everest% CC -DNDEBUG main1.C bstring3.C main1.C: bstring3.C: --- C++ prelinker: main1.o --- CC -c -DNDEBUG -64 main1.C everest% everest% a.out Original Array: 6132585 173143766 1307405106 640531554 284781316 237636320 1419718537 1712790552 1972169894 435548409 1162541279 1338606781 450743599 15863161 799828601 626937471 744256607 829164278 1878745296 1972309574 1317323877 578145287 1143549225 676090439 1527746566 1071019811 1116188882 198333878 273484134 558702247 1643426298 38796696 905646967 1085187830 78603310 333942966 1542389755 102804666 421772908 9813165 1352197175 885869897 517396709 1753389603 1331646006 1493685028 1121528916 9011732 733267126 1226336409 Sorted Array: 6132585 9011732 9813165 15863161 38796696 78603310 102804666 173143766 198333878 237636320 273484134 284781316 333942966 421772908 435548409 450743599 517396709 558702247 578145287 626937471 640531554 676090439 733267126 744256607 799828601 829164278 885869897 905646967 1071019811 1085187830 1116188882 1121528916 1143549225 1162541279 1226336409 1307405106 1317323877 1331646006 1338606781 1352197175 1419718537 1493685028 1527746566 1542389755 1643426298 1712790552 1753389603 1878745296 1972169894 1972309574 Original Array: 0.768285 0.496083 0.829746 0.592928 0.442821 0.531692 0.966287 0.30128 0.378556 0.702827 0.245147 0.562806 0.919938 0.57317 0.409788 0.543607 0.432608 0.426499 0.778364 0.730831 0.57886 0.20007 0.245098 0.252794 0.283458 0.448999 0.779364 0.178267 0.583943 0.893351 0.327724 0.552231 0.290171 0.246439 0.0181597 0.211051 0.488075 0.275694 0.459531 0.243801 0.78472 0.461988 0.290142 0.673156 0.880713 0.89579 0.352748 0.129152 0.600342 0.765899 Sorted Array: 0.0181597 0.129152 0.178267 0.20007 0.211051 0.243801 0.245098 0.245147 0.246439 0.252794 0.275694 0.283458 0.290142 0.290171 0.30128 0.327724 0.352748 0.378556 0.409788 0.426499 0.432608 0.442821 0.448999 0.459531 0.461988 0.488075 0.496083 0.531692 0.543607 0.552231 0.562806 0.57317 0.57886 0.583943 0.592928 0.600342 0.673156 0.702827 0.730831 0.765899 0.768285 0.778364 0.779364 0.78472 0.829746 0.880713 0.893351 0.89579 0.919938 0.966287 Original Array: Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise Sorted Array: Enterprise Space, Starship These are final frontier. of the the the voyages everest% everest% ls a.out* ii_files/ main1.o mystring.h quicksort4.C bstring3.C integer.C main1.txt ordered.h quicksort4.h bstring3.h integer.h main2.C quicksort3.C bstring3.o main1.C mystring.C quicksort3.h everest% everest% more ii_files/main1.ii CMDLINE=CC -c -DNDEBUG -64 main1.C PWD=/home/faculty6/chang/course/cs202/lec21/qsort2 ---- QuickSort__GPii QuickSort__GPfi QuickSort__GP7BStringi everest% everest% mv quicksort3.C foo.C everest% rm -r ii_files everest% CC -DNDEBUG main1.C bstring3.C main1.C: bstring3.C: ld64: ERROR 33: Unresolved text symbol "QuickSort(int*,int)" -- 1st referenced by main1.o. ld64: ERROR 33: Unresolved text symbol "QuickSort(float*,int)" -- 1st referenced by main1.o. ld64: ERROR 33: Unresolved text symbol "QuickSort(BString*,int)" -- 1st referenced by main1.o. ld64: INFO 60: Output file removed because of error. everest% everest% mv foo.C quicksort3.C everest% g++ main1.C bstring3.C quicksort3.C ld: WARNING 84: /usr/lib32/libm.so is not used for resolving any symbol. ld: ERROR 33: Unresolved text symbol "QuickSort__H1Zi_PX01i_v" -- 1st referenced by /var/tmp/cca004J81.o. ld: ERROR 33: Unresolved text symbol "QuickSort__H1Zf_PX01i_v" -- 1st referenced by /var/tmp/cca004J81.o. ld: ERROR 33: Unresolved text symbol "QuickSort__H1Z7BString_PX01i_v" -- 1st referenced by /var/tmp/cca004J81.o. ld: INFO 60: Output file removed because of error. everest%