 31337 votes
  Maria Butina has 0 votes
Main Menu:
  0. End program
  1. Cast ballot
  2. Show vote counts
  3. Set vote count
Choose an option> (User enters 0)
PID 32340 terminating.
PID 32341 terminating.
PID 32342 terminating.
PID 32343 terminating.

Other Hints and Notes

Extra Credit

Sorry, there is no extra credit available for this assignment.