/* File: main15.c Using generic functions in ll.c to implement a linked list of string. new_str_node() in this version makes a copy of the string given in its argument. This version has a virtual function table. */ #include #include #include #include "ll.h" typedef struct str_node { one_ftype *vfunc ; struct str_node *next ; char *data ; } str_node ; void print_str_node(str_node *ptr) { printf("%s ", ptr->data) ; return ; } void del_str_node(str_node *ptr) { fprintf (stderr, "Deleting memory for string: %s\n", ptr->data) ; free(ptr->data) ; free(ptr) ; return ; } one_ftype Str_VFuncs[2] = { (one_ftype) &print_str_node, (one_ftype) &del_str_node } ; str_node *new_str_node (const char *str) { str_node *ptr ; ptr = malloc(sizeof(*ptr)) ; if (ptr == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not malloc() in new_str_node()!\n") ; exit(1) ; } ptr->vfunc = Str_VFuncs ; ptr->data = strdup(str) ; // copy of string! if (ptr->data == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not malloc() in new_str_node()!\n") ; exit(1) ; } ptr->next = NULL ; return ptr ; } int main() { base_node *list1 ; str_node *ptr ; printf("New list1: ") ; list1 = LL_New() ; LL_Insert(list1, new_str_node("Hello")) ; LL_Insert(list1, new_str_node("World. ")) ; LL_Insert(list1, new_str_node("My name is")) ; LL_Insert(list1, new_str_node("Zaphod Beeblebrox. ")) ; LL_Insert(list1, new_str_node("I stole the")) ; LL_Insert(list1, new_str_node("Heart of Gold. ")) ; LL_Insert(list1, new_str_node("Good-bye!")) ; LL_Print(list1) ; printf("Remove 1 node: ") ; LL_Delete(list1) ; LL_Print(list1) ; printf("First item: ") ; ptr = (str_node *) LL_First(list1) ; printf("%s ", ptr->data) ; printf("\n") ; printf("Reverse list: ") ; base_node *temp_list = LL_New() ; while( ( ptr = (str_node *) LL_Extract(list1) )) { LL_Insert(temp_list, ptr) ; } LL_Destroy(list1) ; list1 = temp_list ; //shallow copy temp_list = NULL ; LL_Print(list1) ; LL_Destroy(list1) ; return 0 ; }