Distributed Classification Bibliography

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[18] P. Chan and S. J. Stolfo. Sharing Learned Models among Remote Database Partitions by Local Meta-Learning. In E. Simoudis, J. Han, and U. Fayyad, editors, The Second International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, pages 2-7. AAAI Press, 1996.
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[24] N. V. Chawla, T. E. Moore, L. O. Hall, K. W. Bowyer, W. P. Kegelmeyer, and C. Springer. Distributed Learning With Bagging-like Performance. Pattern Recognition Letters, 24:455-471, 2003.
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[29] R. Chen, K. Sivakumar, and H. Kargupta. Collective Mining of Bayesian Networks from Distributed Heterogeneous Data. Knowledge and Information Systems, 6(2):164-187, March 2004.
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[35] J. Ghosh and K. Tumer. Robust Order Statistics Based Ensembles for Distributed Data Mining. In Hillol Kargupta and Philip Chan, editors, Advances in Distributed and Parallel Knowledge Discovery, pages 185-210. MIT/AAAI Press, 2000.
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[36] Chris Giannella, Kun Liu, Todd Olsen, and Hillol Kargupta. Communication Efficient Construction of Decision Trees Over Heterogeneously Distributed Data. In Proceedings of The Fourth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'04), Brighton, UK, November 2004.
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[43] Lawrence O. Hall, Nitesh Chawla, Kevin W. Bowyer, and W. Philip Kegelmeyer. Learning Rules from Distributed Data. Large-Scale Parallel Data Mining, 1729:211-220, July 2003.
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[44] D. E. Hershberger and H. Kargupta. Distributed Multivariate Regression Using Wavelet-Based Collective Data Mining. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 61(3):372-400, 2001.
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[48] H. Kargupta and B. Park. Mining Time-critical Data Stream Using the Fourier Spectrum of Decision Trees. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, pages 281-288. IEEE Press, 2001.
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[49] H. Kargupta, B. Park, E. Johnson, E. Sanseverino, L. Silvestre, and D. Hershberger. Collective Data Mining From Distributed Vertically Partitioned Feature Space. In Workshop on distributed data mining. International ConferenceonKnowledge Discovery and Data Mining., 1998.
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