Lecture Schedule

Updated: December 8, 2011. The original schedule is available: here.

The following table shows the plan for the topics to be covered in lecture this semester. Click on the dates for a synopsis of the lecture. The readings refer to Problem Solving and Program Design in C, 6th Edition, by Jeri Hanly and Elliot Koffman, Addison Wesley, 2009 (ISBN: 0321535421).

Date Topic H&K 6/e Reading Quiz HW assigned HW Due
Thu 09/01Introduction0.1-0.3   
Tue 09/06Using Unix  HW1 
Thu 09/08More Unix Practice    
Tue 09/13Machines & binary1.1-1.3 HW2HW1
Thu 09/15Overview of C2.1-2.2   
Tue 09/20Console I/O2.3-2.4 HW3HW2
Thu 09/22Arithmetic expressions2.5   
Tue 09/27Preview: functions3.1-3.2 HW4HW3
Thu 09/29Catch-up Lab    
Tue 10/04If Statements & While loops4.1-4.4, 5.1-5.3 HW5HW4
Thu 10/06Loops 25.4Quiz 1  
Tue 10/11Conditional Statements 24.7-4.8 HW6HW5
Thu 10/13Loops 35.7   
Tue 10/18Loops 45.8 HW7HW6
Thu 10/20Functions 16.1-6.2Quiz 2  
Tue 10/25Functions 26.3-6.4 HW8HW7
Thu 10/27Functions 3    
Tue 11/01Functions 4  HW9HW8
Thu 11/03Algorithms & Top-Down Design 11.4-1.5Quiz 3  
Tue 11/08Algorithms & Top-Down Design 2  HW10HW9
Thu 11/10Algorithms & Top-Down Design 3    
Tue 11/15Arrays 18.1-8.3 HW11HW10
Thu 11/17Arrays 28.4-8.5Quiz 4  
Tue 11/22Arrays 38.6  HW11
Thu 11/24Thanksgiving Break
Tue 11/29Strings 19.1-9.3 HW12 
Thu 12/01Strings 29.4   
Tue 12/06Strings 39.6-9.7 HW13HW12
Thu 12/08Semester Summary Quiz 5  
Tue 12/13Review   HW13
Tue 12/20 Final Exam (1pm – 3pm)