linux2% nasm -f elf -g strrev.asm linux2% nasm -f elf -g strrepl.asm linux2% gcc -Wall -g main7.c strrev.o strrepl.o linux2% ./a.out str1 = "dlroW olleH" str2 = "!desrever teg lliw taht gnirts gnol yrev a si sihT" str3 = "able was I ere I saw elba" Calling strrev() with NULL did not crash! str4 = "1" Calling strrev() with empty string did not crash! str1 = "ABC ### ### Hello World" 6 chararcters were replaced str2 = "@@@ @@@ @@@ H@llo Worl@" 11 chararcters were replaced str3 = "_BC 123 779 H_ll_ W_rld" 4 chararcters were replaced linux2%