everest% CC main1.C "genlist2.h", line 67: warning(1551): variable "t" is used before its value is set if (dummy.next == NULL) return t ; ^ detected during instantiation of "int GenList::begin() const" at line 44 of "main1.C" --- C++ prelinker: main1.o --- CC -c -64 main1.C "genlist2.h", line 67: warning(1551): variable "t" is used before its value is set if (dummy.next == NULL) return t ; ^ detected during instantiation of "int GenList::begin() const" at line 44 of "main1.C" "genlist2.C", line 139: warning(1551): variable "result" is used before its value is set if (dummy.next == NULL) return result ; ^ detected during instantiation of "int GenList::chop()" --- C++ prelinker: main1.o --- CC -c -64 main1.C "genlist2.h", line 67: warning(1551): variable "t" is used before its value is set if (dummy.next == NULL) return t ; ^ detected during instantiation of "int GenList::begin() const" at line 44 of "main1.C" "genlist2.C", line 139: warning(1551): variable "result" is used before its value is set if (dummy.next == NULL) return result ; ^ detected during instantiation of "int GenList::chop()" everest% everest% a.out 5 5 2 7 5 5 13 12 11 length = 9 2 7 13 12 11 2 7 13 12 11 17 21 Removed item: 2 7 13 12 11 17 21 First item: 7 7 13 12 11 17 21 Save this list 21 1 2 3 Saved list: 7 13 12 11 17 21 everest%