; File: recursive.asm ; ; example of subroutines in assembly language. %define STDOUT 1 %define SYSCALL_EXIT 1 %define SYSCALL_WRITE 4 SECTION .data ; initialized data section msg1: db "Hello World", 10, 0 ; C-style \0 terminated string msg2: db 10, "Good-bye, blue sky", 10, 0 char: db 0, 0 ; single char followed by \0 SECTION .text ; Code section. global _start ; let loader see entry point _start: nop ; Entry point. pstart: ; address for gdb mov eax, msg1 ; print first string call print mov al, '5' call recurse mov eax, msg2 ; print second string call print ; final exit ; pexit: mov eax, SYSCALL_EXIT ; exit function mov ebx, 0 ; exit code, 0=normal int 080h ; ask kernel to take over ; A recursive subroutine ; counts down to '0' ; parameter stored in register al recurse: cmp al, '0' ; don't go below '0' jae rcont ret ; go back rcont: push ax ; save al dec al ; param for recursive call call recurse ; recursively count down pop ax ; restore count mov [char], al ; prepare string for printing mov eax, char ; parameter for print subroutine call print ret ; Subroutine print ; writes null-terminated string with address in eax ; print: ; find \0 character and count length of string ; mov edi, eax ; use edi as index mov edx, 0 ; initialize count count: cmp [edi], byte 0 ; null char? je end_count inc edx ; update index & count inc edi jmp short count end_count: ; make syscall to write ; edx already has length of string ; mov ecx, eax ; Arg3: addr of message mov eax, SYSCALL_WRITE ; write function mov ebx, STDOUT ; Arg1: file descriptor int 080h ; ask kernel to write ret ; end of subroutine