Oracle8 Error Messages
Release 8.0





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ConText Option Messages

ConText Option Error Messages: DRG-10000 to DRG-12100

DRG-10000: failed to read column %(1)s.%(2)s

Cause: Error during read of specified text column.

Action: Check existence and privs of column.

DRG-10001: can not access result table %(1)s

Cause: Specified table does not exist or server does not have write privileges.

Action: Check result table.

DRG-10002: can not insert into result table

Cause: Text server is not privileged to insert, tablespace exhausted.

Action: Check privileges and tablespace.

DRG-10003: failed to read column %(1)s.%(2)s

Cause: Error during read of specified text column.

Action: Check existence and privs of column.

DRG-10004: can not access document table %(1)s

Cause: Specified table does not exist or server does not have write privileges.

Action: Check document table.

DRG-10005: can not insert into document table

Cause: Text server is not privileged to insert, tablespace exhausted, or the document is too large.

Action: Check privileges, tablespace, or document size.

DRG-10006: failed to read column %(1)s.%(2)s

Cause: Error during read of specified highlight column.

Action: Check existence and privs of column.

DRG-10007: can not access highlight table %(1)s

Cause: Specified table does not exist or server does not have write privileges.

Action: Check document table.

DRG-10008: can not insert into highlight table

Cause: ConText server is not privileged to insert, tablespace exhausted.

Action: Check privileges and tablespace.

DRG-10009: not allowed to access a table in another schema

Cause: You tried to use a result table in another schema.

Action: Create the result table in your own schema.

DRG-10010: required column does not exist in result table %(1)s

Cause: Specified table does not contain one or more of the following columns: TEXTKEY, SCORE, CONID, CURID.

Action: Check columns result table.

DRG-10011: invalid object name %(1)s

Cause: A table, column or procedure name specified had an invalid format. It is either too long or contains illegal characters. Probably you are passing in incorrect parameters.

Action: Check parameter values.

DRG-10012: can not execute callback %(1)s

Cause: Callback does not exist or you do not have execute permission.

Action: Check callback parameter.

DRG-10013: can not store system stored query

Cause: User doesn't have privilege to store a system SQE.

Action: No action required.

DRG-10014: can not remove system stored query

Cause: User doesn't have privilege to remove a system SQE.

Action: No action required.

DRG-10015: can not access external LOB file: %(1)s

Cause: User doesn't have OS privilege to access file or file does not exist.

Action: Check file exists at specified location with proper access permission.

DRG-10100: invalid argument found: %(1)s

Cause: Invalid command argument was specified.

Action: Check the documentation for the legal arguments and re-execute the command.

DRG-10101: no value for argument: %(1)s

Cause: This argument requires value(s).

Action: Re-execute the command with the correct argument value(s).

DRG-10102: mandatory argument missing: %(1)s

Cause: This argument is mandatory.

Action: Re-execute the command and specify the argument.

DRG-10200: invalid server personality mask: %(1)s

Cause: The specification for the server personality mask is invalid.

Action: Check the documentation and specify the correct mask.

DRG-10201: loading of the Dictionary cache failed

Cause: Loading of the dictionary into cache failed, the dictionary may be in the inconsistent state.

Action: Run the dictionary QA report, contact Oracle Support with the QA report.

DRG-10202: server failed to register

Cause: The server failed to register itself with the data dictionary.

Action: Look at the next error on the stack.

DRG-10203: server named %(1)s does not exist

Cause: Update was called with the name of a server that does not exist.

Action: Correct the name of the server.

DRG-10204: server update failed

Cause: The attempt to update the server failed.

Action: Look at the next error on the stack.

DRG-10205: server deregister failed

Cause: The attempt to deregister the server from the data dictionary failed.

Action: Look at the next error on the stack.

DRG-10206: update failed for queue %(1)s, status %(2)s

Cause: The named queue does not exist or the new status is inappropriate for its present status.

Action: Ensure that the queue name and the status specified are correct.

DRG-10301: timed out waiting for responses from servers

Cause: Not enough servers are running to handle the current system load, and a large backlog of commands has accumulated; perhaps no servers are running. This message could also indicate an internal error where one of the servers has crashed trying to process a given request.

Action: Check that enough servers are running, and that they are processing commands of the correct type. For instance, a DDL command might timeout if all the servers are setup to exclusively process query commands. Also, check the server log files.

DRG-10302: interrupted waiting for responses from servers

Cause: User interrupted the request before it was completed.

Action: Restart the request.

DRG-10303: could not queue given commands to be processed

Cause: The given command or commands could not (all) be queued. This could indicate an extremely high system load, but it is more likely an internal error.

Action: Check if any servers are running to process the command.

DRG-10304: unexpected error sending command(s) to ConText server

Cause: There was an unexpected error sending command(s) to ConText server.

Action: Contact Oracle support.

DRG-10305: pipe %(1)s is full

Cause: Could not send command to pipe, because the pipe was full.

Action: Check if any ConText servers are running to process the commands on that pipe.

DRG-10306: server terminated unexpectedly while processing command

Cause: The server shutdown during execution of your command. This could be caused by a shutdown abort, or by an internal error in the server.

Action: If the server terminated had an internal error, contact support.

DRG-10307: no servers running

Cause: Could not process command because no ConText servers are running with the correct personality mask.

Action: Start some ConText servers with correct personality mask.

DRG-10308: no server with the required %(1)s personality mask is running

Cause: Could not process command because no ConText servers are running with the correct personality mask.

Action: Start one or more ConText servers with correct personality mask.

DRG-10309: insufficient %(1)s servers running for parallel %(2)s operation

Cause: Could not process parallel command because not enough ConText servers with the correct personality mask are running.

Action: Start enough ConText servers with correct personality mask to support the degree of parallelism requested.

DRG-10310: servers were shutdown before processing request

Cause: The command could not be completed because the ConText servers were shut down or terminated before processing the request.

Action: Start another ConText server with the correct personality mask.

DRG-10500: CREATE_INDEX failed: column spec str

Cause: Failed to create text index on the specified column.

Action: See the next errors on stack and take appropriate action.

DRG-10501: policy name must be specified

Cause: Policy name must be specified for this procedure call.

Action: Reinvoke the procedure and specify the policy name.

DRG-10502: policy %(1)s does not exist

Cause: The specified policy does not exist or you do not have access to it.

Action: Must first create the column policy.

DRG-10503: textkey must be specified -- table has no primary key

Cause: A textkey needs to be a single column unique key whose length does not exceed 64 bytes. no such key was defined as an unique index or declared as a primary or unique key constraint.

Action: Create a suitable textkey for the table or specify it explicitly in this procedure call.

DRG-10505: invalid preference id %(1)s for the %(2)s preference

Cause: The preference id for the corresponding framework object is invalid.

Action: Reinvoke the operation with the correct preference id.

DRG-10506: table does not exist: %(1)s

Cause: The table, view, or synonym specified does not exist. There may also be a permissions problem reading the table.

Action: Reinvoke the operation with the correct table name.

DRG-10507: duplicate policy name: %(1)s

Cause: The specified policy already exists in the dictionary.

Action: This policy can be updated or deleted, however this is only allowed if there is no text index available on the text column.

DRG-10508: procedure not yet implemented: %(1)s

Cause: This procedure is not implemented currently.

Action: Use an alternative procedure to achieve same result or call support.

DRG-10509: invalid text column: %(1)s

Cause: The column specified is not valid.

Action: Check that the followings are valid: a) text column is of the datatype supported by ConText, b) valid table name, column name in the specification

DRG-10510: textkey column %(1)s does not exist, is too long, or is not unique

Cause: The textkey specified is not a column of the text table or its length exceeds 64 bytes.

Action: Check the specified textkey.

DRG-10511: index does not exist for the specified policy

Cause: Index has not been created for this policy.

Action: Create index before performing this operation.

DRG-10512: the dictionary cache is full

Cause: The dictionary cache is full.

Action: Increase the DICT_CACHE_SIZE configuration parameter and restart the server.

DRG-10513: load object preference failed: policy %(1)s

Cause: Dictionary contains bad preferences for this policy.

Action: Contact your DBA.

DRG-10514: preference does not exist: %(1)s

Cause: The preference name specified does not exists.

Action: Retry with the correct preference name.

DRG-10515: preference in use, can not be deleted: %(1)s

Cause: The preference name is referenced by one or more policy.

Action: Drop the policy before the preference can be deleted.

DRG-10516: failed to perform DDL operation due to an Oracle error

Cause: The DDL operation requested has failed because of an Oracle error.

Action: See the Oracle error on the stack and take the appropriate action.

DRG-10517: cannot perform operation %(1)s because index exists for policy %(2)s

Cause: Failed to perform the operation because index exists on the column.

Action: Drop index if you really want to carry out the operation.

DRG-10518: an operation is in progress which conflicts with %(1)s request

Cause: Another session is operating on this index. it could be: a) DML is requested and DDL is in progress or b) DDL is requested and DML is in progress operation on the policy

Action: Try again later.

DRG-10519: this index is already being optimized

Cause: At most one process at a time can optimize an index, and another session is optimizing this index.

Action: You could try again later; however, when the index has been optimized, it is probably not necessary to optimize it again.

DRG-10520: failed to drop text index: column policy=%(1)s

Cause: The drop operation requested has failed because of an Oracle error.

Action: See the Oracle error on the stack and take the appropriate action.

DRG-10521: failed to access the text index: column policy=%(1)s

Cause: Other session is operating on the index.

Action: Try again later.

DRG-10522: failed to release access to the text index: column policy=%(1)s

Cause: You encountered an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle support.

DRG-10523: policy %(1)s already exists

Cause: The specified policy already exists.

Action: Must drop the policy if you want to re-create it.

DRG-10524: table name is missing in the column specification

Cause: The table name has not been specified in the policy name specification.

Action: If you want to create a template policy, use 'TEMPLATE_POLICY' as the table name. The syntax for policy name specification is '[owner.[table.]]column'.

DRG-10525: composite textkey not supported

Cause: A textkey needs to be a single column unique key whose length does not exceed 64 bytes (for a master-detail table a 2 column unique key is needed); no suitable candidate textkeys found.

Action: Create a suitable textkey via an unique index or primary or unique key constraints.

DRG-10526: cannot index object of type %(1)s

Cause: You tried to index an object that isn't a TABLE, VIEW, or SYNONYM.

Action: Do not try to index this object.

DRG-10527: invalid indexing level %(1)

Cause: You tried to index using unsupported indexing level.

Action: Check your preference settings.

DRG-10528: datatype of the textkey not supported

Cause: You tried to create a policy on the table that has illegal textkey datatype.

Action: Change the textkey to one of the followings: VARCHAR2, NUMBER, VARCHAR, DATE, CHAR, MLSLABEL

DRG-10529: invalid attribute name: object_name=%(1)s, attribute name=%(2)s

Cause: You tried to set value for a invalid attribute (not supported by the object.

Action: Specify the correct attribute name.

DRG-10530: invalid attribute value: attribute name=%(1)s, attribute value=%(2)s

Cause: You tried to set an illegal value for an attribute.

Action: Specify the correct attribute value for the datatype of the attribute.

DRG-10531: parallel parameter must be > 0

Cause: You called CREATE_INDEX with parallel = 0.

Action: Specify a value > 0.

DRG-10532: sharelevel parameter must be 1 or 0

Cause: You called CONTAINS with sharelevel set to a value other than 1 or 0.

Action: Specify a value of 1 or 0.

DRG-10533: invalid user name: %(1)s

Cause: You specified a user name that is invalid.

Action: Specify the correct user name.

DRG-10534: index already exists

Cause: You tried to create an index that already exists.

Action: No action required.

DRG-10535: failed to optimize text index: column policy=%(1)s

Cause: The optimize operation requested has failed because of an Oracle error.

Action: See the Oracle error on the stack and take the appropriate action.

DRG-10536: failed to create policy: policy owner differs from owner of table

Cause: The owner specified in the policy name differs from the owner in the column specification - defaults are the current user.

Action: Reinvoke the procedure with modified policy name or column spec.

DRG-10537: textkey %(1)s's length of %(2)s exceeds limit of 64 bytes

Cause: A textkey needs to be a single column unique key whose length does not exceed 64 bytes (for a master-detail table a 2 column unique key is needed); no suitable candidate textkeys found.

Action: Create a suitable textkey via an unique index or primary or unique key constraints.

DRG-10538: unable to create text index %(1)s %(2)s

Cause: The preference attributes specified cause an invalid DDL statement to be generated.

Action: Check the server log which will contain the faulty SQL statement. Use that to correct the preference attributes for this policy.

DRG-10539: stop Word %(1)s already exists

Cause: The specified stop word already exists.

Action: Must remove the duplicate word if you want to re-create it.

DRG-10540: null Stop Words are not allowed

Cause: The specified stop word is null.

Action: Must remove the null stop word if you want to re-create it.

DRG-10541: length of the stop list entry %(1)s exceeded the limit

Cause: A stop list entry has exceeded the maximum length of 64 bytes.

Action: Reduce the length of the stop list entry if you want to re-create it.

DRG-10542: adding the word %(1)s to stop list exceeded the maximum limit

Cause: Stop list entries have exceeded the maximum limit of 255.

Action: Limit the number of entries in stop list to 255, if you want to re-create it.

DRG-10544: invalid framework object %(1)s for create preference

Cause: You tried to create a preference with an invalid object type.

Action: Use a valid framework object to create the preference.

DRG-10545: cannot create policy in another user's schema

Cause: You tried to create a policy for another user.

Action: Datasource owner or CTXSYS should create policy.

DRG-10547: preference %(1)s.%(2)s already exists

Cause: The specified preference already exists.

Action: Must drop the preference if you want to re-create it.

DRG-10548: length of the user name %(1)s exceeded the limit

Cause: User name has exceeded the maximum length of 30 bytes.

Action: Reduce the length of the user name if you want to re-create it.

DRG-10549: length of the object name %(1)s exceeded the limit

Cause: Object name has exceeded the maximum length of 30 bytes.

Action: Reduce the length of the object name if you want to re-create it.

DRG-10550: illegal syntax for policy or preference name

Cause: Policy or preference may have additional periods(.).

Action: Check the syntax of preference or policy name if you want to re-create it.

DRG-10551: length of the table name %(1)s exceeded the limit

Cause: Table name has exceeded the maximum length of 30 bytes.

Action: Reduce the length of the user name if you want to re-create it.

DRG-10552: length of the column name %(1)s exceeded the limit

Cause: Column name has exceeded the maximum length of 30 bytes.

Action: Reduce the length of the column name if you want to re-create it.

DRG-10553: illegal syntax for column specification %(1)s

Cause: Column specification may have additional periods(.).

Action: Check the syntax of column specification if you want to re-create it.

DRG-10554: parallel Index Optimization not supported for option %(1)s

Cause: Parallel Index Optimization is supported for 2-table compaction only.

Action: Run this option serially, or use the 2-table compaction option.

DRG-10555: parallel Index Optimization failed to process %(1)s fully

Cause: This is an internal error detected during parallel processing.

Action: Call Oracle support. Continue to use the original, unoptimized text index until the problem is resolved.

DRG-10556: invalid Index Optimization option %(1)s specified

Cause: The option specified is not supported. Supported options are:

1. DR_OPTIMIZE_LAZY_DELETES or Garbage Collection

2. DR_OPTIMIZE_COMPACT_INDEXES or In-place compaction

3. DR_OPTIMIZE_COMPACT_NEW or 2-table compaction

Action: Specify one of the options listed above.

DRG-10557: a synonym cannot be used as a datasource

Cause: The datasource for a policy must be a table or a view. Creating policies against synonyms is not currently supported.

Action: No action required.

DRG-10558: cannot create text index on a template policy %(1)s

Cause: You tried to create a text index on a template policy.

Action: No action required.

DRG-10559: textkey must be specified -- datasource is a view

Cause: When creating a policy with a view as the datasource, you must specify a column of the view to use as the primary key.

Action: No action required.

DRG-10560: lineno column %(1)s does not exist, is too long, or is not unique

Cause: The lineno specified is not a column of the text table or its length exceeds 64 bytes.

Action: Check the specified lineno.

DRG-10561: lineno must be specified for master-detail datasource

Cause: When creating a master-detail datasource, the lineno column of the detail table must be specified. The lineno column is unique among detail records of the same master record.

Action: Specify the lineno column in this procedure call.

DRG-10562: lineno should be specified only for master-detail datasource

Cause: When creating a policy which is not a master-detail datasource, you must not specify the lineno.

Action: Do not specify the lineno column in this procedure call.

DRG-10563: textkey must be specified -- no composite primary key found

Cause: A textkey for master-detail datasources needs to be a 2-column unique key. No such key was defined as a primary or unique key constraint.

Action: Create a suitable textkey for the table or specify it explicitly in this procedure call.

DRG-10564: textkey column %(1)s is not part of a composite key

Cause: For master-detail datasources, the textkey column must be part of a 2-column unique composite key. The textkey column forms the major half, and the lineno forms the minor half.

Action: Check the specified textkey.

DRG-10565: too many values for attribute %(1)s (maximum %(2)s)

Cause: You specified too many values for the attribute.

Action: Specify fewer values.

DRG-10566: mandatory attribute %(1)s is missing or null

Cause: You did not specify a mandatory attribute of the preference.

Action: Specify the mandatory attribute.

DRG-10567: duplicate policy or source id exists

Cause: Duplicate policy or source id exists.

Action: Use ctx_ddl.create_policy or create_source.

DRG-10568: source %(1)s does not exist

Cause: The specified source does not exist or you do not have access to it.

Action: Must first create the source.

DRG-10569: table or column does not exist: %(1)s

Cause: The table, view, synonym or column specified does not exist. There may also be a permissions problem reading the table.

Action: Reinvoke the operation with the correct table name or column name.

DRG-10570: cannot create preference in another user's schema

Cause: You tried to create a preference for another user.

Action: Owner or CTXSYS or a user who has CTXADMIN. role should create preference

DRG-10571: invalid framework object %(1)s

Cause: You specified an invalid object type.

Action: Use a valid framework object.

DRG-10572: invalid framework class %(1)s

Cause: You specified an invalid framework class.

Action: Use a valid framework class.

DRG-10600: failed to register column %(1)s with DML Queue

Cause: The system could not setup triggers to monitor updates to the requested column.

Action: See next error on stack to determine course of action. Contact Oracle Support if necessary. Until this error is fixed, updates to all text columns in the given table may not be indexed.

DRG-10601: failed to deregister column with DML Queue

Cause: The system could not remove triggers setup to monitor updates to the requested table.

Action: See next error on stack to determine course of action. Contact Oracle Support if necessary. Until this error is fixed, updates to all text columns in the given table may not be indexed.

DRG-10602: failed to queue DML change to column %(1)s for primary key %(2)s

Cause: The system could not record that a change had been made to the given column.

Action: See next error on stack to determine course of action. Contact Oracle Support if necessary. Until this error is fixed, updates to all text columns in the given table may not be indexed.

DRG-10603: failed to sync to current time

Cause: The system could not do the sync.

Action: See next error on stack to determine course of action.

DRG-10604: failed to sync to date %(1)s

Cause: The system could not do the sync.

Action: See next error on stack to determine course of action.

DRG-10605: failed to query the date to which system is synced

Cause: The system could query the sync date.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

DRG-10606: server failed to access the DML Queue

Cause: The server was had an error accessing the DML Queue.

Action: See next error on stack.

DRG-10607: failed to requeue requests for server %(1)s

Cause: The server apparently aborted while processing a batch of DML operations. The recovery mechanism attempted to requeue the primary keys that the aborted server was working on. However, the attempt to requeue these rows failed.

Action: See next error on stack.

DRG-10608: timeout while waiting for DML to complete

Cause: Timeout occurred while waiting for the DML to complete.

Action: No action required.

DRG-10700: unknown preference parameter for %(1)s: %(2)s

Cause: Unrecognized preference parameter.

Action: Correct preference setting and resubmit.

DRG-10701: more than maximum %(3)s allowed values for parameter %(2)s for %(1)s

Cause: Too many preference values.

Action: Adjust the number of values and resubmit.

DRG-10702: expecting at least %(3)s values for parameter %(2)s for %(1)s

Cause: Expecting more parameter values.

Action: Correct preference setting and resubmit.

DRG-10703: value for %(1)s parameter %(2)s should be of type %(3)s

Cause: Bad value type.

Action: Correct preference setting and resubmit.

DRG-10704: value of %(1)s parameter %(2)s out of range %(3)s..%(4)s

Cause: Parameter is out of range.

Action: Correct preference setting and resubmit.

DRG-10705: parameter %(2)s for %(1)s was set to default value %(3)s

Cause: Bad setting of a parameter, was set too default value.

Action: Correct preference setting and resubmit.

DRG-10706: parameter %(2)s for %(1)s is larger than maximum size (%(3)s bytes)

Cause: Parameter is too many bytes.

Action: Correct preference setting and resubmit.

DRG-10707: value of parameter %(2)s for %(1)s not valid for domain

Cause: The parameter, %(2)s, is in an enumerated domain, but its value is not valid for that domain.

Action: Correct preference setting and resubmit.

DRG-10708: printjoins and skipjoins have characters in common

Cause: No character can be both a printjoin and a skipjoin. You tried to create a lexer preference where printjoins and skipjoins had characters in common.

Action: Correct the attribute values and resubmit.

DRG-10709: base-letter conversion not supported with current character set

Cause: Base-letter conversion is supported only for character sets of no more than 8 bits with base-letter form of no more than 8 bits.

Action: Disable base-letter conversion.

DRG-10800: query failed: %(1)s %(2)s %(3)s

Cause: Failed to process the query.

Action: Check the errors on stack and take appropriate action.

DRG-10801: text query failed

Cause: Failed to process the contains part of the query.

Action: Check the errors on stack and take appropriate action.

DRG-10802: unmatched quotes found: offset %(1)s

Cause: Invalid SQL query.

Action: Balance the quotes.

DRG-10803: unmatched parenthesis found: offset %(1)s

Cause: Invalid SQL query.

Action: Balance the parenthesis.

DRG-10804: missing from clause found: offset %(1)s

Cause: Invalid SQL query.

Action: SELECT sub query missing required FROM clause.

DRG-10805: duplicate from clause found: offset %(1)s

Cause: Invalid SQL query.

Action: SELECT sub query has duplicate FROM clause.

DRG-10806: where clause outside of a select statement found: offset %(1)s

Cause: Invalid SQL query.

Action: WHERE keyword must be inside a SELECT statement.

DRG-10807: more than 1 where clause inside a select found: offset %(1)s

Cause: Invalid SQL query.

Action: More than 1 WHERE inside a SELECT.

DRG-10808: order by clause outside of a select statement found: offset %(1)s

Cause: Invalid SQL query.

Action: ORDER BY keyword must be inside a SELECT statement.

DRG-10809: more than 1 order by clause inside a select found: offset %(1)s

Cause: Invalid SQL query.

Action: More than 1 ORDER BY inside a select.

DRG-10810: group by clause outside of a select statement found: offset %(1)s

Cause: Invalid SQL query.

Action: ORDER BY keyword must be inside a select statement.

DRG-10811: more than 1 group by clause inside a select found: offset %(1)s

Cause: Invalid SQL query

Action: More than 1 GROUP BY inside a SELECT.

DRG-10812: having clause outside of a select statement found: offset %(1)s

Cause: Invalid SQL query.

Action: HAVING keyword must be inside a SELECT statement.

DRG-10813: more than 1 having clause inside a select found: offset %(1)s

Cause: Invalid SQL query.

Action: More than 1 HAVING inside a SELECT.

DRG-10814: keyword outside a select found: offset %(1)s

Cause: Invalid SQL query.

Action: Fix SQL query.

DRG-10815: fuzzy match word is shorter than the minimum of 3 letters

Cause: The fuzzy match word must be at least 3 letters.

Action: Choose longer fuzzy match word.

DRG-10816: display/highlight call failed

Cause: See the next error on the stack.

Action: See the next error on the stack.

DRG-10817: CONTAINS term consists of stopword or phrase of stopwords: %(1)s

Cause: One or more terms within a CONTAINS query consist of just a stopword or a phrase of just stopwords.

Action: Replace the stopword or use stopwords within phrases containing non-stopwords.

DRG-10818: soundex used when not specified in column policy

Cause: To use soundex in a query SOUNDEX_AT_INDEX must have been specified in the wordlist preference of the column policy.

Action: Remove soundex from the query or rebuild the column policy.

DRG-10819: could not open contains cursor

Cause: An error occurred while trying to open a contains cursor.

Action: See accompanying error messages in the stack.

DRG-10820: invalid contains cursor id

Cause: You tried to fetch or close a contains cursor with an id which does not exist.

Action: Review fetch or close invocation.

DRG-10821: contains cursor is not open

Cause: You tried to fetch from a contains cursor which was not open.

Action: Remove soundex from the query or rebuild the column policy.

DRG-10822: duplicate query name

Cause: You tried to create a stored query with a name already used.

Action: Use different name.

DRG-10823: invalid query name

Cause: The query name specified is not valid.

Action: Check the query name.

DRG-10824: invalid scope

Cause: The scope specified is not valid.

Action: Use SYSTEM or SESSION.

DRG-10825: stored query does not exist or has been redefined: %(1)s

Cause: The specified stored query does not exist or has been redefined.

Action: Check the query name.

DRG-10826: no document with the specified textkey is found

Cause: There is no document with the specified textkey.

Action: Check the textkey.

DRG-10900: out of memory

Cause: Can not allocate more memory.

Action: Contact your system administrator.

DRG-11000: failed to perform recovery for a server or client

Cause: Contact Oracle Support.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

DRG-11100: unable to connect to the database

Cause: Failed to connect to Oracle database.

Action: Check the Oracle error and connect string.

DRG-11101: failed to open file %(1)s

Cause: Failed to open a file.

Action: Check whether the file exist or access permission available.

DRG-11102: assigned lexer can not operate on %(1)s language setting

Cause: Single byte lexer selected in multibyte language setting.

Action: Check RDBMS language setting or text columns lexer setting.

DRG-11104: ConText error:

Cause: See the next error on stack.

Action: See the next error on stack.

DRG-11105: display failed: column %(1)s

Cause: Failed to display rows.

Action: Check the errors on stack and take appropriate action.

DRG-11106: user database session has terminated during this operation

Cause: This database session does not exist or has terminated.

Action: Determine why the user database session terminated while ConText operation was still being carried out.

DRG-11107: invalid path specification: %(1)s

Cause: The path specified is not valid.

Action: Check the path specification.

DRG-11108: invalid filename specified: %(1)s

Cause: The filename specified is not valid.

Action: Check the filename for beginning or trailing spaces, invalid characters, or other such problems.

DRG-11109: assigned lexer does not support %(1)s query operator

Cause: This lexer does not support this query operator.

Action: Do not use the operator in your query.

DRG-11200: blaster filter failed with status %(1)d

Cause: A MasterSoft blaster filter failed.

Action: Lookup the meaning of the blaster status code, and rectify that problem.

The codes have the following meanings:

1 Error opening user file name

2 Error during read operation

3 Error opening conversion file

4 Error during write operation

5 Invalid data in conversion file

6 Error opening exception file

7 Error writing exception file

8 Error obtaining memory

9 Error invalid document

10 Error out of space on output

11 Conversion doc to big for tgt

12 Warning on conversion

13 Conversion cancelled

14 Invalid parameters on com line

15 File stored encrypted

16 Converter encountered fatal err

17 Lseek failed

DRG-11201: could not recognize format of input

Cause: This policy specifies that the filter must automatically recognize the format of documents. This document does not conform to any format known to the filter.

Action: Contact Oracle support.

DRG-11202: invalid filter format %(1)s

Cause: The format number specified is invalid.

Action: Check the format number.

DRG-11203: format %(1)d (%(2)d) is not supported

Cause: The autorecognizer recognized this format, but it is not yet supported by the filter.

Action: Check document format.

DRG-11204: user filter command is too long

Cause: The user filter command must be 32 characters or less.

Action: No action required.

DRG-11205: user filter command contains illegal characters

Cause: The user filter command cannot contain special characters such as slashes, parentheses, semicolons, etc.

Action: No action required.

DRG-11206: user filter command %(1)s could not be executed

Cause: The user filter command could not be executed.

Action: Check that the command exists in $ORACLE_HOME/ctx/bin, and that it is executable.

DRG-11207: user filter command exited with status %(1)s

Cause: The user filter command exited with the given error status.

Action: No action required.

DRG-11208: ORACLE_HOME is not set

Cause: ORACLE_HOME is not set.

Action: Make sure ORACLE_HOME is set when running ctxsrv.

DRG-11209: markup is not supported for this document format

Cause: The filter does not support markup.

Action: No action required.

DRG-11210: ICF is not supported for this document format

Cause: The filter does not support ICF.

Action: No action required.

DRG-11211: user-defined filter for format %(1)s registered mutiple times

Cause: The executable for the specified format already registered.

Action: Must remove the duplicate format if you want to re-create it.

DRG-11212: no format id registered for attribute=%(1)s

Cause: No value specified for format id.

Action: Must provide format id if you want to re-create it.

DRG-11213: no executable name provided for attribute=%(1)s

Cause: You did not provide an executable name.

Action: Must provide executable name if you want to re-create it.

DRG-11214: there is no filter available for this format

Cause: No user-defined filter or Blaster filter available for this format.

Action: Register a user-defined filter for this format.

DRG-11215: highlighting not supported when user-defined filter is used

Cause: A user-defined filter was used for this document.

Action: No action required.

DRG-11216: both FORMAT and EXECUTABLE cannot be used

Cause: Only one attribute is allowed to be set for this Tile.

Action: No action required.

DRG-11300: failed to translate query

Cause: Couldn't parse or translate SELECT statement.

Action: Check further messages for the cause of the error.

DRG-11301: translated statement too long

Cause: There is not enough space to hold the translated query.

Action: Reduce the length of the query to be translated.

DRG-11302: expected search string

Cause: The second argument of the contains() function must be a string.

Action: Check the contains() function syntax.

DRG-11303: duplicate contains label '%(1)s'

Cause: This contains() label has already been specified.

Action: Make sure the contains() labels are unique.

DRG-11304: contains label value '%(1)s' is too big

Cause: The numeric limit for a contains label has been exceeded.

Action: Make sure all the labels are within the documented limits.

DRG-11305: score label '%(1)s' has no matching contains

Cause: The label in a score() function does not have a matching contains().

Action: Make sure all the labels referenced are defined.

DRG-11306: column '%(1)s' has no indexing policy

Cause: There are no indexing policies defined for this column.

Action: Create a policy and index on this column.

DRG-11307: failed to parse contains()

Cause: The syntax of the contains() function is not valid.

Action: Check the contains() function syntax.

DRG-11308: failed to parse score()

Cause: The syntax of the score() function is not valid.

Action: Check the score() function syntax.

DRG-11309: failed to parse handle()

Cause: The syntax of the handle() function is not valid.

Action: Check the handle() function syntax.

DRG-11310: failed to replace statement

Cause: The replacement of a portion of the rewritten statement has failed.

Action: Check further messages for the cause of the error.

DRG-11311: failed to execute contains()

Cause: One of the contains() in the query couldn't be executed.

Action: Check further messages for the cause of the error.

DRG-11312: failed to execute query

Cause: Couldn't execute a translated query.

Action: Check further messages for the cause of the error.

DRG-11313: contains() outside WHERE clause

Cause: The contains() function is allowed only in a WHERE clause

Action: Reformulate the query.

DRG-11314: score() inside FROM clause

Cause: The score() function is not allowed in a FROM clause.

Action: Reformulate the query.

DRG-11315: handle() outside SELECT list

Cause: The handle() function is allowed only in a SELECT list.

Action: Reformulate the query.

DRG-11316: failed to parse bind variable name

Cause: A valid identifier must be specified after a colon.

Action: Make sure all the identifiers are valid.

DRG-11317: failed to parse SELECT list

Cause: A syntax error was detected while parsing a select list.

Action: Check further messages for the cause of the error.

DRG-11318: failed to parse FROM clause

Cause: A syntax error was detected while parsing a FROM clause.

Action: Check further messages for the cause of the error.

DRG-11319: failed to parse WHERE clause

Cause: A syntax error was detected while parsing a WHERE clause.

Action: Check further messages for the cause of the error.

DRG-11320: hierarchical query not allowed

Cause: Queries which use tree traversal clauses are not supported.

Action: Do not use contains().

DRG-11321: failed to parse ORDER BY clause

Cause: A syntax error was detected while parsing an ORDER BY clause.

Action: Check further messages for the cause of the error.

DRG-11322: failed to parse GROUP BY clause

Cause: A syntax error was detected while parsing a GROUP BY clause.

Action: Check further messages for the cause of the error.

DRG-11323: failed to parse outside select

Cause: A syntax error was detected while parsing outside a SELECT clause.

Action: Check further messages for the cause of the error.

DRG-11324: undefined parse state

Cause: An error occurred in an undefined parsing state.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

DRG-11325: translation component failure

Cause: You encountered an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

DRG-11326: failed to close query

Cause: Couldn't remove the information for a query from the dr$contains or dr$bind tables.

Action: Check that the query and session identifiers correspond to a query which has been executed.

DRG-11327: column '%(1)s' ambiguously defined

Cause: A column name used in a text function exists and has an indexing policy in more than one table. The column should be referenced as TABLE.COLUMN or TABLE_ALIAS.COLUMN.

Action: Prefix references to column names that exist in multiple tables with either the table name or a table alias, and a period (.), as in the examples above.

DRG-11328: failed to save translated query

Cause: Couldn't save a translated query.

Action: Check further messages for the cause of the error.

DRG-11329: session specific result table sharing level not supported

Cause: This mode of operation is not implemented.

Action: Use query or contains specific result table sharing levels.

DRG-11330: failed to allocate result table

Cause: Maximum number of tables reached or other Oracle error.

Action: Drop result tables for sessions which are no longer active.

DRG-11400: failed to parse document with key %(1)s

Cause: The document specified for linguistic extraction could not be parsed. This could indicate that the document is not well-formed English.

Action: Check the document contents.

DRG-11401: policy name too long

Cause: The policy name parameter passed to the service request is longer than the maximum policy name size.

Action: Check policy parameter.

DRG-11402: result table name too long

Cause: The result table name parameter passed to the service request is longer than the maximum table name size.

Action: Check result table parameter.

DRG-11403: primary key value too long

Cause: The primary key value parameter passed to the service request is longer than the maximum primary key length (64 bytes).

Action: Check primary key parameter.

DRG-11404: no primary key value specified

Cause: The primary key value parameter passed to the service request is null.

Action: Check primary key parameter.

DRG-11405: negative timeout duration not allowed

Cause: The timeout duration parameter passed to the service request is negative. Timeout duration must be a positive number.

Action: Check timeout duration parameter.

DRG-11406: no pending requsts to submit

Cause: There are no pending requests to submit.

Action: No action required.

DRG-11407: theme result table %(1)s has incorrect format

Cause: The result table specified is missing an expected column, or those columns are not the correct type or length.

Action: Check the names and types of the columns of the result table. The columns must include CID (NUMBER), PK (VARCHAR2(64)), THEME (VARCHAR2(2000)), and WEIGHT (NUMBER).

DRG-11408: catalog result table %(1)s has incorrect format

Cause: The result table specified is missing an expected column, or those columns are not the correct type or length.

Action: Check the names and types of the columns of the result table. The columns must include CID (NUMBER), PK (VARCHAR2(64)), CATALOG (VARCHAR2(2000)), and WEIGHT (NUMBER).

DRG-11409: gist result table %(1)s has incorrect format

Cause: The result table specified is missing an expected column, or those columns are not the correct type or length.

Action: Check the names and types of the columns of the result table. The columns must include CID (NUMBER), PK (VARCHAR2(64)), POV (VARCHAR2(256)), and GIST (LONG).

DRG-11410: could not insert into %(1)s result table

Cause: An ORACLE error occurred while linguistic output was being inserted into the result table.

Action: Take action appropriate to the ORACLE error code.

DRG-11411: could not find a document with primary key value %(1)s

Cause: The document specified for a service request does not exist.

Action: Check the service request and the datasource to insure that the requested document exists with the correct primary key value.

DRG-11412: pending requests must be submitted before sending new requests

Cause: There are pending requests which must be submitted before new requests are sent.

Action: Submit or cancel the pending requests.

DRG-11413: invalid request handle %(1)s

Cause: An invalid request handle was specified.

Action: Check the request handle.

DRG-11414: no requests to delete

Cause: The request is already running on a server, the request handle is invalid, or it is not your request.

Action: No action required.

DRG-11415: could not invoke %(1)s callback %(2)s

Cause: The callback does not exist or the requestor does not have EXECUTE permission for this procedure.

Action: No action required.

DRG-11416: ConText server terminated before completing request

Cause: The ConText server which was processing this service request terminated before finishing processing.

Action: Resubmit request.

DRG-11417: %(1)s parser warning

Cause: The document specified for linguistic extraction was parsed, but not with a high level of confidence using the specified parser.

Action: Check the document contents or try modifying linguistic settings

DRG-11418: %(1)s parser: insufficient document content

Cause: The document specified for linguistic extraction was parsed but the document content was insufficient for linguistic extraction by the specified parser.

Action: Check the document contents or try modifying linguistic settings.

DRG-11419: priority must be between 0 and 10

Cause: You specified a priority which was not between 1 and 10.

Action: Change the priority value specified.

DRG-11420: invalid settings label %(1)s

Cause: You specified an invalid settings label.

Action: Change the settings label specified.

DRG-11421: ConText linguistic services not enabled

Cause: You tried to the L personality with a non-linguistic server.

Action: Use the full ConText server.

DRG-11422: linguistic initialization failed

Cause: Linguistic services initialization failed -- possibly out of memory.

Action: Restart server.

DRG-11500: unexpected end of file at line %(1)s

Cause: The load file terminated before current record end.

Action: Check record and keywords at end of load file.

DRG-11501: column name expected, found %(1)s on line %(2)s

Cause: Possibly misspelled column name or keyword.

Action: Check spellings and punctuation around specified line.

DRG-11502: identifier %(1)s found in place of column name on line %(2)s

Cause: Possibly misspelled column name.

Action: Check spellings around specified line.

DRG-11503: read of file failed at line %(1)s for file %(2)s

Cause: Bad file name, wrong file_type or file system error.

Action: Check file name, type, and/or file integrity.

DRG-11504: long value may have overflowed at line %(1)s

Cause: Long value reached end of load buffer.

Action: Check length of inserted data for current table.

DRG-11505: long value overflowed specified buffer on line %(1)s

Cause: Long buffer length insufficient for long data length.

Action: Increase longsize parameter.

DRG-11506: insert statement overflows maximum statement size

Cause: Total length of statement exceeds database maximum.

Action: Reduce length of column names or number of columns.

DRG-11507: invalid longsize parameter of %(1)s specified

Cause: Invalid option argument.

Action: Specify long buffer size in kbytes above 0.

DRG-11508: long data on line %(1)s not found or invalid

Cause: Either bad data or bad data file.

Action: Check file exists and is accessible, if separate.

DRG-11509: record ignored on line %(1)s because of error(s)

Cause: An error occurred parsing this row's data.

Action: Move and amend line in error to alternate load file.

DRG-11510: file error trying to read separate file

Cause: Separate file not found or could not be read.

Action: Check name and location of separate file.

DRG-11511: bad or missing %(2)s token on line %(1)s

Cause: Token expected was not found.

Action: Move and amend record affected to error load file.

DRG-11512: value expected on line %(1)s

Cause: Could not make sense of text where value expected.

Action: Move and amend record affected to error load file.

DRG-11513: start token not found on line %(1)s

Cause: Could be misplaced or misspelled.

Action: Processing discontinued - amend record.

DRG-11514: encountered unrecoverable error on line %(1)s

Cause: See previous messages.

Action: See previous errors.

DRG-11515: value given is longer than defined length on line %(1)s

Cause: Data too long for column.

Action: Correct data length for insertion.

DRG-11516: load file specified could not be found

Cause: Specified file could not be found.

Action: Check name, location, permissions, and type of load file.

DRG-11517: specified table does not contain a LONG or LONG RAW column

Cause: Text must be inserted into a LONG or LONG RAW type column.

Action: Check table name and table definition.

DRG-11518: bad syntax for thesaurus load file, line %(1)s

Cause: Load file must have specific format for loading thesaurus.

Action: Check documentation for description of correct format.

DRG-11519: truncating phrase since longer than max allowed length, line %(1)s

Cause: Encountered a phrase longer than maximum allowed length.

Action: Use a shorter phrase on the indicated line.

DRG-11520: unable to open or write to file %(1)s

Cause: An attempt to open or to write to the given file failed.

Action: Check with system administrator.

DRG-11521: cannot find thesaurus %(1)s

Cause: Thesaurus for export could not be found.

Action: Check spelling of thesaurus name.

DRG-11600: URL store: %(1)s has permanently moved

Cause: The document referred to by the URL has permanently moved.

Action: Find the new address, if any, of the document.

DRG-11601: URL store: bad syntax on request for %(1)s

Cause: Client did not make correct request.

Action: Contact ConText Group at Oracle.

DRG-11602: URL store: access to %(1)s requires authentication

Cause: User has to provide password or other authentication.

Action: Get required access, or check URL.

DRG-11603: URL store: payment required to access %(1)s

Cause: Payment is required before the URL can be accessed

Action: Check URL, or pay if required if access necessary

DRG-11604: URL store: access to %(1)s is denied

Cause: Access to the URL is denied.

Action: Check URL; if correct, do not try to access URL again.

DRG-11605: URL store: document specified by %(1)s not found

Cause: The document can not be found on the host specified.

Action: Check URL.

DRG-11606: URL store: access to %(1)s timed out waiting for client request

Cause: Client did not make response within timeout period.

Action: Contact ConText Group at Oracle.

DRG-11607: URL store: access to %(1)s was denied due to garbled response

Cause: Web server identified in URL doesn't obey HTTP protocol.

Action: Contact the Web administrator of the remote host.

DRG-11608: URL store: host portion of %(1)s specified incorrectly

Cause: Host portion of the URL could not be parsed.

Action: Check URL.

DRG-11609: URL store: unable to open local file specified by %(1)s

Cause: Attempt to open local file failed.

Action: Check URL.

DRG-11610: URL store: unable to read local file specified by %(1)s

Cause: Attempt to read local file failed.

Action: Contact system administrator.

DRG-11611: URL store: unknown protocol specified in %(1)s

Cause: The protocol parsed is neither http or file.

Action: Check URL.

DRG-11612: URL store: unknown host specified in %(1)s

Cause: The address of the host specified could not be resolved.

Action: Check URL.

DRG-11613: URL store: connection refused to host specified by %(1)s

Cause: Attempt to connect to host was forcibly refused.

Action: Check URL.

DRG-11614: URL store: communication with host specified in %(1)s timed out

Cause: A network operation timed out.

Action: Try again later; network connection may be down to Web server.

DRG-11615: URL store: write failed sending to %(1)s over network

Cause: Unknown error writing request to Web server.

Action: Check network connection.

DRG-11616: URL store: too many redirections trying to access %(1)s

Cause: Too long a chain of HTTP redirections given the URL.

Action: Contact the Web administrator of the remote host.

DRG-11617: URL store: URL %(1)s is too long

Cause: The length of the URL string is longer than URLSIZE.

Action: Set URLSIZE attribute to a larger value.

DRG-11618: URL store: document identified by %(1)s is too large

Cause: Document larger than user-set maximum size.

Action: Do not access URL, or increase document size limit.

DRG-11619: URL store: row in table is empty

Cause: Row deleted or otherwise missing.

Action: Check table if necessary.

DRG-11620: URL store: thread operation error

Cause: Thread operation failed.

Action: Contact system administrator.

DRG-11621: URL store: socket open error for %(1)s

Cause: Socket open failed; probably too many open file descriptors.

Action: Reduce the maximum number of threads started.

DRG-11622: URL store: unknown HTTP error getting %(1)s

Cause: HTTP error has occurred which ConText doesn't catch.

Action: Consult HTTP error codes; if valid, contact ConText Group at Oracle.

DRG-11623: URL store: unknown error getting %(1)s

Cause: Error has occurred which ConText doesn't catch.

Action: Contact ConText Group at Oracle.

DRG-11624: invalid attribute %(2)s for %(1)s: proper range %(3)s to %(4)s

Cause: Error has occurred which ConText doesn't catch.

Action: Contact ConText Group at Oracle.

DRG-11700: thesaurus %(1)s already exists

Cause: Thesaurus with same name exists.

Action: Use another name.

DRG-11701: thesaurus %(1)s does not exist

Cause: Thesaurus does not exist.

Action: Use another thesaurus or create it.

DRG-11702: %(1)s

Cause: Error while parsing thesaurus operator in query term. See error message for details.

Action: See error message.

DRG-11703: user %(1)s must have at least CTXAPP role to execute this function

Cause: Privilege is not sufficient.

Action: Grant CTXAPP role to user.

DRG-11704: phrase %(1)s does not exist

Cause: Phrase does not exist.

Action: Use another phrase or create it.

DRG-11800: loader source name missing

Cause: Source name is not provided.

Action: Provide a source name.

DRG-11801: source name %(1)s exists for user %(2)s

Cause: Duplicate source name for the same user.

Action: Use another source name.

DRG-11802: user %(1)s does not have CTXAPP role to create source

Cause: User does not have CTXAPP role.

Action: Grant CTXAPP role to user or create source as CTXSYS.

DRG-11803: CTXAPP cannot create source for other users

Cause: CTXAPP cannot create source for other users.

Action: CTXAPP can only create source for itself.

DRG-11804: error while creating source

Cause: Oracle error encountered.

Action: Look at the Oracle error and take appropriate action.

DRG-11805: table owner not the same as source owner

Cause: Table owner is not the same as source owner.

Action: Specify the correct source owner or table owner.

DRG-11900: bin name missing

Cause: Bin name is not provided.

Action: Provide a bin name.

DRG-11901: parent bin %(1)s does not exist

Cause: Parent bin does not exist.

Action: Create the parent bin or provide a valid parent bin.

DRG-11902: bin name %(1)s already exists

Cause: Bin with same name exists.

Action: Provide a different bin name.

DRG-11903: bin %(1)s does not exist

Cause: Bin does not exist.

Action: Provide an existing bin name.

DRG-11904: query %(1)s does not exist for policy %(2)s

Cause: An attempt was made to remove a non-existent query.

Action: Check query, policy names.

DRG-11905: invalid position %(1)s provided in reordering list

Cause: Position is less than 1 or greater than number of children.

Action: Check reordering list.

DRG-11906: more than one parent for bins in reordering list

Cause: Bins are not all siblings.

Action: Check parent names of bins.

DRG-11907: same position was provided more than once in reordering list

Cause: Reordering list has duplicate positions.

Action: Check reordering list.

DRG-11908: incorrect weight factor %(1)s, valid range 0.1 to 10

Cause: Weight factor is in the wrong range.

Action: Adjust the weight factor.

DRG-11909: incorrect lexer %(1)s specified for bin

Cause: Lexer doesn't exist.

Action: Check lexer specified.

DRG-11910: user %(1)s does not have permission to perform DML on bin %(2)s

Cause: User doesn't have necessary permissions.

Action: Check bin name.

DRG-11911: sibling %(1)s does not exist

Cause: Sibling bin name provided does not exist.

Action: Check bin name.

DRG-11912: and id %(1)s for bin %(2)s must be positive

Cause: And group id for bin query must be positive.

Action: Change and group id.

DRG-11913: invalid insert point %(1)s - %(2)s for bin %(3)s

Cause: Bin names indicating insertion point for peer bin are invalid.

Action: Check bin names, and make sure they are contiguous.

DRG-11914: proposed parent %(1)s for %(2)s is also a child of the latter

Cause: Allowing reparent operation will result in a cycle in the tree.

Action: Check parent bin id and the structure of the bin tree.

DRG-11915: no such path %(1)s exists in the bin tree

Cause: ctx_bin.get_id was called with an invalid path.

Action: Check path and the structure of the bin tree.

DRG-11916: a sibling already exists with the same name, %(1)s

Cause: All the immediate children of a common parent must have unique names.

Action: Check bin name.

DRG-12000: user translator command is too long

Cause: The user translator command must be 32 characters or less.

Action: No action required.

DRG-12001: user translator command contains illegal characters

Cause: The user translator command cannot contain special characters such as slashes, parentheses, semicolons, etc.

Action: No action required.

DRG-12002: user translator command %(1)s could not be executed

Cause: The user translator command could not be executed.

Action: Check that the command exists in $ORACLE_HOME/ctx/bin, and that it is executable.

DRG-12003: user filter translator exited with status %(1)s

Cause: The user translator command exited with the given error status.

Action: No action required.

DRG-12004: ORACLE_HOME is not set

Cause: ORACLE_HOME is not set.

Action: Make sure ORACLE_HOME is set when running ctxsrv.

DRG-12005: user translator failed on file %(1)s

Cause: The user translator failed to translate the given file.

Action: Examine the log file for what command was executed.

DRG-12006: user translator failed to create temporary name

Cause: A temporary filename could not be generated by the translator.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

DRG-12007: translation failed

Cause: The translator object failed.

Action: If cause not apparent, contact Oracle Support.

DRG-12100: reader skipping file: %(1)s

Cause: The reader skipped this file because it could not be processed.

Action: Examine that the file and the translator are in good order.


Copyright © 1997 Oracle Corporation.

All Rights Reserved.


