huckleberry% cc stack1.c huckleberry% a.out Size of double = 8 main: Address of x = 2147462880 func1: Address of x = 2147462840 func2: Address of x = 2147462800 func3: Address of x = 2147462760 huckleberry% huckleberry% cc stack2.c huckleberry% a.out Size of double = 8 main: Address of x = 2147462880, of y = 2147462872 func1: Address of x = 2147462832, of y = 2147462824 func2: Address of x = 2147462784, of y = 2147462776 func3: Address of x = 2147462736, of y = 2147462728 huckleberry% huckleberry% cc stack3.c huckleberry% a.out Size of double = 8 main: Address of x = 2147462880, of y = 2147462872, of z = 2147462864 func1: Address of x = 2147462824, of y = 2147462816, of z = 2147462808 func2: Address of x = 2147462768, of y = 2147462760, of z = 2147462752 func3: Address of x = 2147462712, of y = 2147462704, of z = 2147462696 main: Address of x = 2147462880, of y = 2147462872, of z = 2147462864 func2: Address of x = 2147462824, of y = 2147462816, of z = 2147462808 func3: Address of x = 2147462768, of y = 2147462760, of z = 2147462752 main: Address of x = 2147462880, of y = 2147462872, of z = 2147462864 func3: Address of x = 2147462824, of y = 2147462816, of z = 2147462808 huckleberry%