
Course Description

In this course, you will study a range of advanced data structures with an emphasis on an object-oriented approach. Topics include asymptotic analysis; review of lists and arrays; binary search trees; heaps and priority queues; hash tables; and other selected topics. Programming projects in this course will focus on implementation of data structures and empirical analysis of their asymptotic performance.


Students completing this course will be able to:


Lectures will be held live/synchronously using zoom. Recordings will be available in Boxx (fill out and return this form to get access. Expectations for attending lecture include:

Required Textbook

The textbook Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, 2nd Edition by Goodrich, Tamassia, and Mount is required. This course participates in the Course Materials Initiative, so you will receive electronic access to the textbook as a registered student.

Lectures and Readings

You are expected to attend all lectures for this course and are responsible for all material covered in class. If you should happen to miss a lecture, you are responsible for getting any missed notes or announcements from a classmate.


The course schedule includes lecture topics, exam dates, and due dates for homework and projects.

Grading and Late Policy

Your grade in this course is based on projects, homework, and exams as follows:

Project 0 6% 1 6%
Projects 1 – 4 11% 4 44%
Homework 3% 5 15%
Midterm Exams 10% 2 20%
Final Exam 15% 1 15%

Letter grades will be assigned according to the usual 10-point scale.

The late policy for projects is set by the course coordintator. See the Projects & Support page for project policies and descriptions. The following policies apply to homework and exams:


See the Projects & Support site for project information.


There will be five homework assignments over the course of the semester. Unless instructed otherwise, solutions are to be typed, converted to PDF, and submitted. Failure to submit solutions in the correct format will result in point deductions; submissions will be rejected for repeat offenders.


There will be two midterm exams and a final exam. Midterm exams emphasize material from the corresponding units (see the course schedule).

The final exam will be cummulative and will include problems similar to those in the midterm exams and homework assignments as well as problems related to the projects.


All grades and course announcements will be posted on discord. Please contact Prof. Bargteil if you have difficulty accessing the class discord server.

Academic Conduct Policies

By enrolling in this course, each student assumes the responsibilities of an active participant in UMBC’s scholarly community in which everyone’s academic work and behavior are held to the highest standards of honesty. Cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, and helping others to commit these acts are all forms of academic dishonesty, and they are wrong. Academic misconduct could result in disciplinary action that may include, but is not limited to, suspension or dismissal. To read the full Student Academic Conduct Policy, consult the Academic Integrity Resources for Students page, the Faculty Handbook (Sections 14.2-14.3), or for graduate courses, the Graduate School website.

If you need help with a project or assignments, see a TA or your instructor. You are encouraged to make full use of textbooks and the course web pages.

Academic Integrity policies for projects can be found on the Projects and Support site.

Your homework submissions will be checked for similarities with all other student work. If your work is found to be “substantially similar” to that of another student, or if it is determined that someone else wrote the solutions for you, then, at a minimum, you and the other student (if applicable) will receive a grade of zero for that assignment. Furthermore, all parties concerned will have their prior homeworks re-checked for cheating. Be aware, we use an automated tool to compare projects.

If it is determined that you cheated on an exam, you will, at a minimum, receive a grade of zero for the exam.

Any second Academic Integrity incident, whether on a project, homework assignment, or exam, will result in a grade of ‘F’ for the semester.

Any act of academic misconduct will be reported to the University’s Academic Conduct Committee for further action, which may include, but is not limited to, academic suspension or dismissal from the University.

Accessibility and Disability Accommodations, Guidance and Resources;
Hate, Bias, Discrimination and Harassment;
Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, Gender Based Violence and Discrimination

Accessibility and Disability Accommodations, Guidance and Resources

Accommodations for students with disabilities are provided for all students with a qualified disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA & ADAAA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act who request and are eligible for accommodations. The Office of Student Disability Services (SDS) is the UMBC department designated to coordinate accommodations that would create equal access for students when barriers to participation exist in University courses, programs, or activities.

If you have a documented disability and need to request academic accommodations in your courses, please refer to the SDS website at for registration information and office procedures.

SDS email:
SDS phone: (410) 455-2459

If you will be using SDS approved accommodations in this class, please contact me (instructor) to discuss implementation of the accommodations. During remote instruction requirements due to COVID, communication and flexibility will be essential for success.

Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, and Gender Based Violence and Discrimination

UMBC’s Policy on Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination and Federal Title IX law prohibit discrimination and harassment on the basis of sex in University programs and activities.  Any student who is impacted by sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, sexual exploitation, gender discrimination, pregnancy discrimination, gender-based harassment or retaliation should contact the University’s Title IX Coordinator to make a report and/or access support and resources:

Mikhel A. Kushner, Title IX Coordinator (she/her/hers)
410-455-1250 (direct line),

You can access support and resources even if you do not want to take any further action. You will not be forced to file a formal complaint or police report. Please be aware that the University may take action on its own if essential to protect the safety of the community.

If you are interested in or thinking about making a report, please see the Online Reporting Form. Please note that, while University options to respond may be limited, there is an anonymous reporting option via the online form and every effort will be made to address concerns reported anonymously.

Notice that Faculty are Responsible Employees with Mandatory Reporting Obligations:

All faculty members are considered Responsible Employees, per UMBC’s Policy on Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Harassment, and Gender Discrimination. Faculty are therefore required to report possible violations of the Policy to the Title IX Coordinator, even if a student discloses something they experienced before attending UMBC.

While faculty members want you to be able to share information related to your life experiences through discussion and written work, students should understand that faculty are required to report Sexual Misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator so that the University can inform students of their rights, resources and support.

If you need to speak with someone in confidence, who does not have an obligation to report to the Title IX Coordinator, UMBC has a number of Confidential Resources available to support you: 

Other Resources:

Child Abuse and Neglect:

Please note that Maryland law and UMBC policy require that I report all disclosures or suspicions of child abuse or neglect to the Department of Social Services and/or the police.


UMBC’s Policy on Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination expressly prohibits all forms of Discrimination and Harassment on the basis of sex, including pregnancy. Resources for pregnant students are available through the University’s Office of Equity and Inclusion.  Pregnant and parenting students are encouraged to contact the Title IX Coordinator to discuss plans and assure ongoing access to their academic program with respect to a leave of absence or return following leave related to pregnancy, delivery, or the early months of parenting.

In addition, students who are pregnant may be entitled to accommodations under the ADA through the Student Disability Service Office, and/or under Title IX through the Office of Equity and Inclusion.

Religious Observances & Accommodations

UMBC Policy provides that students should not be penalized because of observances of their religious beliefs, students shall be given an opportunity, whenever feasible, to make up within a reasonable time any academic assignment that is missed due to individual participation in religious observances. It is the responsibility of the student to inform the instructor of any intended absences for religious observances in advance, and as early as possible.  For questions or guidance or to request an accommodation, please contact the Office of Equity and Inclusion at

Hate, Bias, Discrimination and Harassment

UMBC values safety, cultural and ethnic diversity, social responsibility, lifelong learning, equity, and civic engagement.

Consistent with these principles, UMBC Policy prohibits discrimination and harassment in its educational programs and activities or with respect to employment terms and conditions based on race, creed, color, religion, sex, gender, pregnancy, ancestry, age, gender identity or expression, national origin, veterans status, marital status, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, or genetic information.

Students (and faculty and staff) who experience discrimination, harassment, hate or bias or who have such matters reported to them should use the online reporting form to report discrimination, hate or bias incidents; reporting may be anonymous.

Additional Policies and Resources

Please see this Google doc for UMBC Policies and Resources during COVID-19.