README This file contains a description of the files in this directory sparse.h Header file for sparse matrix data structure and operations. Copy to your directory, do not modify. test1-5x5 A test file with a 5x5 matrix test2-5x5 A second test file with a 5x5 matrix test3-5x10 A third test file with a 5x10 matrix sample.c A C program that uses the sparse matrix operations and the test files above answer1+2 result of test1-5x5 plus test2-5x5 answer1-2 result of test1-5x5 minus test2-5x5 answer1copy result of copying test1-5x5 answer1to2 result of squaring test1-5x5 answer1to4 result of raising test1-5x5 to the 4th power answer1x2 result of multiplying test1-5x5 and test2-5x5 answer1x3 result of multiplying test1-5x5 and test3-5x10 answer2x3 result of multiplying test2-5x5 and test3-5x10 gen.c A C program that generates random sparse matrices dense.h Header file for Dense Matrix Operations dense.c Implementation of the Dense Matrix Operations realtest.c Sampe C program which compares the results using sparse.h multiplication against dense.h multiplication