Oracle Intelligent Agent Users Guide
Release 8.1.5






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Directory Structure

This appendix describes the directory structure of Oracle Enterprise Manager components and the Intelligent Agent. The entire directory structure is not detailed; only the major sections.

Directory Structure of Oracle Enterprise Manager

The following directories and files are used by Oracle Enterprise Manager components. Software and script files are installed in the ORACLE_HOME directory of the PC where Enterprise Manager is installed. The examples are for a Windows NT platform and the default ORACLE_HOME directory for Windows NT, \orant, is used.


Enterprise Manager executable and DLL's are located in this directory. Help files are also located here.


Enterprise Manager message files are here.


Files associated with Oracle Trace are located here.

Enterprise Manager Components

The Oracle Enterprise Manager components are installed in the \orant\sysman\... directories. These directories include:


SQL scripts used to set up Oracle Enterprise Manager components are located in this directory. In addition, bitmaps that are displayed in the product are stored here.

\orant\sysman\admin\rdbms70, rdbms71, rdbms72, rdbms73, rdbms80

SQL scripts required for TopSessions setup are located in these directories. The scripts are specific to an Oracle database version. These scripts are not directly accessed by the user and should not be run manually.


tcl files are located in this directory.


Sample bitmaps that are used for map backgrounds are installed here.


Enterprise Manager online documentation is located in subdirectories. The files are in HTML format with a .htm extension. The toc.htm file contains the table of contents for each book and should be viewed first.


Oracle Expert sample files are located here.


The Instance Manager stores imported configuration files here.


Change manager files are located in this directory.


NT registry configuration for Enterprise Manager console, daemon, and applications are located in this directory.


Files and directories used by Software Manager are located here.


Job output files are located in this directory.


Quick tour files for Expert and the Console are located in this directory.


DBA, SQL, and Tcl scripts used in the Job system are located in subdirectories in this directory.


The sample files and scripts for the Enterprise Manager Software Developer's Kit (SDK) are located in subdirectories in this directory.


Temporary files (such as map state) are located in this directory.


Performance Manager files are located in this directory.


Capacity planner files are located in this directory.


Do not delete any files from the temp directory.

Network Files

The Oracle Enterprise Manager network configuration files and trace files are stored in the \orant\net80\... directories. These directories include:


The current SQL*Net configuration files and default event definition are located in this directory.


The client and sever log files are usually written here.


The sever and client trace files are usually written here.

Directory Structure of the Intelligent Agent

The following directories and files are used by the agent on a node. All the subdirectories are located under the ORACLE_HOME directory. The examples are for a Windows NT platform and the default ORACLE_HOME directory for Windows NT, \orant, is used.


This is the location of the agent executable file, dbsnmp.


The is the location of the configuration files for the agent, such as snmp_ro.ora and snmp_rw.ora.


The nmiconf.log file is located here. This file contains errors that occur when the agent is discovering services.


This is the location of the agent message file.


This is the location of the *.q files that contain information on the current jobs and events that the agent is managing for the node. The services.ora file is also located here. The user whose credentials are used to run a job with an output file should have write permissions in this directory.


This is the location of SQL scripts that create necessary database accounts and roles used by the agent. The catsnmp.sql script creates the dbsnmp account and the SNMPAGENT role. The catsnmp.sql script is run by catalog.sql during the installation of a database. The catnsnmp.sql script removes the role and user installed by the catsnmp script.


This is the location of the agent tcl scripts.


This is the location of the agent readme file.


The oracle event scripts are located under this directory.


The oracle job scripts are located under this directory.


This is the location of the mib initialization file, orainit.mib.


This is the location of the Oracle Software Manager files.


This is the location of Tcl initialization scripts.


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