everest% CC main3.C box1.C main3.C: box1.C: everest% everest% a.out Automatically allocated array of boxes: boxes[0]: I am a box with length=4.56818, height=8.56437 and width=4.18003 boxes[1]: I am a box with length=5.01925, height=3.86823 and width=8.97786 boxes[2]: I am a box with length=1.14025, height=6.25681 and width=2.43432 boxes[3]: I am a box with length=4.45344, height=7.21904 and width=1.52973 A dynamically allocated box I am a box with length=9.09869, height=2.47191 and width=2.43164 I am a box with length=9.09869, height=2.47191 and width=2.43164 Dynamically allocated array of boxes: bptr[0]: I am a box with length=5.79758, height=6.4373 and width=6.24429 bptr[1]: I am a box with length=3.42974, height=4.5143 and width=3.64061 bptr[2]: I am a box with length=7.6814, height=3.68673 and width=1.67984 bptr[3]: I am a box with length=4.64484, height=8.7164 and width=9.47771 bptr[4]: I am a box with length=6.96548, height=8.61828 and width=1.0248 bptr[5]: I am a box with length=5.16141, height=5.79336 and width=8.09089 bptr[6]: I am a box with length=3.39051, height=9.84477 and width=3.76107 everest%