@INPROCEEDINGS{Cooper_05s, AUTHOR = {C. Cooper and M. Dyer and C. Greenhill}, TITLE = {{Sampling Regular Graphs and a Peer-to-Peer Network}}, BOOKTITLE = {{Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'05)}}, YEAR = {2005}, EDITOR = {}, PAGES = {980--988}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, VOLUME = {}, NUMBER = {}, SERIES = {}, ADDRESS = {Vancouver, British Columbia}, MONTH = {}, NOTE = {}, KEY = {}, KEYWORDS = {}, ISBN = {}, URL = {http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~mihail/D.8802readings/sampleregular.pdf}, ABSTRACT = {We consider a simple Markov chain for d-regular graphs on n vertices, and show that the mixing time of this Markov chain is bounded above by a polynomial in n and d. A related Markov chain for d-regular graphs on a varying number of vertices is introduced, for even degree d. We use this to model a certain peer-to-peer network structure. We prove that the related chain has mixing time which is bounded by a polynomial in N, the expected number of vertices, under reasonable assumptions about the arrival and departure process.}, }