Oracle Pro*COBOL(TM) Getting Started for Windows NT and Windows 95
Release 8.0






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This Guide introduces and describes how to use Pro*COBOL Release 8.0 for Windows NT and Windows 95. Specifically, this Guide:


This Guide is intended for anyone installing or using Pro*COBOL 8.0 for Windows NT and Windows 95.


This Guide assumes you:

Note on Directories and Oracle Home

The installation of Oracle client software establishes the directory structure for your Oracle products. A main directory, referred to as the Oracle Home directory, is created to hold the Oracle subdirectories and files. The default Oracle Home directory is called ORAWIN95 or ORANT. This guide uses ORANT in examples. Substitute the correct Oracle Home directory name to suit your particular situation.

Notational Conventions

Note these typographical conventions when reading this Guide:

Feature   Explanation  

All uppercase plain  

Indicates command names, SQL reserved words, and keywords as in ALTER DATABASE. All uppercase plain is also used for directory names and file names, such as, ORANT\DATABASE\INITORCL.ORA.  


Indicates a value that you must provide. For example, if a command asks you to type filename, you must type the actual name of the file. Italic is also used for emphasis in the text and to indicate the titles of other manuals.  

ellipsis . .  

Indicate that parts of the statement or command not directly related to the example have been omitted.
CHKVAL fieldname value 1 value 2... valueN  

Vertical bar |  

Represents an \Qor' option between several options. You must enter only one of the options. Do not enter the vertical bar. The set of alternative choices is enclosed by curly braces if one of the items is required, or by square brackets if the item is an optional alternative.  

Curly braces {}  

Enclose required items. You must choose one of the alternatives. ..DEFINE { macro1 | macro2 }  

Square brackets [ ]  

Enclose optional items. You can choose one or none of the alternatives.

cvtcrt termname [outfile]

Square brackets also indicate a function key, for example [Enter].  


Represents the Windows NT command prompt of the current hard disk drive. Your prompt may differ and may, at times, reflect the subdirectory in which you are working.  

Backslash (\) before a
directory name  

Indicates that the directory is a subdirectory. For example, \DATABASE.  


Symbols other than brackets and vertical bars must be entered in commands exactly as shown.  

How This Guide is Organized

This Guide is composed of the following chapters:

Chapter 1 Introducing Pro*COBOL
Introduces Pro*COBOL for Windows NT and Windows 95 and describes its features.

Chapter 2 Building Pro*COBOL Applications
Explains how to build executable programs.

Related Publications

The following documentation is associated with Pro*COBOL 8.0 for Windows NT and Windows 95:

Also see the documentation included with your Micro Focus Software Development Kit (SDK).


Copyright © 1997 Oracle Corporation.

All Rights Reserved.



