everest% CC pmain1.C package.C box.C pmain1.C: package.C: box.C: everest% everest% a.out Debug: default Box constructor called Debug: default Box constructor called Debug: default Box constructor called p1: This package has length=0.000000, height=0.000000 & width=0.000000 This package is empty p2: This package has length=2.000000, height=2.000000 & width=2.000000 This package is empty p3: This package has length=2.100000, height=3.000000 & width=2.500000 This package is empty Store: store p1 in p2, r=1 store p2 in p3, r=1 This package has length=2.100000, height=3.000000 & width=2.500000 This package contains the following: This package has length=2.000000, height=2.000000 & width=2.000000 This package contains the following: This package has length=0.000000, height=0.000000 & width=0.000000 This package is empty Content: This package has length=0.000000, height=0.000000 & width=0.000000 This package is empty Empty: p3: This package has length=2.100000, height=3.000000 & width=2.500000 This package is empty *ptr: This package has length=2.000000, height=2.000000 & width=2.000000 This package contains the following: This package has length=0.000000, height=0.000000 & width=0.000000 This package is empty everest%