Oracle8 Error Messages
Release 8.0





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Console Messages

VOC-00000 to VOC-00099: Critical Error Messages

VOC-00001: Internal Error: Unknown exception while fetching data.

Cause: A fetch failed with an unknown exception.

Action: None.

VOC-00002: Internal Error: Failure to obtain interface (name).

Cause: A call to GetIDsOfNames for the interface failed. There may be a mismatch between the calling process and the external server.

Action: There may have been a mismatch between the calling process and the external server.

VOC-00003: Internal Error: Failure to obtain interface dispatch interface for Daemon.

Cause: The Dispatch interface for the daemon is not available.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VOC-00004: Internal Error: RegisterActiveObject failed for (object).

Cause: RegisterActiveObject failed.

Action: None.

VOC-00005: Internal Error: QueryInterface failed.

Cause: QueryInterface failed.

Action: None.

VOC-00006: Internal Error: Unable to obtain IDispatch from Job Task.

Cause: The Dispatch interface for the job task is not available.

Action: Contact Worldwide Customer Support.

VOC-00010: Only one instance of this application can be run at a time.

Cause: You attempted to start a second instance of the Console.

Action: Close the second instance of the Console.

VOC-00011: filename file not found, can't run the Job subsystem.

Cause: Either the file vojt.ocx or mmdx.ocx cannot be found.

Action: Attempt a reinstall and then if necessary, contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VOC-00012: Still closing the previous instance; please try again later.

Cause: The user tried to run a second instance of the application.

Action: Close the second instance of the application.

VOC-00100 to VOC-00199: Non-critical Error Messages

VOC-00101: Failure getting credential details.

Cause: The fetch of Preferred credentials from the database has failed.

Action: None.

VOC-00104: Confirmed password doesn't match original password.

Cause: The value entered for password confirmation does not match the original value.

Action: Reenter password value.

VOC-00107: Failure setting credential details.

Cause: The insert of Preferred credentials to the database has failed.

Action: None.

VOC-00111: Oracle Daemon process could not be started. Aborting.

Cause: CreateDispatch Failed for ProgID SMPDaemon.

Action: None.

VOC-00112: Failed to locate Oracle Daemon process. Is it registered?

Cause: CLSIDFromProgID(_T("SMPDaemon"), &clsid) failed.

Action: None.

VOC-00113: Previously running Oracle Daemon process could not be stopped. Please try again later. Aborting.

Cause: CreateDispatch failed for ProgID SMPDaemon.

Action: None

VOC-00117: Unable to get job task state information.

Cause: INTERNAL ERROR - failure in GetTaskState().

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VOC-00118: Unable to initialize job task user interface.

Cause: INTERNAL ERROR - failure in Initialize Task().

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VOC-00119: Unable to generate task Script name.

Cause: The task OCX failed to generate its TCL.

Action: Look at the appended error message.

VOC-00120: Failure clearing a user detail entry.

Cause: The delete of the user detail to the database has failed.

Action: None.

VOC-00121: Failure updating or inserting a user detail entry.

Cause: The update or insert of the user detail to the database has failed.

Action: None.

VOC-01000 to VOC-02000: Predefined Events Messages

VOC-01000: Error code : string. Error txt : string.

Cause: Generic error for events.

Action: Note applicable.

VOC-04000 to VOC-04999: General Messages

The following two messages are displayed as a single message.

VOC-04001: Warning: User user_id already logged in from machine name.

Cause: Warns user of the user migration feature.

Action: None.

VOC-04002: Continuation with this session will mean you will lose messages from remote agents.

Cause: Warns user of the user migration feature.

Action: None.

VOC-04003: Passing Logon Info failed.

Cause: Not applicable.

Action: None.

VOC-04800: Failed to find IUnknown for Discovery Cache.

Cause: Not applicable.

Action: None.

VOC-04801: RegisterActiveObject failed for the Discovery Cache.

Cause: Not applicable.

Action: None.

VOC-04802: Unknown exception type caught.

Cause: Not applicable.

Action: None.

VOC-04804: Failed in scheduling a job.

Cause: Not applicable.

Action: None.

VOC-04805: Failed to set job arguments.

Cause: Not applicable.

Action: None.

VOC-04806: Failed to match name to ids.

Cause: Not applicable.

Action: None.

VOC-04807: Can't start up OLE services.

Cause: Not applicable.

Action: None.

VOC-04808: Failed to prepare input parameters.

Cause: Not applicable.

Action: None.

VOC-04809: Internal error in RegisterEvent!

Cause: Not applicable.

Action: None.

VOC-04810: Failed to translate the parameters to a variant.

Cause: Not applicable.

Action: None.

VOC-04811: Failed to locate Object.

Cause: Not applicable.

Action: None.

VOC-04812: Failed to locate Group.

Cause: Not applicable.

Action: None.

VOC-04813: You specified an invalid type.

Cause: Not applicable.

Action: None.

VOC-04814: Internal Error.

Cause: Not applicable.

Action: None.

VOC-04815: Unknown exception caught.

Cause: Not applicable.

Action: None.

VOC-04820: Call to RegisterApplication failed.

Cause: OLE call of RegisterApplication from the Console to the daemon failed.

Action: None.

VOC-04821: Service not found

Cause: Failure in GetServiceNode OLE call.

Action: None

VOC-04822: The specified location type is not supported for lists of this type.

Cause: In xGetObjectList in vocdoc, LocationType and Type parameters are incompatible.

Action: None

VOC-04827: Failed to update SQL*Net configuration

Cause: Check %TNS_ADMIN% or %ORACLE_HOME%\network\admin exist and that auto discovery has been successful.

Action: None

VOC-04840: An unknown service type type has been discovered.

Cause: An unknown service type was discovered.

Action: Query to add the service type.

VOC-04841: Would you like to add this service type to your Navigator?

Cause: An unknown service type was discovered.

Action: Query the user.

VOC-07000 to VOC-07999: Navigator Messages

VOC-07000: Invalid connection.

Cause: Database is down.

Action: Establish connection.

VOC-07001: Drag/Drop failed, target object has Invalid connection.

Cause: Database is down.

Action: Establish connection.

VOC-08000 to VOC-08999: Job Scheduling Messages

VOC-08103: Interactive jobs must have ID of 0.

Cause: The interactive jobs ID is not 0.

Action: Do not schedule the job.

VOC-08104: The Job name field must be specified.

Cause: The job name cannot be empty.

Action: Do not schedule the job.

VOC-08105: DESTINATION parameter is a SAFEARRAY does not have 2 columns of BSTR.

Cause: Destinations parameter is a SAFEARRAY does not have 2 columns of BSTR.

Action: Do not schedule the job.

VOC-08106: A job by that name already exists.

Cause: The job name already exists.

Action: Do not schedule the job.

VOC-08107: The Selected Destinations field must be specified.

Cause: The list of selected destinations is empty.

Action: Do not schedule the job.

VOC-08108: The Selected Tasks field must be specified.

Cause: The list of selected tasks is empty.

Action: Do not schedule the job.

VOC-08110: Failed to open script file (filename).

Cause: A SQL file failed to open.

Action: Do not schedule the job.

VOC-08111: Cannot create a unique filename for Startup DB script.

Cause: A unique filename for the Startup DB task could not be created.

Action: Do not schedule the job.

VOC-08113: Failed to write Startup DB script file.

Cause: Failed to write Startup DB script file.

Action: Do not schedule the job.

VOC-08115: Failed to read TCL script file.

Cause: The TCL script file could not be read.

Action: Do not schedule the job.

VOC-08117: Cannot create a unique filename for Master TCL script.

Cause: A unique filename for the Master TCL script could not be created.

Action: Do not schedule the job.

VOC-08118: Failed to open Master TCL script file.

Cause: The Master TCL script file could not be opened.

Action: Do not schedule the job.

VOC-08119: Failed to write Master TCL script file.

Cause: Failed to write Master TCL script.

Action: Do not schedule the job.

VOC-08124: Failed to Open file.

Cause: The file failed to open.

Action: Exit.

VOC-08125: Failed to Read file.

Cause: Failed to Read file.

Action: Exit.

VOC-08126: Failed to Write file.

Cause: Failed to Write file.

Action: Exit.

VOC-08137: Unknown exception type caught.

Cause: Unknown exception thrown by SQL engine.

Action: None.

VOC-08138: Can't open predefined task file.

Cause: Cannot find the predefined task file.

Action: Install the predefined task file from the staging area.

VOC-08139: Failed to get current time string.

Cause: System fails to return current time.

Action: Restart the machine.

VOC-08141: Unable to remove job information in database.

Cause: Unknown exception thrown by SQL engine.

Action: Contact Worldwide Customer Support.

VOC-08142: Failed to retrieve available destinations.

Cause: Discovery cache problem.

Action: Retrieve the same operation later.

VOC-10100 to VOC-10200: Map Messages

VOC-10100: A cyclical group would be created.

Cause: The group being added is a parent of the group being added to.

Action: Do not allow the addition of this item. Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VOC-10101: Unable to add this object to this group.

Cause: An error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VOC-10102: Unexpected error trying to add to this group.

Cause: Unknown.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VOC-10123: INTERNAL ERROR: Unable to access the service onto which to drop.

Cause: An internal error has occurred.

Action: Contact Worldwide Oracle Customer Support.

VOC-10140: An error occurred while saving the map or group.

Cause: An internal error has occurred.

Action: Not applicable.

VOC-10141: An error occurred trying to load string.

Cause: A format error probably exists.

Action: Check the format of the file.

VOC-10142: The bitmap format was not recognized.

Cause: The console does not recognize the bitmap format the user specified.

Action: Check the format of the file.

VOC-10143: The stored bitmap was truncated.

Cause: The saved version is out of date. The console was unable to load this object.

Action: Do not load this bitmap.

VOC-10144: An error occurred creating this object.

Cause: The console was unable to construct this object.

Action: Ignore the creation request.

VOC-10145: Unable to load the map or group. Incompatible version information.

Cause: The saved version is out of date. The console was unable to load this object.

Action: Ignore the creation request.

VOC-10160: Unable to Quick Edit External Service: string.

Cause: An attempt to launch an external quick edit failed, perhaps because of an OLE error.

Action: Do not quick edit the service.

VOC-10339: Error occurred while inserting a row into the Event Registry Table.

Cause: An unknown error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VOC-10340: Error occurred while deleting a row from the Event Registry table.

Cause: An unknown error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VOC-10341: No description for this event is available.

Cause: An unknown error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VOC-10354: Could not notify Application about backlogged events.

Cause: An unknown error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VOC-10358: A failure occurred while adding an event.

Cause: An unknown error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VOC-10360: A failure occurred while adding the event profile.

Cause: An unknown error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VOC-10361: A failure occurred while deleting events.

Cause: An unknown error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VOC-10362: A failure occurred while getting the Event Profile Details.

Cause: An unknown error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VOC-10363: A failure occurred while getting the Administrator Details.

Cause: An unknown error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VOC-10364: Cannot locate the Oracle Paging Broker.

Cause: An unknown error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VOC-10366: An error occurred while trying to contact the Oracle Paging Broker.

Cause: An unknown error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VOC-10367: Cannot locate the Oracle Mailing Broker.

Cause: An unknown error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VOC-10370: An error occurred while trying to contact the Oracle Mail Broker.

Cause: An unknown error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VOC-10374: Failed to register event.

Cause: An unknown error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VOC-10390: Cannot get the Event Set Details.

Cause: An unknown error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VOC-10413: Unknown.

Cause: The Mail/Paging notification engine could not be found.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VOC-10417: Cannot read the Event Definition File.

Cause: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VOC-10471: frequency for host up/down set via Oracle Daemon Manager

Cause: User has selected host up/down event on the parameters page.

Action: Use the daemon manager to reset the frequency if desired.


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