Oracle8i Supplied Packages Reference
Release 8.1.5






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The DBMS_AQADM package provides procedures to manage Advanced Queuing configuration and administration information.

See Also:

Oracle8i Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing contains detailed information about DBMS_AQADM.  

Enumerated Constants

When using enumerated constants, such as INFINITE,TRANSACTIONAL, or NORMAL_QUEUE, the symbol must be specified with the scope of the packages defining it. All types associated with the administrative interfaces must be prepended with DBMS_AQADM. For example:

Table 5-1 Enumerated Types in the Administrative Interface
Parameter  Options 

See Also:

For more information on the Java classes and data structures used in both DBMS_AQ and DBMS_AQADM, see Chapter 4, "DBMS_AQ"  

Summary of Subprograms

Table 5-2 DBMS_AQADM Package Subprograms
Subprogram  Description 

Creates a queue table for messages of a pre-defined type.  


Alters an existing queue table.  


Drops an existing queue table.  

CREATE_QUEUE procedure

Creates a queue in the specified queue table.  


Creates a non-persistent RAW queue.  

ALTER_QUEUE procedure

Alters existing properties of a queue.  

DROP_QUEUE procedure

Drops an existing queue.  

START_QUEUE procedure

Enables the specified queue for enqueuing and/or dequeueing.  

STOP_QUEUE procedure

Disables enqueuing and/or dequeuing on the specified queue.  


Grants AQ system privileges to users and roles.  


Revokes AQ system privileges from users and roles.  


Grants privileges on a queue to users and roles.  


Revokes privileges on a queue from users and roles.  


Adds a default subscriber to a queue.  


Alters existing properties of a subscriber to a specified queue.  


Removes a default subscriber from a queue.  


Schedules propagation of messages from a queue to a destination identified by a specific dblink.  


Unschedules previously scheduled propagation of messages from a queue to a destination identified by a specific dblink.  


Verifies that the source and destination queues have identical types.  


Alters parameters for a propagation schedule.  


Enables a previously disabled propagation schedule.  


Disables a propagation schedule.  


This procedure creates a queue table for messages of a pre-defined type. The sort keys for dequeue ordering, if any, must be defined at table creation time. The following objects are created at this time:

For Oracle8i-compatible queue tables, the following two index organized tables are created:


   queue_table        IN      VARCHAR2,
   queue_payload_type IN      VARCHAR2,
   storage_clause     IN      VARCHAR2       DEFAULT NULL,
   sort_list          IN      VARCHAR2       DEFAULT NULL,
   multiple_consumers IN      BOOLEAN        DEFAULT FALSE,
   message_grouping   IN      BINARY_INTEGER DEFAULT NONE,
   comment            IN      VARCHAR2       DEFAULT NULL,
   auto_commit        IN      BOOLEAN        DEFAULT TRUE,
   primary_instance   IN      BINARY_INTEGER DEFAULT 0, 
   secondary_instance IN      BINARY_INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
   compatible         IN      VARCHAR2       DEFAULT NULL);


Table 5-3 CREATE_QUEUE_TABLE Procedure Parameters
Parameter  Description 

Name of a queue table to be created.  


Type of the user data stored. See "Type Name" for valid values for this parameter.  


Storage parameter.

The storage parameter is included in the CREATE TABLE statement when the queue table is created. The storage parameter can be made up of any combinations of the following parameters: PCTFREE, PCTUSED, INITRANS, MAXTRANS, TABLEPSACE, LOB, and a table storage clause.

If a tablespace is not specified here, then the queue table and all its related objects are created in the default user tablespace. If a tablespace is specified here, then the queue table and all its related objects are created in the tablespace specified in the storage clause.

See Oracle8i SQL Reference for the usage of these parameters.  


The columns to be used as the sort key in ascending order.

Sort_list has the following format:


The allowed column names are priority and enq_time. If both columns are specified, then <sort_column_1> defines the most significant order.

After a queue table is created with a specific ordering mechanism, all queues in the queue table inherit the same defaults. The order of a queue table cannot be altered after the queue table has been created.

If no sort list is specified, then all the queues in this queue table are sorted by the enqueue time in ascending order. This order is equivalent to FIFO order.

Even with the default ordering defined, a dequeuer is allowed to choose a message to dequeue by specifying its msgid or correlation. Msgid, correlation, and sequence_deviation take precedence over the default dequeueing order, if they are specified.  


FALSE: Queues created in the table can only have one consumer per message. This is the default.

TRUE: Queues created in the table can have multiple consumers per message.  


Message grouping behavior for queues created in the table.

NONE: Each message is treated individually.

TRANSACTIONAL: Messages enqueued as part of one transaction are considered part of the same group and can be dequeued as a group of related messages.  


User-specified description of the queue table. This user comment is added to the queue catalog.  


TRUE: causes the current transaction, if any, to commit before the CREATE_QUEUE_TABLE operation is carried out. The CREATE_QUEUE_TABLE operation becomes persistent when the call returns. This is the default.

FALSE: The operation is part of the current transaction and becomes persistent only when the caller enters a commit.

Caution: This parameter has been deprecated.  


The primary owner of the queue table. Queue monitor scheduling and propagation for the queues in the queue table are done in this instance.

The default value for primary instance is 0, which means queue monitor scheduling and propagation will be done in any available instance.  


The queue table fails over to the secondary instance if the primary instance is not available. The default value is 0, which means that the queue-table will fail over to any available instance.  


The lowest database version with which the queue is compatible. Currently the possible values are either '8.0' or '8.1'. The default is '8.0'.  

Usage Notes

CLOB, BLOB, and BFILE are valid attributes for AQ object type payloads. However, only CLOB and BLOB can be propagated using AQ propagation in Oracle8i release 8.1.5. See the Oracle8i Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing for more information.

You can specify and modify the primary_instance and secondary_instance only in 8.1-compatible mode.

You cannot specify a secondary instance unless there is a primary instance.


This procedure alters the existing properties of a queue table.


   queue_table          IN   VARCHAR2, 
   comment              IN   VARCHAR2       DEFAULT NULL,
   primary_instance     IN   BINARY_INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, 
   secondary_instance   IN   BINARY_INTEGER DEFAULT NULL);


Table 5-4 ALTER_QUEUE_TABLE Procedure Parameters
Parameter  Description 

Name of a queue table to be created.  


Modifies the user-specified description of the queue table. This user comment is added to the queue catalog. The default value is NULL which means that the value will not be changed.  


This is the primary owner of the queue table. Queue monitor scheduling and propagation for the queues in the queue table will be done in this instance.

The default value is NULL, which means that the current value will not be changed.  


The queue table fails over to the secondary instance if the primary instance is not available.

The default value is NULL, which means that the current value will not be changed.  


This procedure drops an existing queue table. All the queues in a queue table must be stopped and dropped before the queue table can be dropped. You must do this explicitly unless the force option is used, in which case this done automatically.


   queue_table       IN    VARCHAR2,
   force             IN    BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
   auto_commit       IN    BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE);


Table 5-5 DROP_QUEUE_TABLE Procedure Parameters
Parameter  Description 

Name of a queue table to be dropped.  


FALSE: The operation does not succeed if there are any queues in the table. This is the default.

TRUE: All queues in the table are stopped and dropped automatically.  


TRUE: Causes the current transaction, if any, to commit before the DROP_QUEUE_TABLE operation is carried out. The DROP_QUEUE_TABLE operation becomes persistent when the call returns. This is the default.

FALSE: The operation is part of the current transaction and becomes persistent only when the caller enters a commit.

Caution: This parameter has been deprecated.  

CREATE_QUEUE procedure

This procedure creates a queue in the specified queue table.


   queue_name          IN       VARCHAR2,
   queue_table         IN       VARCHAR2,
   queue_type          IN       BINARY_INTEGER DEFAULT NORMAL_QUEUE,
   max_retries         IN       NUMBER         DEFAULT NULL,
   retry_delay         IN       NUMBER         DEFAULT 0,
   retention_time      IN       NUMBER         DEFAULT 0,
   dependency_tracking IN       BOOLEAN        DEFAULT FALSE,
   comment             IN       VARCHAR2       DEFAULT NULL,
   auto_commit         IN       BOOLEAN        DEFAULT TRUE);


Table 5-6 CREATE_QUEUE Procedure Parameters
Parameter  Description 

Name of the queue that is to be created. The name must be unique within a schema and must follow object name guidelines in the Oracle8i SQL Reference with regard to reserved characters.  


Name of the queue table that will contain the queue.  


Specifies whether the queue being created is an exception queue or a normal queue.

NORMAL_QUEUE: The queue is a normal queue. This is the default.

EXCEPTION_QUEUE: It is an exception queue. Only the dequeue operation is allowed on the exception queue.  


Limits the number of times a dequeue with the REMOVE mode can be attempted on a message.

The count is incremented when the application issues a rollback after executing the dequeue. The message is moved to the exception queue when it is reaches its max_retries.

Note that max_retries is supported for all single consumer queues and 8.1-compatible multiconsumer queues but not for 8.0-compatible multiconsumer queues.  


Delay time, in seconds, before this message is scheduled for processing again after an application rollback.

The default is 0, which means the message can be retried as soon as possible. This parameter has no effect if max_retries is set to 0. Note that rety_delay is supported for single consumer queues and 8.1-compatible multiconsumer queues but not for 8.0-compatible multiconsumer queues.  


Number of seconds for which a message is retained in the queue table after being dequeued from the queue.

INFINITE: Message is retained forever.

NUMBER: Number of seconds for which to retain the messages. The default is 0; i.e. no retention.  

dependency_ tracking

Reserved for future use.

FALSE: This is the default.

TRUE: Not permitted in this release.  


User-specified description of the queue. This user comment is added to the queue catalog.  


TRUE: Causes the current transaction, if any, to commit before the CREATE_QUEUE operation is carried out. The CREATE_QUEUE operation becomes persistent when the call returns. This is the default.

FALSE: The operation is part of the current transaction and becomes persistent only when the caller enters a commit.

Caution: This parameter has been deprecated.  

Usage Notes

All queue names must be unique within a schema. After a queue is created with CREATE_QUEUE, it can be enabled by calling START_QUEUE. By default, the queue is created with both enqueue and dequeue disabled.


Create a non-persistent RAW queue.


   queue_name              IN        VARCHAR2, 
   multiple_consumers      IN        BOOLEAN  DEFAULT FALSE, 
   comment                 IN        VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


Table 5-7 CREATE_NP_QUEUE Procedure Parameters
Parameter  Description 

Name of the non-persistent queue that is to be created. The name must be unique within a schema and must follow object name guidelines in the Oracle8i SQL Reference with regard to reserved characters.  


FALSE: Queues created in the table can only have one consumer per message. This is the default.

TRUE: Queues created in the table can have multiple consumers per message.

Note that this parameter is distinguished at the queue level, because a non-persistent queue does not inherit this characteristic from any user-created queue table.  


User-specified description of the queue. This user comment is added to the queue catalog.  

Usage Notes

The queue may be either single-consumer or multiconsumer queue. All queue names must be unique within a schema. The queues are created in a 8.1-compatible system-created queue table (AQ$_MEM_SC or AQ$_MEM_MC) in the same schema as that specified by the queue name.

If the queue name does not specify a schema name, then the queue is created in the login user's schema. After a queue is created with CREATE_NP_QUEUE, it can be enabled by calling START_QUEUE. By default, the queue is created with both enqueue and dequeue disabled.

You cannot dequeue from a non-persistent queue. The only way to retrieve a message from a non-persistent queue is by using the OCI notification mechanism.

You cannot invoke the listen call on a non-persistent queue.

ALTER_QUEUE procedure

This procedure alters existing properties of a queue. The parameters max_retries, retention_time, and retry_delay are not supported for non-persistent queues.


   queue_name        IN    VARCHAR2,
   max_retries       IN    NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   retry_delay       IN    NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   retention_time    IN    NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   auto_commit       IN    BOOLEAN  DEFAULT TRUE,
   comment           IN    VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


Table 5-8 ALTER_QUEUE Procedure Parameters
Parameter  Description 

Name of the queue that is to be altered.  


Limits the number of times a dequeue with REMOVE mode can be attempted on a message.

The count is incremented when the application issues a rollback after executing the dequeue. If the time at which one of the retries has passed the expiration time, then no further retries are attempted. Default is NULL, which means that the value will not be altered.

Note that max_retries is supported for all single consumer queues and 8.1-compatible multiconsumer queues but not for 8.0-compatible multiconsumer queues.  


Delay time in seconds before this message is scheduled for processing again after an application rollback. The default is NULL, which means that the value will not be altered.

Note that retry_delay is supported for single consumer queues and 8.1-compatible multiconsumer queues but not for 8.0-compatible multiconsumer queues.  


Retention time in seconds for which a message is retained in the queue table after being dequeued. The default is NULL, which means that the value will not be altered.  


TRUE: Causes the current transaction, if any, to commit before the ALTER_QUEUE operation is carried out. The ALTER_QUEUE operation become persistent when the call returns. This is the default.

FALSE: The operation is part of the current transaction and becomes persistent only when the caller enters a commit.

Caution: This parameter has been deprecated.  


User-specified description of the queue. This user comment is added to the queue catalog. The default value is NULL, which means that the value will not be changed.  

DROP_QUEUE procedure

This procedure drops an existing queue. DROP_QUEUE is not allowed unless STOP_QUEUE has been called to disable the queue for both enqueuing and dequeuing. All the queue data is deleted as part of the drop operation.


   queue_name        IN    VARCHAR2,
   auto_commit       IN    BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE);


Table 5-9 DROP_QUEUE Procedure Parameters
Parameter   Description  

Name of the queue that is to be dropped.  


TRUE: Causes the current transaction, if any, to commit before the DROP_QUEUE operation is carried out. The DROP_QUEUE operation becomes persistent when the call returns. This is the default.

FALSE: The operation is part of the current transaction and becomes persistent only when the caller enters a commit.

Caution: This parameter has been deprecated.  

START_QUEUE procedure

This procedure enables the specified queue for enqueuing and/or dequeueing.

After creating a queue the administrator must use START_QUEUE to enable the queue. The default is to enable it for both ENQUEUE and DEQUEUE. Only dequeue operations are allowed on an exception queue. This operation takes effect when the call completes and does not have any transactional characteristics.


   queue_name      IN     VARCHAR2,
   enqueue         IN     BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE,
   dequeue         IN     BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE);


Table 5-10 START_QUEUE Procedure Parameters
Parameter  Description 

Name of the queue to be enabled.  


Specifies whether ENQUEUE should be enabled on this queue.

TRUE: Enable ENQUEUE. This is the default.

FALSE: Do not alter the current setting.  


Specifies whether DEQUEUE should be enabled on this queue.

TRUE: Enable DEQUEUE. This is the default.

FALSE: Do not alter the current setting.  

STOP_QUEUE procedure

This procedure disables enqueuing and/or dequeuing on the specified queue.

By default, this call disables both ENQUEUEs or DEQUEUEs. A queue cannot be stopped if there are outstanding transactions against the queue. This operation takes effect when the call completes and does not have any transactional characteristics.


   queue_name      IN   VARCHAR2,
   enqueue         IN   BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE,
   dequeue         IN   BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE,
   wait            IN   BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE);


Table 5-11 STOP_QUEUE Procedure Parameters
Parameter  Description 

Name of the queue to be disabled.  


Specifies whether ENQUEUE should be disabled on this queue.

TRUE: Disable ENQUEUE. This is the default.

FALSE: Do not alter the current setting.  


Specifies whether DEQUEUE should be disabled on this queue.

TRUE: Disable DEQUEUE. This is the default.

FALSE: Do not alter the current setting.  


Specifies whether to wait for the completion of outstanding transactions.

TRUE: Wait if there are any outstanding transactions. In this state no new transactions are allowed to enqueue to or dequeue from this queue.

FALSE: Return immediately either with a success or an error.  


This procedure grants AQ system privileges to users and roles. The privileges are ENQUEUE_ANY, DEQUEUE_ANY, and MANAGE_ANY. Initially, only SYS and SYSTEM can use this procedure successfully.


   privilege         IN    VARCHAR2,
   grantee           IN    VARCHAR2,
   admin_option      IN    BOOLEAN := FALSE);


Table 5-12 GRANT_SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE Procedure Parameters
Parameter  Description 

The AQ system privilege to grant. The options are ENQUEUE_ANY, DEQUEUE_ANY, and MANAGE_ANY.

The operations allowed for each system privilege are specified as follows:

ENQUEUE_ANY: users granted with this privilege are allowed to enqueue messages to any queues in the database.

DEQUEUE_ANY: users granted with this privilege are allowed to dequeue messages from any queues in the database.

MANAGE_ANY: users granted with this privilege are allowed to run DBMS_AQADM calls on any schemas in the database.  


Grantee(s). The grantee(s) can be a user, a role, or the PUBLIC role.  


Specifies if the system privilege is granted with the ADMIN option or not.

If the privilege is granted with the ADMIN option, then the grantee is allowed to use this procedure to grant the system privilege to other users or roles. The default is FALSE.  


This procedure revokes AQ system privileges from users and roles. The privileges are ENQUEUE_ANY, DEQUEUE_ANY and MANAGE_ANY. The ADMIN option for a system privilege cannot be selectively revoked.


   privilege         IN   VARCHAR2,
   grantee           IN   VARCHAR2);


Table 5-13 REVOKE_SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE Procedure Parameters
Parameter  Description 

The AQ system privilege to revoke. The options are ENQUEUE_ANY, DEQUEUE_ANY, and MANAGE_ANY.

The ADMIN option for a system privilege cannot be selectively revoked.  


Grantee(s). The grantee(s) can be a user, a role, or the PUBLIC role.  


This procedure grants privileges on a queue to users and roles. The privileges are ENQUEUE or DEQUEUE. Initially, only the queue table owner can use this procedure to grant privileges on the queues.


   privilege        IN    VARCHAR2,
   queue_name       IN    VARCHAR2,
   grantee          IN    VARCHAR2,
   grant_option     IN    BOOLEAN := FALSE);


Table 5-14 GRANT_QUEUE_PRIVILEGE Procedure Parameters
Parameter  Description 

The AQ queue privilege to grant. The options are ENQUEUE, DEQUEUE, and ALL. ALL means both ENQUEUE and DEQUEUE.  


Name of the queue.  


Grantee(s). The grantee(s) can be a user, a role, or the PUBLIC role.  


Specifies if the access privilege is granted with the GRANT option or not.

If the privilege is granted with the GRANT option, then the grantee is allowed to use this procedure to grant the access privilege to other users or roles, regardless of the ownership of the queue table. The default is FALSE.  


This procedure revokes privileges on a queue from users and roles. The privileges are ENQUEUE or DEQUEUE. To revoke a privilege, the revoker must be the original grantor of the privilege. The privileges propagated through the GRANT option are revoked if the grantor's privileges are revoked.


   privilege         IN      VARCHAR2,
   queue_name        IN      VARCHAR2,
   grantee           IN      VARCHAR2);


Table 5-15 REVOKE_QUEUE_PRIVILEGE Procedure Parameters
Parameter  Description 

The AQ queue privilege to revoke. The options are ENQUEUE, DEQUEUE, and ALL. ALL means both ENQUEUE and DEQUEUE.  


Name of the queue.  


Grantee(s). The grantee(s) can be a user, a role, or the PUBLIC role. If the privilege has been propagated by the grantee through the GRANT option, then the propagated privilege is also revoked.  


This procedure adds a default subscriber to a queue.


   queue_name     IN    VARCHAR2,
   subscriber     IN$_agent,
   rule           IN    VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


Table 5-16 ADD_SUBSCRIBER Procedure Parameters
Parameter  Description 

Name of the queue.  


Agent on whose behalf the subscription is being defined.  


A conditional expression based on the message properties, the message data properties and PL/SQL functions.

A rule is specified as a Boolean expression using syntax similar to the WHERE clause of a SQL query. This Boolean expression can include conditions on message properties, user data properties (object payloads only), and PL/SQL or SQL functions (as specified in the where clause of a SQL query). Currently supported message properties are priority and corrid.

To specify rules on a message payload (object payload), use attributes of the object type in clauses. You must prefix each attribute with tab.user_data as a qualifier to indicate the specific column of the queue table that stores the payload. The rule parameter cannot exceed 4000 characters.  

Usage Notes

A program can enqueue messages to a specific list of recipients or to the default list of subscribers. This operation only succeeds on queues that allow multiple consumers. This operation takes effect immediately, and the containing transaction is committed. Enqueue requests that are executed after the completion of this call will reflect the new behavior.

Any string within the rule must be quoted as shown below;

rule   => 'PRIORITY <= 3 AND CORRID =  ''FROM JAPAN'''

Note that these are all single quotation marks.


This procedure alters existing properties of a subscriber to a specified queue. Only the rule can be altered.


   queue_name     IN    VARCHAR2,
   subscriber     IN$_agent,
   rule           IN    VARCHAR2);


Table 5-17 ALTER_SUBSCRIBER Procedure Parameters
Parameter  Description 

Name of the queue.  


Agent on whose behalf the subscription is being altered. See "Agent".  


A conditional expression based on the message properties, the message data properties and PL/SQL functions.

Note: The rule parameter cannot exceed 4000 characters. To eliminate the rule, set the rule parameter to NULL.  


This procedure removes a default subscriber from a queue. This operation takes effect immediately, and the containing transaction is committed. All references to the subscriber in existing messages are removed as part of the operation.


   queue_name         IN         VARCHAR2,
   subscriber         IN$_agent);


Table 5-18 REMOVE_SUBSCRIBER Procedure Parameters
Parameter  Description 

Name of the queue.  


Agent who is being removed. See "Agent".  


This procedure schedules propagation of messages from a queue to a destination identified by a specific dblink.

Messages may also be propagated to other queues in the same database by specifying a NULL destination. If a message has multiple recipients at the same destination in either the same or different queues, then the message is propagated to all of them at the same time.


   queue_name      IN    VARCHAR2,
   destination     IN    VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   start_time      IN    DATE     DEFAULT SYSDATE,
   duration        IN    NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   next_time       IN    VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   latency         IN    NUMBER   DEFAULT 60);


Table 5-19 SCHEDULE_PROPAGATION Procedure Parameters
Parameter  Description 

Name of the source queue whose messages are to be propagated, including the schema name.

If the schema name is not specified, then it defaults to the schema name of the administrative user.  


Destination dblink.

Messages in the source queue for recipients at this destination are propagated. If it is NULL, then the destination is the local database and messages are propagated to other queues in the local database. The length of this field is currently limited to 128 bytes, and if the name is not fully qualified, then the default domain name is used.  


Initial start time for the propagation window for messages from the source queue to the destination.  


Duration of the propagation window in seconds.

A NULL value means the propagation window is forever or until the propagation is unscheduled.  


Date function to compute the start of the next propagation window from the end of the current window.

If this value is NULL, then propagation is stopped at the end of the current window. For example, to start the window at the same time every day, next_time should be specified as 'SYSDATE + 1 - duration/86400'.  


Maximum wait, in seconds, in the propagation window for a message to be propagated after it is enqueued.

For example: If the latency is 60 seconds, then during the propagation window; if there are no messages to be propagated, then messages from that queue for the destination are not propagated for at least 60 more seconds.

It is at least 60 seconds before the queue is checked again for messages to be propagated for the specified destination. If the latency is 600, then the queue is not checked for 10 minutes, and if the latency is 0, then a job queue process will be waiting for messages to be enqueued for the destination. As soon as a message is enqueued, it is propagated.  


This procedure unschedules previously scheduled propagation of messages from a queue to a destination identified by a specific dblink.


   queue_name     IN   VARCHAR2,
   destination    IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


Table 5-20 UNSCHEDULE_PROPAGATION Procedure Parameters
Parameter  Description 

Name of the source queue whose messages are to be propagated, including the schema name.

If the schema name is not specified, then it defaults to the schema name of the administrative user.  


Destination dblink.

Messages in the source queue for recipients at this destination are propagated. If it is NULL, then the destination is the local database and messages are propagated to other queues in the local database. The length of this field is currently limited to 128 bytes, and if the name is not fully qualified, then the default domain name is used.  


This procedure verifies that the source and destination queues have identical types. The result of the verification is stored in the table$_message_types, overwriting all previous output of this command.


   src_queue_name    IN    VARCHAR2,
   dest_queue_name   IN    VARCHAR2,
   destination       IN    VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   rc                OUT   BINARY_INTEGER);


Table 5-21 VERIFY_QUEUE_TYPES Procedure Parameters
Parameter  Description 

Name of the source queue whose messages are to be propagated, including the schema name.

If the schema name is not specified, then it defaults to the schema name of the user.  


Name of the destination queue where messages are to be propagated, including the schema name.

If the schema name is not specified, then it defaults to the schema name of the user.  


Destination dblink.

Messages in the source queue for recipients at this destination are propagated. If it is NULL, then the destination is the local database and messages are propagated to other queues in the local database. The length of this field is currently limited to 128 bytes, and if the name is not fully qualified, then the default domain name is used.  


Return code for the result of the procedure.

If there is no error, and if the source and destination queue types match, then the result is 1. If they do not match, then the result is 0. If an Oracle error is encountered, then it is returned in rc.  


This procedure alters parameters for a propagation schedule.


   queue_name      IN     VARCHAR2, 
   destination     IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   duration        IN     NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL, 
   next_time       IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
   latency         IN     NUMBER   DEFAULT 60);


Table 5-22 ALTER_PROPAGATION_SCHEDULE Procedure Parameters
Parameter  Description 

Name of the source queue whose messages are to be propagated, including the schema name.

If the schema name is not specified, then it defaults to the schema name of the user.  


Destination dblink.

Messages in the source queue for recipients at this destination are propagated. If it is NULL, then the destination is the local database and messages are propagated to other queues in the local database. The length of this field is currently limited to 128 bytes, and if the name is not fully qualified, then the default domain name is used.  


Duration of the propagation window in seconds.

A NULL value means the propagation window is forever or until the propagation is unscheduled.  


Date function to compute the start of the next propagation window from the end of the current window.

If this value is NULL, then propagation is stopped at the end of the current window. For example, to start the window at the same time every day, next_time should be specified as 'SYSDATE + 1 - duration/86400'.  


Maximum wait, in seconds, in the propagation window for a message to be propagated after it is enqueued.

The default value is 60. Caution: if latency is not specified for this call, then latency will over-write any existing value with the default value.

For example, if the latency is 60 seconds, then during the propagation window; if there are no messages to be propagated, then messages from that queue for the destination will not be propagated for at least 60 more seconds. It will be at least 60 seconds before the queue will be checked again for messages to be propagated for the specified destination. If the latency is 600, then the queue will not be checked for 10 minutes and if the latency is 0, then a job queue process will be waiting for messages to be enqueued for the destination and as soon as a message is enqueued it will be propagated.  


This procedure enables a previously disabled propagation schedule.


   queue_name      IN     VARCHAR2, 
   destination     IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


Table 5-23 ENABLE_PROPAGATION_SCHEDULE Procedure Parameters
Parameter  Description 

Name of the source queue whose messages are to be propagated, including the schema name.

If the schema name is not specified, then it defaults to the schema name of the user.  


Destination dblink.

Messages in the source queue for recipients at this destination are propagated. If it is NULL, then the destination is the local database and messages are propagated to other queues in the local database. The length of this field is currently limited to 128 bytes, and if the name is not fully qualified, then the default domain name is used.  


This procedure disables a propagation schedule.


   queue_name      IN     VARCHAR2, 
   destination     IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


Table 5-24 DISABLE_PROPAGATION_SCHEDULE Procedure Parameters
Parameter  Description 

Name of the source queue whose messages are to be propagated, including the schema name.

If the schema name is not specified, then it defaults to the schema name of the user.  


Destination dblink.

Messages in the source queue for recipients at this destination are propagated. If it is NULL, then the destination is the local database and messages are propagated to other queues in the local database. The length of this field is currently limited to 128 bytes, and if the name is not fully qualified, then the default domain name is used.  


This procedure upgrades an 8.0-compatible queue table to an 8.1-compatible queue table, or downgrades an 8.1-compatible queue table to an 8.0-compatible queue table.


   queue_table   IN   VARCHAR2,
   compatible    IN   VARCHAR2);


Table 5-25 MIGRATE_QUEUE_TABLE Procedure Parameters
Parameter  Description 

Specifies name of the queue table to be migrated.  


Set this to '8.1' to upgrade an 8.0-compatible queue table, or set this to '8.0' to downgrade an 8.1-compatible queue table.  


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