Oracle8 Error Messages
Release 8.0





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NR Error Messages (TNS-00001 to 00099)

TNS-00001 INTCTL: error while getting command line from the terminal

Cause: Improper standard input connection from the terminal.

Action: Normally not visible to user. Start the INTCTL program again. If the error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00002:INTCTL: error while starting the Interchange

Cause: The Interchange could not be started.

Action: Check the Interchange configuration files (INTCHG.ORA, TNSNET.ORA and TNSNAV.ORA) for errors and confirm that no other programs are using the ADDRESS(es) specified. If error continues, turn on tracing in the Interchange components and examine the trace files to determine the cause of the problem. Be sure to turn tracing off when the problem has been rectified.

TNS-00003: INTCTL: error while sending request to the Interchange

Cause: Improper command sent to the Interchange or the Interchange is not responding. Not normally visible to the user.

Action: Verify that the command sent to the Interchange is valid. Also check that the Interchange is running by using the INTCTL STATUS command. If necessary, start the Interchange using the INTCTL START command.

TNS-00004: INTCTL: error while starting the Navigator

Cause: The Navigator could not be started.

Action: Check to make sure that executables for the Navigator (navgatr) are present in the ORACLE executable directory on your platform. Check the configuration files TNSNET.ORA and TNSNAV.ORA for errors. If error continues, turn on tracing in the Interchange components and examine the trace files to determine the cause of the problem. Be sure to turn tracing off when the problem has been rectified.

TNS-00005: INTCTL: error while sending request to the Navigator

Cause: The Navigator is not responding. Either the Navigator is not running or another process is responding.

Action: Check that the Navigator is running by using the STATUS command of the Interchange Control Utility. Verify that the correct addresses are listed in the TNSNAMES.ORA, TNSNET.ORA, and TNSNAV.ORA configuration files.

TNS-00006: INTCTL: HOST variable is not defined

Cause: The HOST variable was not set.

Action: Set the variable HOST properly and restart the INTCTL program.

TNS-00007: INTCTL: unknown host

Cause: The pointer HOST is set to an unknown hostname.

Action: Set the pointer HOST properly and restart INTCTL program.

TNS-00008: INTCTL: could not contact destination Navigator

Cause: Connection could not be properly established to a Navigator. This may be because the Navigator specified is not running or the Navigator addresses are incorrect.

Action: Check that the Navigator is running by using the STATUS command of the Interchange Control Utility; if necessary, start the Navigator using the START command of the Interchange Control Utility. If it is running and the error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00009: INTCTL: could not contact destination Connection Manager

Cause: Connection could not be properly established to a Connection Manager. This may be because the Connection Manager (Interchange) specified is not running or the Connection Manager addresses are incorrect.

Action: Make sure the Connection Manager is running by using the STATUS command of the Interchange Control Utility; if necessary, start the Connection Manager using the START command of the Interchange Control Utility. If it is running and the error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00010: Error while flushing NS context

Cause: Internal NS error; connection may be lost.

Action: Make sure the connection is properly established. If the error persists, then contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00011: INTCTL: error while starting the Connection Manager

Cause: The Connection Manager could not be started.

Action: Assure that the executable can be found in the standard Oracle executable area. Check the configuration file INTCHG.ORA for errors and confirm that no other process is using the ADDRESS(es) for this Connection Manager as specified in TNSNET.ORA. Tracing can also be turned on in the Connection Manager and detailed information about the reason for the error determined. Consult the MultiProtocol Interchange Administrator's Guide and Chapter 2 of this manual for how to turn on tracing.

TNS-00012: INTCTL: error while processing Connection Manager request

Cause: An improper command was sent to the Connection Manager or it is not responding. Not normally visible to the user.

Action: Verify that the correct addresses are listed in the TNSNAMES.ORA, TNSNET.ORA, and TNSNAV.ORA configuration files. Also check that the Connection Manager is running by using the STATUS command of the Interchange Control Utility. If the error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00013: INTCTL: error while performing NS disconnect command

Cause: Internal NS error. Error in closing down connections.

Action: Make sure the networking protocol being used is properly installed on the machine. If the error persists contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00014: INTCTL: error while opening terminal input channel

Cause: Could not open standard terminal input. Internal error.

Action: Normally not visible to the user. Restart the INTCTL program. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00015: INTCTL: error while closing terminal input channel

Cause: Could not close terminal input channel. Internal error.

Action: Normally not visible to the user. Restart the INTCTL program. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00016: INTCTL: error while performing NS send command

Cause: Internal NS error. Connection may be lost.

Action: If the error persists contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00017: INTCTL: error while performing NS receive command

Cause: Internal NS error. Connection may be lost.

Action: If the error persists contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00018: INTCTL: TNS_ADMIN not defined

Cause: The TNS_ADMIN pointer is improperly set.

Action: No action necessary; TNS_ADMIN need only be set if you want to use a different network environment.

TNS-00019: INTCTL: error initializing the national language interface

Cause: The message file could not be found.

Action: Make sure that the ORACLE environment is set and that the message file is in the correct place.


Cause: TNSNAV.ORA does not contain the NAVIGATOR_DATA component.

Action: Define the ADDRESS(es) for the Navigator, then restart the INTCTL program.


Cause: INTCHG.ORA does not contain an INTERCHANGE_DATA component.

Action: Define the correct data for the Connection Manager, then restart the INTCTL program.


Cause: INTCHG.ORA does not contain a CMANAGER_NAME component.

Action: Define the correct name for the CMANAGER_NAME, then restart the INTCTL program. Use of the Oracle Network Manager should eliminate this error.

TNS-00023: INTCTL: missing ADDRESS(es) in config files

Cause: Configuration files do not contain an ADDRESS/ADDRESS_LIST component.

Action: Define the Connection Manager ADDRESS(es) in the TNSNET.ORA file and check the Navigator ADDRESS(es) in the TNSNAV.ORA file, then restart the INTCTL program.

TNS-00024: INTCTL: Unable to contact Navigator to obtain Connection Manager address

Cause: The Navigator is not running.

Action: Verify that the Navigator is running by doing a status request on the Navigator (use the Interchange Control Utility command STATUS). If necessary, start the Navigator using the Interchange Control Utility. Verify that the network is properly configured; if possible use the Oracle Network Manager to generate the configuration files. If the error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00025: INTCTL: The ORACLE environment is not set up correctly

Cause: The ORACLE environment is incorrectly set up.

Action: Refer to the Oracle operating system specific documentation for your platform for information on how the ORACLE environment should be set. Correct it and rerun INTCTL. Make sure the ORACLE environment includes the correct directories.

TNS-00026: INTCTL: TNS_ADMIN directory set, and is being used

Cause: The TNS_ADMIN environment variable is set properly. INTCTL will use the TNS_ADMIN directory. This is only an informative message. If you do not want it to be used, and want the default directory to be used instead, then unset TNS_ADMIN and re-execute.

Action: None.

TNS-00027: INTCTL: Could not resolve Navigator's name/address

Cause: The Navigator's name to address definition is missing.

Action: Check TNSNAMES.ORA file and make sure to include a definition for the name specified.

TNS-00028: INTCTL: Could not resolve Connection Manager's name/address

Cause: The Connection Manager's name does not have a definition that the Navigator knows about, nor is the name/address available in the TNSNAMES.ORA file. The name may also be incorrect in the INTCHG.ORA file.

Action: Verify that the Connection Manager's name is in the TNSNET.ORA file read by the Navigator or in the TNSNAMES.ORA file. Be sure that INTCHG.ORA is correct.

TNS-00031: INTCTL: internal NT error

Cause: Problem interfacing to the protocol adapters installed.

Action: Normally not visible to the user. Try starting INTCTL again. If the error persists, check the product installation. If it is correct, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00032: INTCTL: internal NS error

Cause: Problem interfacing with TNS.

Action: Normally not visible to the user. Try starting INTCTL again. If the error persists, check the product installation. If it is correct, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00033: INTCTL: internal NL error

Cause: Problem with internal TNS module NL.

Action: Normally not visible to the user. Try starting INTCTL again. If the error persists, check the product installation. If it is correct, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00034: INTCTL: internal NR error

Cause: Problem with internal Interchange routines.

Action: Normally not visible to the user. Try starting INTCTL again. If the error persists, check the product installation. If it is correct, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00035: INTCTL: error while constructing full file name

Cause: Problem while constructing the full path for a file name because the path name to the file or the environment variables are incorrect. Files looked up include TNSNAMES.ORA, TNSNAV.ORA, INTCHG.ORA and the error files for the Navigator and Connection Manager.

Action: Check that all environment variables are defined correctly and that all configuration files exist in their correct places.

TNS-00036: INTCTL: error reading from Navigator or Connection Manager error files

Cause: Problem while reading from Navigator or Connection Manager error files generated by the Navigator or Connection Manager when they fail to start.

Action: Check that a standard Network Error directory exists and that all privileges on the directory are appropriate.

TNS-00037: INTCTL: error opening Navigator or Connection Manager error files

Cause: Failed to open Navigator or Connection Manager error files when they have failed to start.

Action: Check that a Network Error directory exists and that all privileges on the directory are appropriate.

TNS-00038: INTCTL: Poorly formed address or command string

Cause: An unacceptable string was encountered while attempting to send a message to either the Navigator or Connection Manager. The addresses provided for either the Navigator or Connection Manager may be incorrectly constructed.

Action: Check all address strings in configuration files (TNSNAMES.ORA, TNSNAV.ORA or TNSNET.ORA) and assure that they are properly formed. Regenerate the files using the Oracle Network Manager, if possible. If all is correct, please contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00039: INTCTL: error while spawning a process

Cause: An error was encountered while spawning a process due to an internal operating system dependent problem. Machine resources may be limited.

Action: Retry command. Check permissions on Interchange executables and the current setting of the search path. If necessary, terminate other applications to free up machine resources. If the error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00040: INTCTL: failed to initialize trace context- Continuing anyway

Cause: Problem while opening specified trace file because of errors in INTCHG.ORA or because the user has incorrect privileges, or the file does not exist.

Action: Check the privileges on the configuration files and ensure that all of them exist in their proper locations.

TNS-00041: INTCTL: Navigator already running. Start operation cancelled

Cause: There is a Navigator already running and listening on the same addresses.

Action: None; the Navigator is already running.

TNS-00042: INTCTL: CMANAGER already running. Start operation cancelled

Cause: There is a Connection Manager already running and listening on the same addresses.

Action: None; the Connection Manager is already running.

TNS-00043: The CMANAGER has active connections, do you still want to stop it (y/n)?

Cause: The CMANAGER that is being stopped has active connections going through. This is the confirmation message.

Action: Respond by pressing y or n. Answering y will cause the active database connection to be dropped; this is not generally recommended.

TNS-00044: INTCTL: You must have an INTCHG.ORA file to contact the Connection Manager

Cause: There was an attempt to contact a default Connection Manager (Interchange) where there was no INTCHG.ORA present in the correct directory.

Action: Create an INTCHG.ORA file using the Oracle Network Manager. Make sure it is placed in the correct directory and includes the correct name for the Connection Manager you wish to contact.

TNS-00045: INTCTL: Could not contact the Navigator on address

Cause: There was an attempt to contact a Navigator on a specific address which is not responding.

Action: Check the TNSNAV.ORA file for that address. Or check that the Navigator is actually listening on that address.

TNS-00046: INTCTL: Could not contact the CMANAGER on address

Cause: There was an attempt to contact a CMANAGER on a specific address which is not responding.

Action: Verify that the TNSNET.ORA file contains that address. Also check that the CMANAGER is actually listening on that address by using the INTCTL STATUS command. If necessary, start the Connection Manager using the INTCTL START command.

TNS-00060: INTCTL: Bad command: only the STATUS command can be used on remote Interchanges

Cause: The user entered a command that does not exist, or the user tried to make a request other than STATUS to a remote Interchange.

Action: Check the MultiProtocol Interchange Administrator's Guide for a list of INTCTL commands or type HELP for a list of valid commands.

TNS-00061: INTCTL: Bad command or syntax error: You must specify a trace level

Cause: The user did not specify a trace level.

Action: Specify a trace level and retry command.

TNS-00062: INTCTL: Bad command or syntax error: For help type help/h/?

Cause: The user entered an invalid command.

Action: Check the MultiProtocol Interchange Administrator's Guide or type HELP for a list of valid commands.

TNS-00063: INTCTL: Failed to allocate memory for buffers

Cause: INTCTL was unable to allocate memory for internal buffers.

Action: Check the amount of available memory on your machine to ensure that there is enough memory to run this executable. If necessary, free up memory by running fewer programs, then try again.


Cause: INTCTL was unable to find the CMANAGER_NAME parameter in INTCHG.ORA.

Action: Check that the INTCHG.ORA file is properly constructed.

TNS-00065: INTCTL: Command cannot be executed remotely

Cause: A command other than status and version has been attempted remotely.

Action: If you desire execute any command other than status and version, you must run intctl on the interchange machine.

Interchange Error Messages (TNS-00100 to 00499)

TNS-00100: Unable to allocate memory

Cause: Out of memory on the machine.

Action: Add more memory or run fewer processes.

TNS-00101: File operation error

Cause: Error in accessing reading or writing a particular file.

Action: Check existence of or operating system access to the log and trace file locations.

TNS-00102: Keyword-Value binding operation error

Cause: Not normally visible to the user. May indicate a shortage of memory.

Action: If error persists contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00103: Parameter file load error

Cause: Parameter file process failed.

Action: Check to make sure that all parameter files necessary for the Interchange are present (TNSNAV.ORA, TNSNET.ORA and INTCHG.ORA). If these files are present and properly configured, turn on tracing and repeat the operation. Turn off tracing when the trace is complete. Look in the trace file for errors in the parameter loading process. If error persists contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00104: Data stream open/access error

Cause: Unable to open or access data stream for either log or trace files for the Interchange.

Action: Check read/write permissions on Oracle files and directories.

TNS-00105: Could not initialize tracing

Cause: The INTCHG.ORA file is improperly configured. Verify the trace parameters specified.

Action: If error persists contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00106: Failed to open log file

Cause: Unable to access or obtain write permission to create log file.

Action: Check existence of or access to log file directory.

TNS-00107: Unable to initialize TNS global data

Cause: Not normally visible to the user.

Action: If error persists contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00108: TNS_ADMIN not defined

Cause: TNS_ADMIN pointer is not set.

Action: Set the TNS_ADMIN pointer before running application

TNS-00109: Message could not be printed; not enough memory

Cause: Printing of message failed due to lack of memory. Not normally visible to user.

Action: Increase the resources on your machine. If error persists contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00110: Could not initialize network from file TNSNET.ORA

Cause: Poorly formed network information in network file.

Action: Fix network configuration data to assure that at least one Interchange is defined in TNSNET.ORA.

TNS-00111: Failed to get configuration data from file

Cause: Poorly formed configuration information in network files TNSNET.ORA or TNSNAV.ORA.

Action: Check TNSNET.ORA and TNSNAV.ORA and confirm that they are correct.

TNS-00112: Failed to find configuration file name

Cause: Name specified for configuration file was incorrect.

Action: Check for presence of the configuration file.

TNS-00113: Failed to open error log file

Cause: Could not open log file during start-up of Navigator or Connection Manager due to read or write permission problems or non-existent error directory.

Action: Create the standard error directory or assure that if one is present the Interchange executables can write to it.

TNS-00114: Internal error- Allocation of addresses not performed

Cause: Internal error. Should not normally occur.

Action: Contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00115: Could not allocate pump global buffers

Cause: Not enough memory to allocate pump buffers.

Action: Decrease the number of PUMP_BUFFERS in INTCHG.ORA.

TNS-00116: Pump failed during initial bequeath

Cause: Error in assigning connection to a new pump. This error may be caused by insufficient machine resources.

Action: Attempt the connection again. The pump should recover from such a failure. If machine resources appear to be the problem, add more resources or shut down some active applications. If problem persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00117: Internal error- No data passed through pump

Cause: Internal error. Data expected has not arrived yet.

Action: If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.


Cause: No PUMP_CONNECTIONS parameter specified in INTCHG.ORA.

Action: Add PUMP_CONNECTIONS parameter to INTCHG.ORA. If the file is generated by the Oracle Network Manager, this error should not occur.

TNS-00120: Missing PUMPS in INTCHG.ORA

Cause: No PUMPS parameter specified.

Action: Add an appropriate number of PUMPS to INTCHG.ORA. Use the Oracle Network Manager to generate the configuration files.


Cause: No CMANAGER_NAME parameter specified.

Action: Define the CMANAGER_NAME parameter in INTCHG.ORA; it must match the CMANAGER_NAME parameter used in TNSNET.ORA for that Interchange. This will happen automatically if the Oracle Network Manager is used.

TNS-00122: Missing ADDRESS(es) in TNSNET.ORA file

Cause: No ADDRESS or ADDRESS_LIST parameter specified in TNSNET.ORA.

Action: Define a valid set of ADDRESSes for the Connection Manager in the TNSNET.ORA file.

TNS-00123: Unable to perform a listen on configured ADDRESS(es)

Cause: Another process is already listening on this address or the ADDRESS is incorrectly defined.

Action: Check the ADDRESS(es) defined in TNSNET.ORA (for the Connection Manager) for errors. Verify that another program is not using them.

TNS-00124: Internal error - Unable to create empty address

Cause: - Internal error. Should not normally occur.

Action: If problem persists contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00125: Failed to get number of Interchanges in TNSNET.ORA

Cause: Error in the TNSNET.ORA file.

Action: Check the contents of TNSNET.ORA and eliminate errors. Regenerate the configuration files using the Oracle Network Manager.

TNS-00126: Missing Connection Manager name and address in TNSNET.ORA

Cause: The Interchange name specified in INTCHG.ORA is not defined in the TNSNET.ORA file.

Action: Define one Connection Manager name and set of addresses for each Interchange in the network. Regenerate the configuration files using the Oracle Network Manager.

TNS-00127: Missing Connection Manager name in TNSNET.ORA

Cause: One or more Connection Manager names are missing.

Action: Ensure that each Connection Manager name is defined in TNSNET.ORA. Regenerate TNSNET.ORA using the Oracle Network Manager.


Cause: One or more ADDRESSes does not have a COMMUNITY assigned.

Action: Ensure that all addresses have a COMMUNITY defined in TNSNET.ORA.

TNS-00129: Internal error - Failed to create new community

Cause: Internal Error. Should not normally occur. There may be a resource limitation problem on the machine.

Action: Stop and restart Interchange. If possible, make more memory available on the machine. If problem persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00130: Failed to create Interchange's internal address

Cause: There is an error in one of the addresses listed in TNSNET.ORA.

Action: Check the file for errors in defining Interchanges.


Cause: A COMMUNITY keyword-value pair is missing within the COMMUNITY_COST_LIST in TNSNET.ORA.

Action: Define the communities with a COMMUNITY name and associated COST in COMMUNITY_COST_LIST.

TNS-00132: COST value must be an integer greater than 0

Cause: A community has been defined in TNSNET.ORA with a COST of 0.

Action: Assign an alternate value that is greater than 0.


Cause: Improperly configured TNSNAV.ORA file.

Action: Define the LOCAL_COMMUNITIES fields correctly in TNSNAV.ORA.

TNS-00134: Missing COMMUNITY component in addresses for the Navigator in TNSNAV.ORA

Cause: The addresses specified for the Navigator have no COMMUNITY name.

Action: Ensure that all addresses in the NAVIGATOR_ADDRESSES field have a COMMUNITY entry in the TNSNAV.ORA file.

TNS-00135: Missing TNS error message file

Cause: No error message file present.

Action: Ensure that the ORACLE environment is correctly set for your platform and that there is a message directory that contains the correct error message file.

TNS-00136: Did not register product/facility for TNS error message

Cause: Error message file error.

Action: Ensure that the ORACLE environment is correctly set for your platform and that there is a message directory that contains the correct error message file.

TNS-00137: Failed to get TNS error message file entry

Cause: No TNS error message file present.

Action: Ensure that the ORACLE environment is correctly set for your platform and that there is a message directory that contains the correct error message file.

TNS-00138: Failed to find ORACLE executable directory

Cause: The ORACLE environment is not correctly set.

Action: Ensure that the ORACLE environment is correctly set and the error messages file is in the correct place.

TNS-00139: Internal - Data passed from the Interchange listener is poorly formed

Cause: Internal error in Interchange.

Action: Check that you are using compatible components of the Interchange product, using the INTCTL VERSION command. If problem persists call Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00140: Interchange specified was not found in network tables

Cause: Could not find the Interchange specified in a control request.

Action: Check that the Interchange specified is indeed in TNSNET.ORA.

TNS-00141: Failed to get file stream information

Cause: Error in the file stream package.

Action: None.

TNS-00142: Community mismatch in TNSNAV.ORA

Cause: The communities in the LOCAL_COMMUNITIES entry in TNSNAV.ORA do not correspond with all the communities in the NAVIGATOR_ADDRESSES entry.

Action: Assure that all communities in the NAVIGATOR_ADDRESSES correspond to those in the LOCAL_COMMUNITIES component.


Cause: PREFERRED_CMANAGERS entry in the TNSNAV.ORA used by the Connection Manager. There should only be a PREFERRED_NAVIGATORS entry in the TNSNAV.ORA on an Interchange.

Action: Remove the PREFERRED_CMANAGERS entry from TNSNAV.ORA and assure that either no PREFERRED_NAVIGATORS entry is present or that it is correct.

TNS-00144: PUMP_CONNECTIONS value in INTCHG.ORA is too large.

Cause: The number of PUMP_CONNECTIONS specified in INTCHG.ORA is too large to be supported on this platform.

Action: Consult the Oracle operating system specific manual for the maximum value for the number of PUMP_CONNECTIONS.

TNS-00145: PUMPS value in INTCHG.ORA is too large.

Cause: The number of PUMPS specified in INTCHG.ORA is too large to be supported on this platform.

Action: Consult the Oracle operating system specific manual for the maximum value for the number of PUMPS.

TNS-00146: Internal-- Retry data request within pump.

Cause: The data space provided in order to receive data from the pump is to small.

Action: Operation must be retried with a larger buffer.

TNS-00147: Failed to start a pre-spawned pump.

Cause: The Connection Manager was unable to start a pump during start-up.

Action: Check all configuration parameters and assure that they are correct. Turn on tracing to determine the area that the failure occurred in.

TNS-00200: Unable to do nsanswer on contextresult=str

Cause: Requester of service may have aborted or options negotiation failed.

Action: Try making the connection again. If the problem persists call Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00201: Unable to read answer connection data :str:

Cause: Improperly formed connect data sent to the Interchange listener.

Action: If problem persists, check the application using the Interchange (it may be closing down or crashing). Call Worldwide Customer Support if the problem cannot be located.

TNS-00202: Failure in redirecting call: Original to str Redirect to str

Cause: Internal - error could not redirect call to a pump or other Interchange listener. The cause may be insufficient network or machine resources.

Action: Add resources or close some running applications in order to free up resources. If error persists, call Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00203: Unable to start tracing in intlsnr

Cause: Failure in setting up tracing for Interchange listener.

Action: Check file permissions in Network trace directory also check to make sure that if trace file names and directories are specified in INTCHG.ORA, they are correct.

TNS-00224: No more connections available

Cause: More connections were made to the Interchange than are configured in INTCHG.ORA.

Action: Wait until the Interchange is not as busy or change the number of connections allowed in INTCHG.ORA and restart the Interchange.

TNS-00225: Unable to bequeath connection to pump

Cause: Unable to start a pump because either the executable cannot be found or too many processes aare currently running on a particular machine.

Action: Reduce the number of processes on the machine or increase the resources on the machine.

TNS-00226: Unable to contact pump num to send broadcast message str

Cause: Could not call a particular pump.

Action: None, but if the problem persists call Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00227: Unable to contact pump; Connection Manager declared pump dead

Cause: A pump became an orphaned process. A protocol adapter is not working properly or machine network resources are being over used.

Action: This error is not immediately fatal; the orphaned pump may continue to function. Restart the Interchange when convenient. If the problem persists, call Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00228: Failure in finding pump data

Cause: Internal problem with data passed back from pump.

Action: None.

TNS-00229: Error in call: unable to deliver message:str:strstrstr

Cause: Destination for call is unavailable.

Action: None.

TNS-00230: Cannot start new pump process:strstrProtocol Adapter errors: num

Cause: Unable to create a new process; possibly there are too many processes on the machine.

Action: Free machine resources by exiting other applications on the Interchange machine. If the problem continues you may need more memory on the machine. If you believe there are sufficient resources on the machine but the problem persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00231: Pump is alive

Cause: Pump log message sent to Interchange listener.

Action: None.

TNS-00232: Unable to setup connection

Cause: Error log message sent from pump to indicate failure in initiating connection because of errors in the call string: network problem or resource limitations.

Action: None.

TNS-00233: Interchange failed to make contact with destination with errors:strstrstr

Cause: Pump call to destination failed.

Action: Check destination.

TNS-00234: Connect data for failed call:CALL DATA =strRECEIVE DATA = :str:

Cause: Connect data supplied for error 00233.

Action: None

TNS-00235: Aborting connection:Protocol Adapter errors:str; num, num, ; num, num

Cause: Pump aborting connection because connection has been up too long, or some other network error on the connection.

Action: None.

TNS-00236: Failed to initialize tracing

Cause: Pump failed to initialize tracing.

Action: Check that INTCHG.ORA is properly configured.

TNS-00237: Failed to refuse connection

Cause: Connection may have aborted before error took place in Pump.

Action: None.

TNS-00246: Connection Manager: Failed to start tracing

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Interchange.

Action: None.

TNS-00247: Unable to allocate memory for configuration data from TNSNET.ORA file

Cause: Navigator failed to allocate enough memory for TNSNET.ORA configuration file.

Action: Increase machine resources available for running the Interchange or remove some other running applications from the machine.

TNS-00248: Unable to get information from file:str:Exiting with NR error:num

Cause: TNSNAV.ORA poorly configured or addresses provided are already being used by another application.

Action: Check the syntax of the TNSNAV.ORA file; if necessary, assign new addresses.

TNS-00249: Unable to read network configuration data from file str with error: str

Cause: Network configuration file TNSNET.ORA is missing or poorly configured.

Action: Check to make sure that TNSNET.ORA is properly configured.

TNS-00251: Failure in nstest:

Cause: NS test operation failed due to internal error.

Action: If the problem persists there may be a network problem or resource limitations on the machine. If these do not seem to be causing the problem, call Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00252: Unable to handle route request:str

Cause: Command requested did not exist.

Action: None.

TNS-00253: Error in reading network configuration data from file str with errorstr

Cause: TNSNET.ORA is poorly configured or nonexistent.

Action: Check to make sure that TNSNET.ORA is properly configured.

TNS-00263: Navigator: Request Failed

Cause: Response from Navigator when a particular request failed.

Action: None.

TNS-00264: Navigator: Failed to reload configuration data

Cause: Message sent to the Interchange control program when reload of network configuration failed. TNSNET.ORA Poorly configured or missing.

Action: None.

TNS-00265: Navigator: Reloaded network configuration data

Cause: Message sent to Interchange control program when reload of network is successful.

Action: None.

TNS-00266: Navigator: Unknown Request

Cause: Request was made to Navigator that it knows nothing about.

Action: None.

TNS-00267: Navigator: Internal Error

Cause: Generated when a request was made to the Navigator it knows nothing about.

Action: None.

TNS-00277: Navigator: Request Failed

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Navigator.

Action: None.

TNS-00278: Navigator: Failed to Open Log file

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Navigator.

Action: None.

TNS-00279: Navigator: Failed to Start Tracing

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Navigator.

Action: None.

TNS-00282: Connection Manager: Failed to force log, logging is off

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Connection Manager.

Action: None.

TNS-00294: Connection Manager: Security is enabled, you cannot STOP the Interchange

Cause: Message sent back to control program indicating that the connection manager is secure.

Action: None.

TNS-00302: Connection Manager: Unknown Request

Cause: Request sent by Interchange control program is unknown.

Action: None.

TNS-00305: The Navigator encountered an invalid/unknown trace level

Cause: Message sent back by the Navigator indicating an invalid trace level.

Action: Re-attempt the request with a correct trace level.

TNS-00306: Connection Manager encountered an invalid/unknown trace level

Cause: Message sent back by the Connection Manager indicating an invalid trace level.

Action: Re-attempt the request with a correct trace level.

TNS-00308: Navigator: Failed to open log while rereading parameter data

Cause: Request sent by the Navigator to control program indicating that it could not reopen log file after rereading parameter data.

Action: None.

TNS-00309: Connection Manager: Failed to open log while re-reading parameter data

Cause: Request sent by the Connection Manager to control program indicating that it could not reopen log file after rereading parameter data.

Action: None.

TNS-00310: Navigator: Failed to start tracing after rereading parameter data

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Navigator.

Action: None.

TNS-00311: Connection Manager: Failed to start tracing after rereading parameter data

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Connection Manager.

Action: None.

TNS-00312: Connection Manager: Failed to get version information

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Connection Manager.

Action: None.

TNS-00313: Navigator: Failed to get version information

Cause: Message sent back to control program from Connection Manager.

Action: None.

TNS-00314: Protocol Adapter Errors: num, num

Cause: Protocol Adapter errors which go with message 233

Action: None.

TNS-00315: Failed to allocate larger connect data area for getting pump data: num

Cause: Could not allocate a large enough area to get pump statistics; continue without them.

Action: None.

TNS-00316: Ran out of data buffers in the pump

Cause: The Interchange is resource limited by having too few data buffers in the pump.

Action: If the problem persists (that is, there are a lot of log messages), increase the number of pump buffers by increasing the value of the parameter PUMP_BUFFERS in INTCHG.ORA. Then shutdown and restart the Interchange to make the changes take effect.

TNS-00317: Failed to contact Connection Manager

Cause: Connection Manager is not running.

Action: Start the Connection Manager and retry

NT Error Messages (TNS-00501 to 00999)

TNS-00501: Cannot allocate memory

Cause: Sufficient memory could not be allocated to perform the desired activity.

Action: Either free some resource for TNS or add more memory to the machine. For further details, turn on tracing and re-execute the operation.

TNS-00502: Invalid argument

Cause: An internal function received an invalid parameter.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and re-execute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00503: Illegal ADDRESS parameters

Cause: An illegal set of protocol adapter parameters was specified.

Action: Check the parameters within the ADDRESS section of the TNSNAMES.ORA file. It may be helpful to turn on tracing and look at the addresses specified in the trace file, checking for spelling or other errors. Be sure to turn tracing off when the trace is complete.

TNS-00504: Operation not supported

Cause: An internal function received a request to perform an operation that is not supported (on this machine).

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and re-execute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00505: Operation timed out

Cause: The requested operation could not be completed within the timeout period.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing and re-execute the operation.

TNS-00506: Operation would block

Cause: An internal operation did not commence because to do so would block the current process and the user has requested that operations be non-blocking.

Action: None needed; this is an information message.

TNS-00507: Connection closed

Cause: Normal "end of file" condition has been reached; partner has disconnected.

Action: None needed; this is an information message.

TNS-00508: No such protocol adapter

Cause: The protocol adapter requested for this connection does not exist.

Action: Install the protocol adapter or use one that is available. Be sure that the correct protocols are listed in the configuration files.

TNS-00509: Buffer overflow

Cause: Too much data for buffer.

Action: Re-execute with larger receive buffer or smaller send buffer.

TNS-00510: Internal limit restriction exceeded

Cause: Too many files or sockets open simultaneously (or some other resource has been depleted).

Action: For further details, trace the operation for protocol details.

TNS-00511: No listener

Cause: The connect request could not be completed because no application is listening on the address specified, or the application is unable to service the connect request in a sufficiently timely manner.

Action: Ensure that the supplied destination address matches one of the addresses used by the listener - compare the TNSNAMES.ORA entry with appropriate LISTENER.ORA file (or TNSNAV.ORA if the connection is to go by way of an Interchange. Start the listener on the remote machine.

TNS-00512: Address already in use

Cause: Specified listener address is already being used.

Action: Start your listener with an unused address.

TNS-00513: Destination host unreachable

Cause: Contact cannot be made with remote party.

Action: Make sure the network driver is functioning and the network is up.

TNS-00514: Contexts have different wait/test functions

Cause: Two protocol adapters have conflicting wait/test functions.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and re-execute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00515: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist

Cause: The address specified is not valid, or the program being connected to does not exist.

Action: Ensure the ADDRESS parameters have been entered correctly; the most likely incorrect parameter is the node name. Ensure that the executable for the server exists (perhaps "oracle" is missing.)

TNS-00516: Permission denied

Cause: User has insufficient privileges to perform the requested operation.

Action: Acquire necessary privileges and try again.

TNS-00517: Lost contact

Cause: Partner has unexpectedly gone away.

Action: Investigate partner application for abnormal termination.

TNS-00518: Incomplete read or write

Cause: A data send or receive failed.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and re-execute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00519: Operating system resource quota exceeded

Cause: The current user has exceeded the allotted resource assigned in the operating system.

Action: Acquire more operating system resource, or perform a different function.

TNS-00520: Syntax error

Cause: The supplied connect descriptor contains illegal syntax.

Action: Check the syntax of the connect descriptor for correct syntax.

TNS-00521: Missing keyword

Cause: The supplied connect descriptor is missing one or more TNS keywords.

Action: Check the syntax, and ensure all required keywords are present.

TNS-00522: Operation was interrupted

Cause: An internal operation was interrupted and could not complete.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00523: Previous operation was busy

Cause: Operation tried could not be successfully completed because the requested resource was busy.

Action: Attempt the operation again. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00524: Current operation is still in progress

Cause: Internal operation is still in progress but will complete.

Action: None; wait for operation to complete.

TNS-00525: Insufficient privilege for operation

Cause: Operating system failed to complete operation because user lacked sufficient privileges.

Action: Check your platform-specific privileges.

TNS-00526: No caller (false async event)

Cause: Internal error.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation.

TNS-00527: Protocol Adapter not loadable

Cause: On some platforms (for example OS/2) protocol adapters are loaded at run-time. If the shared library (or DLL) for the protocol adapter is missing or one of its supporting libraries is missing, then this error is returned.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. The trace file will have the name of the shared library (or DLL) that could not be loaded.

TNS-00528: Protocol Adapter not loaded

Cause: On some platforms (for example OS/2) protocol adapters are loaded at run-time. If the shared library (or DLL) for the protocol adapter has not been loaded, then this error is returned.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. The trace file will have the name of the shared library (or DLL) that has not been loaded.

TNS-00530: Protocol adapter error

Cause: A generic protocol adapter error occurred.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation.

TNS-00532: No previous async operation to wait on

Cause: Internal protocol adapter error.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00533: Connection dissolved or not yet made

Cause: Internal protocol adapter error.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00534: Failed to grant connection ownership to child

Cause: Internal protocol adapter error.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00535: Failed to send or receive disconnect message

Cause: Internal protocol adapter error.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00536: Connection entered inappropriate state

Cause: Internal protocol adapter error.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00537: Index into protocol adapter table is out of legal range

Cause: Internal protocol adapter error.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-00539: Network or Protocol services are down

Cause: The Network services on or from your node are not running or have stopped running.

Action: Restart your network or protocol services on this platform. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

Listener Error Messages (TNS-01000 to 02500)

TNS-01064: Listener configuration changes will not be persistent

Cause: Configuration changes to the listener will not be visible when the listener starts up again as the check-pointing has been turned off in LISTERNER.ORA


TNS-01100: TNS returned error num when attempting to start the listener

Cause: The bequeath (BEQ) mechanism that LSNRCTL uses to start the listener failed.

Action: Check to ensure that the BEQ driver is installed - if it is not then the nserror code returned will be 12538 (NSENODRIVER). To fix this, reinstall SQL*Net V2 and make sure that the BEQ driver is selected when it is installed. If this is not the problem then the error is probably caused by the fact that the TNSLSNR executable cannot be found in the place expected in your platform's ORACLE environment. Verify that the full pathname of the TNSLSNR executable as displayed by LSNRCTL is correct.

TNS-01101: Could not find service name str

Cause: The service name could not be resolved by name-lookup.

Action: Verify that the listener name or service name specified to LSNRCTL has the correct name and address defined in LISTENER.ORA or in TNSNAMES.ORA.

TNS-01102: TNS application contacted was not the listener

Cause: Another TNS application such as the Interchange was listening at the address contacted. There may be another TNS application listening at the address contacted and the data returned is not in the appropriate format.

Action: Verify that the listener name or service name specified to LSNRCTL has the correct name and address defined in LISTENER.ORA or in TNSNAMES.ORA.

TNS-01103: Protocol specific component of the address is incorrectly specified

Cause: The ADDRESS used to contact the listener is not correctly specified. This error occurs because the address fails to specify the destination of the listener. The address is well formed (for example, there are no missing parentheses) but it is missing a protocol specific component. For example, this is the error returned when the HOST component is missing from a TCP/IP address string.

Action: Edit the ADDRESS in LISTENER.ORA to include the required protocol-specific keywords. For more information about the keywords required by different protocol adapters, see the Oracle operating system specific documentation for your platform.

TNS-01106: Listener using listener name str has already been started

Cause: Another listener is already listening on one of the ADDRESSes specified.

Action: Shutdown the previous listener specified by the listener name before starting this one.

TNS-01107: A valid trace level was not specified

Cause: Failed to specify a valid trace level for the LSNRCTL trace command.

Action: Specify one of OFF, USER, or ADMIN. Type "LSNRCTL help trace" for more information or consult Chapter 2 of this manual for an introduction to the concepts of tracing.

TNS-01108: Listener password prompt failed

Cause: Password not entered via tty

Action: Enter the listener password on a tty device

TNS-01109: Listener password encryption failed

Cause: Possibly garbled password entered

Action: Re-enter the listener password, using valid ASCII characters. If problem persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-01110: Mismatch - password unchanged

Cause: New password and reentered new password are different"

Action: Re-enter the listener password, make sure that New password and reentered new password are the same

TNS-01111: Log status can either be ON or OFF

Cause: Failed to specify a log status value for the LSNRCTL log_status command.

Action: Specify one of ON or OFF. Type "LSNRCTL help set log_status" for more information or consult Chapter 2 of this manual for an introduction to the concepts of logging.

TNS-01112: Plug and play can either be ON or OFF

Cause: Failed to specify a valid value for the LSNRCTL use_plugandplay command.

Action: Specify one of ON or OFF. Type "LSNRCTL help set use_plugandplay" for more information.

TNS-01113: save_config_on_stop can either be ON or OFF

Cause: Failed to specify a valid value for the LSNRCTL save_config_on_stop command.

Action: Specify one of ON or OFF. Type "LSNRCTL help set save_config_on_stop" for more information.

TNS-01150: The address of the specified listener name is incorrect

Cause: The address on which the listener attempted to listen contains a syntax error.

Action: For the listener name or service name specified to LSNRCTL, check that the address or connect descriptor is well-formed. You can find the listener name in LISTENER.ORA, or you can access the listener through the service name is TNSNAMES.ORA.

TNS-01151: Missing listener name, str, in LISTENER.ORA

Cause: The listener could not find the listener name specified.

Action: Make sure valid addresses on which to listen are specified for the listener name in LISTENER.ORA.

TNS-01152: All addresses specified for the listener name, str, failed

Cause: The listener failed to listen on any of the specified addresses.

Action: Make sure that another application is not listening on the addresses specified or check that the appropriate protocol adapters are installed. Turn on tracing and execute again for more information.

TNS-01153: Failed to process string: str

Cause: The string specified is not well-formed.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support. *Comment: Do not include in error manual.

TNS-01154: SID detected in old format that is no longer supported

Cause: One of the SIDs was specified in an obsolete format.

Action: Check LISTENER.ORA for a line of the form: <sid> = (SID=(ORACLE_HOME=<oracle_home>)) OR <sid> = (SID_DESC=(ORACLE_HOME=<oracle_home>)) The above format is no longer supported and SID_LIST_<listener_name> format described in the SQL*Net Administrator's Guide should be used. For example, SID_LIST_LISTENER = (SID_LIST=(SID_DESC=(SID_NAME=<sid>)(ORACLE_HOME=<oracle_home>)))

TNS-01155: Incorrectly specified SID_LIST_str parameter in LISTENER.ORA

Cause: SID_LIST_<listener_name> in LISTENER.ORA has an error in it.

Action: Be sure this parameter is specified as described in the SQL*Net Administrator's Guide. For example, SID_LIST_LISTENER = (SID_LIST=(SID_DESC=(SID_NAME=<sid>)(ORACLE_HOME=<oracle_home>)))

TNS-01156: Missing or inappropriate PROTOCOL, TIMEOUT or POOL_SIZE parameter from PRESPAWN_DESC

Cause: PRESPAWN_DESC in each SID_DESC does not have required fields.

Action: Be sure the parameters required for PRESPAWN_DESC are specified in each SID_DESC. For example, SID_LIST_LISTENER = (SID_LIST=(SID_DESC=(SID_NAME=<sid>)(PRESPAWN_MAX=5)(ORACLE_HOME=<oracle_home>)(PRESPAWN_DESC=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(POOL_SIZE=10)(TIMEOUT=30)))) Use the Oracle Network Manager to add or correct these parameters in the LISTENER.ORA file

TNS-01157: Can only listen on num addresses - ignoring str

Cause: Too many addresses were given to listen on.

Action: Reduce the number of addresses to listen on and use another listener to listen on the remaining addresses.

TNS-01158: Internal connection limit reached, preventing dispatcher from connecting

Cause: The internal SQL*Net connection list is full. Too many dispatchers are connected to the listener; therefore, no more dispatchers are allowed to connect.

Action: For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-01159: Internal connection limit has been reached; listener has shut down

Cause: The internal SQL*Net connection list is full. The listener is configured to use too many SQL*Net connections.

Action: Reduce the number of listen addresses or services connected to the listener. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-01167: The command str is not supported by the listener contacted

Cause: The listener does not recognize the command.

Action: This is caused when a newer version of LSNRCTL contacts an old listener. Upgrade listener if executing this command is important.

TNS-01168: Cannot allocate memory

Cause: Sufficient memory could not be allocated to perform the desired activity.

Action: Either free some resource for TNS, or add more memory to the machine. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation.

TNS-01169: The listener has not recognized the password

Cause: The security feature of the listener is preventing the intended operation.

Action: Some commands like stopping the listener are only intended to be done by DBAs. A client can only use LSNRCTL to get the status of a listener and the version of the listener software running. The command that the client attempted may not have been appropriate. If a DBA is attempting the command then use the "set password" command at the LSNRCTL prompt with one of the appropriate passwords in the PASSWORDS_<listener_name> entry in LISTENER.ORA. If you do not know a password then you are trying to execute an inappropriate command.

TNS-01170: Event detection broke for address: str

Cause: The event detection mechanism for the address specified returned an error.

Action: Future attempts to detect events on this address will fail. The listener will de-allocate the listen address and connections will no long be accepted for this address. This error is not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-01171: Event detection broke for dispatcher: str

Cause: The event detection mechanism for the dispatcher specified returned an error.

Action: Future attempts to detect events on this dispatcher will fail. The listener will de-allocate the dispatcher and connections will no long be redirected to this dispatcher. This error is not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-01172: Listener has shut down since all listen addresses have been de-allocated

Cause: The event detection mechanism broke and caused all listen addresses to be removed.

Action: Error 1170 has occurred and caused all the listen addresses to be de-allocated. Since all the listen addresses have been removed, no more connections can be established to this listener so it shuts itself down. This error is not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-01173: Missing or inappropriate PRESPAWN_MAX parameter from SID_DESC

Cause: PRESPAWN_MAX in each SID_DESC does not have required fields.

Action: Be sure the parameters required for PRESPAWN_DESC are specified in each SID_DESC. For example, SID_LIST_LISTENER = (SID_LIST=(SID_DESC=(SID_NAME=<sid>)(PRESPAWN_MAX=15)(ORACLE_HOME=<oracle_home>)(PRESPAWN_DESC=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(POOL_SIZE=10)(TIMEOUT=30)))) Use the Oracle Network Manager to add or correct these parameters in the LISTENER.ORA file

TNS-01174: The sum of the POOL_SIZEs from each PRESPAWN_DESC is greater than the PRESPAWN_MAX

Cause: The minimum value for PRESPAWN_MAX should be the sum of the POOL_SIZEs.

Action: Be sure the parameters required for PRESPAWN_DESC are specified in each SID_DESC. For example, SID_LIST_LISTENER = (SID_LIST=(SID_DESC=(SID_NAME=<sid>)(PRESPAWN_MAX=15)(ORACLE_HOME=<oracle_home>)(PRESPAWN_DESC=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(POOL_SIZE=10)(TIMEOUT=30))(PRESPAWN_DESC=(PROTOCOL=ipc)(POOL_SIZE=5)(TIMEOUT=15)))) Use the Oracle Network Manager to add or correct these parameters in the LISTENER.ORA file

TNS-01175: Password unchanged

Cause: Unable to set the new password

Action: Be sure to see that the new password has legal ASCII characters. Try to set the password again.

TNS-01176: Error in loading the new parameter value

Cause: Illegal values given for the parameters

Action: Make sure that the parameter values are valid refer to the manual for the legal values for parameters

TNS-01177: Log Status is OFF. Log file/directory unchanged

Cause: Log status needs to be set ON for changing the log file

Action: use command set log_status ON to set the log status of the listener ON.

TNS-01178: Trace Level is 0. Trace file/directory unchanged

Cause: Trace Levelneeds to be set for changing the trace file/directory

Action: use command set trc_level ON to set the trace level

TNS-01200: The listener must be suid root

Cause: The ownership privileges of the TNSLSNR executable are incorrect.

Action: Contact your DBA or system administrator to change the ownership of the file to be suid root and restart the listener. This action is necessary because the user that started the process should claim ownership. *Comment: This error is reported only on Trusted Oracle platforms.

TNS-01201: Listener cannot find executable str for SID str

Cause: The executable for the Oracle dedicated server process cannot be found.

Action: Check the appropriate SID_DESC in LISTENER.ORA to make sure that the ORACLE_HOME component is pointing to a valid location. If this component is not set, then check the value of the ORACLE_HOME environment variable. *Comment: This error is reported only on UNIX platforms.

TNS-01202: Missing the dba group (str) specified by DBA_GROUP in SID_DESC

Cause: The dba group specified is missing from /ETC/GROUP.

Action: Check the DBA_GROUP parameter in the SID_DESC in LISTENER.ORA and verify it has a valid entry in /ETC/GROUP. *Comment: This error is reported only on UNIX platforms.

TNS-01203: Missing the account (str) specified by DEFAULT_USER_ACCOUNT in SID_DESC

Cause: The unprivileged OS account is missing from /etc/passwd.

Action: Check the DEFAULT_USER_ACCOUNT parameter in the SID_DESC in LISTENER.ORA and verify it has a valid entry in /etc/passwd. This is the account that the Oracle shadow process will be started with if the connecting client has database privileges or does not exist on this machine. *Comment: This error is reported only on UNIX platforms.

TNS-01204: Unprivileged account (str) is in dba group (str)

Cause: The unprivileged account has DBA privileges. The unprivileged account specified by DEFAULT_USER_ACCOUNT in the SID_DESC in LISTENER.ORA is a member of the dba group specified by DBA_GROUP in SID_DESC. The unprivileged account cannot belong to the dba group because this would be a security violation with OPS$ logins.

Action: Remove the unprivileged account from the dba group. *Comment: This error is only reported on UNIX platforms.

NA Internal Messages (TNS-02501 to 03500)

TNS-02501: Authentication: no more roles

Cause: When a process attempted to retrieve a role from the authentication service, no more were available.

Action: None. This error is used internally and occurs in the normal course of events.

TNS-02502: Authentication: unable to find initialization function

Cause: The native authentication service was unable to call the initialization function for the specified service because it does not exist.

Action: If this service adaptor came directly from Oracle, contact Worldwide Customer Support, as this error should never happen. Otherwise, add an initialization function for the service being used.

TNS-02503: Parameter retrieval failed

Cause: The native service layer was unable to retrieve a parameter from a configuration file.

Action: If it is possible, enable tracing and attempt to reproduce the problem. In any event, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-02504: Parameter count retrieval failed

Cause: The native service layer was unable to determine the number of arguments given for a configuration parameter.

Action: If it is possible, enable tracing and attempt to reproduce the problem. In any event, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-02505: Authentication: null context pointer provided

Cause: The function nau_ini() was passed a null pointer as the pointer to the context that it is supposed to use.

Action: Call nau_ini() with a pointer to a context structure.

TNS-02506: Authentication: no type string

Cause: An authentication context structure does not contain a string that describes the authentication service being used.

Action: If it is possible, enable tracing and attempt to reproduce the problem. In any event, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-02507: Encryption: algorithm not installed

Cause: After picking an algorithm, the server was unable to find an index for it in its table of algorithms. This should be impossible because the algorithm was chosen (indirectly) from that list.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-02508: Encryption: server negotiation response in error

Cause: The server's response in negotiation was in error.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-02509: Authentication: invalid process state

Cause: The state in which a process is running does not correspond to any of the values which are valid.

Action: If it is possible, enable tracing and attempt to reproduce the problem. In any event, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-02510: Invalid numeric data type

Cause: The type of a piece of numeric data that was received does not correspond to one of the valid values.

Action: If it is possible, enable tracing and attempt to reproduce the problem. In any event, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-02511: Invalid data type

Cause: The type of a piece of data that was received or to be transmitted did not correspond to any of the correct values.

Action: If it is possible, enable tracing and attempt to reproduce the problem. In any event, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-02512: Invalid status received

Cause: A process received a value as a status flag which was unknown.

Action: If it is possible, enable tracing and attempt to reproduce the problem. In any event, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-02513: Requested data type does not match retrieved type

Cause: A service requested data whose type does not match that of the segment which was sent from the other process.

Action: If it is possible, enable tracing and attempt to reproduce the problem. In any event, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-02514: Invalid packet received

Cause: A process received a data packet which was not meant for the native services layer.

Action: If it is possible, enable tracing and attempt to reproduce the problem. In any event, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-02515: Encryption/crypto-checksumming: unknown control type

Cause: An encryption or crypto-checksumming algorithm "control" function was called, but did not recognize the "type" argument it was given.

Action: Not normally visible to the user. For further details, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-02516: No data available

Cause: A native service attempted to retrieve data but no data was available to be received.

Action: The error is not normally visible as it usually is only used to signal the end of a data stream. If the error becomes visible, enable tracing to reproduce the problem and contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-02517: key smaller than requested size

Cause: The key returned by negotiation was smaller than the size requested by some service (either encryption or crypto-checksumming).

Action: The error is not normally visible. If the error persists, enable tracing to reproduce the problem and contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-02518: key negotiation error

Cause: An error occurred while the two sides of the connection were negotiating an encryption or crypto-checksumming key.

Action: The error is not normally visible. If the error persists, enable tracing to reproduce the problem and contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-02519: no appropriate key-negotiation parameters

Cause: No appropriate key-negotiation parameters are available for the key size requested either by encryption or by crypto- checksumming.

Action: The error is not normally visible. Enable tracing to reproduce the problem and contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-02520: encryption/crypto-checksumming: no Diffie-Hellman seed

Cause: The "sqlnet.crypto_seed" parameter is missing from the SQLNET.ORA parameters file for SQL*Net.

Action: Add this line to SQLNET.ORA, perhaps by using Network Manager: sqlnet.crypto_seed = "randomly-chosen text"

TNS-02521: encryption/crypto-checksumming: Diffie-Hellman seed too small

Cause: The "sqlnet.crypto_seed" parameter in the SQLNET.ORA parameter file for SQL*Net is too small.

Action: Add more randomly-chosen text to it, perhaps using Network Manager.

TNS-02524: Authentication: privilege check failed

Cause: An error occurred when the SQL*Net authentication service attempted to verify that a user had a specific database privilege.

Action: This error should not happen normally. Enable tracing and attempt to repeat the error. Contact Customer Support.

TNS-02525: encryption/crypto-checksumming: self test failed

Cause: The SNS system detected an error while running tests on the active encryption or checksumming algorithm.

Action: Contact Customer Support.

TNS-02526: server proxy type does not match client type

Cause: The authentication type selected by the server does not match that picked by the client.

Action: Contact Worldwide Customer Support

TNSPING Error Messages (TNS-03500 to 03600)

TNS-03502: Insufficient arguments. Usage: tnsping address [count]

Cause: Some required command-line arguments are missing.

Action: Re-enter the command using the correct arguments.

TNS-03503: Could not initialize NL

Cause: The network library could not be initialized.

Action: This is an internal error which should not normally be visible. Ensure that memory is available to run the application and that there are no other operating system problems, and then attempt the command again.

TNS-03504: Service name too long

Cause: The service name you are attempting to ping is too long.

Action: Re-enter the command using the correct service name.

TNS-03505: Failed to resolve name

Cause: The service name you provided could not be found in TNSNAMES.ORA, an Oracle Names server, or a native naming service.

Action: Verify that you entered the service name correctly. You may need to ensure that the name was entered correctly into the network configuration.

TNS-03506: Failed to create address binding

Cause: The TNSPING utility found the requested address or service name, but received an internal error when trying to use it.

Action: This is an internal error which should not normally be visible. Ensure that memory is available to run the application and that there are no other operating system problems, and then attempt the command again.

TNS-03507: Failure looking for ADDRESS keyword

Cause: The TNS address did not contain an ADDRESS keyword.

Action: If you entered the TNS address on the command line, be sure that the syntax is correct. If you entered a service name on the command line, the address contains the wrong information. You should verify that the information was entered correctly.

TNS-03508: Failed to create address string

Cause: The TNSPING utility received an internal error when generating an address.

Action: This is an internal error which should not normally be visible. Ensure that memory is available to run the application and that there are no other operating system problems, and then attempt the command again.

TNS-03510: Failed due to I/O error

Cause: An I/O operation failed, perhaps due to a resource failure or premature window termination.

Action: This is an internal error which should not normally be visible. Do not close the TNSPING window before all I/O operations have completed.

Trace Route Error Messages (TNS-03601 to 03700)

TNS-03601: Failed in route information collection

Cause: The route could either not connect, or encountered a unsupported version of SQL*Net.

Action: Check if SQL*Net along all nodes is version 2.3 or greater.

TNS-03602: Insufficient arguments. Usage: trcroute address

Cause: Some required command-line arguments are missing.

Action: Re-enter the command using the correct arguments.

TNS-03603: Encountered a node with pre-2.3 version of SQL*Net

Cause: Any version of SQL*Net before 2.3 doesn't support trcroute.

Action: Find the node that isn't responding to trcroute.

NFP Error Messages (TNS-04001 to 04200)

TNS-04001: CMCTL: error while getting command line from the terminal

Cause: Improper standard input connection from the terminal.

Action: Normally not visible to the user. Start the CMCTL program again. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-04002: CMCTL: error while starting the Connection Manager"

Cause: The Connection Manager could not be started.

Action: Check the Connection Manager configuration file for errors and confirm that no other programs are using the ADDRESS(es) specified. If error continues, turn on tracing in the Connection Manager and examine the trace files to determine the cause of the problem. Be sure to turn tracing off when the problem has been rectified.

TNS-04003: CMCTL: error while sending request to the Connection Manager

Cause: Improper command sent to the Connection Manager or the Connection Manager is not responding. Not normally visible to the user.

Action: Verify that the command sent to the Connection Manager is valid. Also check that the Connection Manager is running by using the CMCTL STATUS command. If necessary, start the Connection Manager using the CMCTL START command.

TNS-04004: CMCTL: error while starting the Connection Manager Admin

Cause: The Connection Manager Admin could not be started.

Action: Check to make sure that the executable for the Connection Manager Admin (sfpadmin) exists in the ORACLE home directory. If error continues, turn on tracing in the Connection Manager Admin and examine the trace file to determine the cause of the problem. Be sure to turn tracing off when the problem has been rectified.

TNS-04005: CMCTL: error while sending request to the Connection Manager Admin

Cause: The Connection Manager Admin is not responding or is not running.

Action: Check that the Connection Manager Admin is running by using the CMCTL STATUS command. If necessary, start the Connection Manager Admin using the CMCTL START command.

TNS-04006: CMCTL: HOST variable is not defined

Cause: The HOST variable was not set.

Action: Set the variable HOST properly and restart the CMCTL program.

TNS-04007: CMCTL: unknown host

Cause: The pointer HOST is set to an unknown hostname.

Action: Set the pointer HOST properly and restart CMCTL program.

TNS-04008: CMCTL: could not contact the Connection Manager

Cause: Connection could not be properly established to a Connection Manager. This may be because the Connection Manager specified is not running.

Action: Check that the Connection Manager is running by using the STATUS command. If necessary, start the Connection Manager using the START command. If it is running and the error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-04009: CMCTL: could not contact the Connection Manager Admin

Cause: Connection could not be properly established to a Connection Manager Admin. This may be because the Connection Manager Admin specified is not running.

Action: Make sure the Connection Manager Admin is running by using the STATUS command. If necessary, start the Connection Manager Admin using the START command. If it is running and the error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-04010: Error while flushing NS context

Cause: Internal NS error; connection may be lost.

Action: Make sure the connection is properly established. If the error persists, then contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-04011: CMCTL: error while performing NS disconnect command

Cause: Internal NS error. Error in closing down connections.

Action: Make sure the networking protocol being used is properly installed on the machine. If the error persists contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-04012: CMCTL: error while opening terminal input channel

Cause: Could not open standard terminal input. Internal error.

Action: Normally not visible to the user. Restart the CMCTL program. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-04013: CMCTL: error while closing terminal input channel

Cause: Could not close terminal input channel. Internal error.

Action: Normally not visible to the user. Restart the CMCTL program. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-04014: CMCTL: error while performing NS send command

Cause: Internal NS error. Connection may be lost.

Action: If the error persists contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-04015: CMCTL: error while performing NS receive command

Cause: Internal NS error. Connection may be lost.

Action: If the error persists contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-04016: CMCTL: error initializing the national language interface

Cause: The message file could not be found.

Action: Make sure that the ORACLE environment is set and that the message file is in the correct place.

TNS-04017: CMCTL: missing Connection Manager data in CMAN.ORA

Cause: CMAN.ORA does not contain Connection Manager data.

Action: Define the correct data for the Connection Manager, then restart the CMCTL program.

TNS-04018: CMCTL: missing Connection Manager name in config file

Cause: CMAN.ORA does not contain a CMANAGER_NAME component.

Action: Define the correct name for the CMANAGER_NAME, then restart the CMCTL program.

TNS-04019: CMCTL: missing ADDRESS(es) in config files

Cause: Configuration files do not contain an ADDRESS/ADDRESS_LIST component.

Action: Define the Connection Manager ADDRESS(es) in the CMAN.ORA file and then restart the CMCTL program.

TNS-04020: CMCTL: Unable to contact the Connection Manager Admin

Cause: The Connection Manager Admin is not running.

Action: Verify that the Connection Manager Admin is running by doing a status request on the Connection Manager Admin. If necessary, start the Connection Manager Admin using the START command.

TNS-04021: CMCTL: The ORACLE environment is not set up correctly

Cause: The ORACLE environment is incorrectly set up.

Action: Refer to the Oracle operating system specific documentation for your platform for information on how the ORACLE environment should be set. Correct it and rerun CMCTL. Make sure the ORACLE environment includes the correct directories.

TNS-04022: CMCTL: Could not resolve Connection Manager's name/address

Cause: The Connection Manager's name to address definition is missing.

Action: Check TNSNAMES.ORA file and make sure to include a definition for the name specified.

TNS-04023: CMCTL: Could not resolve Connection Manager Admin's name/address

Cause: The Connection Manager Admin's name to address definition is missing.

Action: Check TNSNAMES.ORA file and make sure to include a definition for the name specified.

TNS-04031: CMCTL: internal NT error

Cause: Problem interfacing to the protocol adapters installed.

Action: Normally not visible to the user. Try starting CMCTL again. If the error persists, check the product installation. If it is correct, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-04032: CMCTL: internal NS error

Cause: Problem interfacing with TNS.

Action: Normally not visible to the user. Try starting CMCTL again. If the error persists, check the product installation. If it is correct, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-04033: CMCTL: internal NL error

Cause: Problem with internal TNS module NL.

Action: Normally not visible to the user. Try starting CMCTL again. If the error persists, check the product installation. If it is correct, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-04034: CMCTL: internal NFP error

Cause: Problem with internal Connection Manager.

Action: Normally not visible to the user. Try starting CMCTL again. If the error persists, check the product installation. If it is correct, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-04035: CMCTL: error while constructing full file name

Cause: Problem while constructing the full path for a file name because the path name to the file or the environment variables are incorrect. Files looked up include CMAN.ORA and the error files for the Connection Manager and Connection Manager Admin.

Action: Check that all environment variables are defined correctly and that all configuration files exist in their correct places.

TNS-04036: CMCTL: error reading from Connection Manager error files

Cause: Problem while reading from Connection Manager or Connection Manager Admin error files generated by the Connection Manager or Connection Manager Admin when they have failed to start.

Action: Check that a standard Network Error directory exists and that all privileges on the directory are appropriate.

TNS-04037: CMCTL: error opening Connection Manager error files

Cause: Failed to open Connection Manager or Connection Manager Admin error files when they have failed to start.

Action: Check that a Network Error directory exists and that all privileges on the directory are appropriate.

TNS-04038: CMCTL: Poorly formed address or command string

Cause: An unacceptable string was encountered while attempting to send a message to either the Connection Manager or Connection Manager Admin. The addresses provided for either the Connection Manager or Connection Manager Admin may be incorrectly constructed.

Action: Check all address strings in configuration file (TNSNAMES.ORA) and assure that they are properly formed. If all is correct, please contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-04039: CMCTL: error while spawning a process

Cause: An error was encountered while spawning a process due to an internal operating system dependent problem. Machine resources may be limited.

Action: Retry command. Check permissions on Connection Manager executables (sfpadmin, sfpgw) and the current setting of the search path. If necessary, terminate other applications to free up machine resources. If the error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.

TNS-04040: CMCTL: failed to initialize trace context- Continuing anyway

Cause: Problem while opening specified trace file because of errors in CMAN.ORA or because the user has incorrect privileges, or the file does not exist.

Action: Check the privileges on the configuration files and ensure that all of them exist in their proper locations.

TNS-04041: CMCTL: Connection Manager already running. Start operation cancelled

Cause: There is a Connection Manager already running and listening on the same addresses.

Action: None; the Connection Manager is already running.

TNS-04042: CMCTL: Connection Manager Admin already running. Start operation cancelled

Cause: There is a Connection Manager Admin already running and listening on the same addresses.

Action: None; the Connection Manager Admin is already running.

TNS-04043: The Connection Manager has active connections, do you still want to stop it (y/n)?

Cause: The Connection Manager that is being stopped has active connections going through. This is the confirmation message.

Action: Respond by pressing y or n. Answering y will cause the active database connection to be dropped; this is not generally recommended.

TNS-04044: CMCTL: You must have an CMAN.ORA file to contact the Connection Manager

Cause: There was an attempt to contact a default Connection Manager where there was no CMAN.ORA present in the correct directory.

Action: Create an CMAN.ORA file. Make sure it is placed in the correct directory and includes the correct name for the Connection Manager you wish to contact.

TNS-04045: CMCTL: Could not contact the Connection Manager on address

Cause: There was an attempt to contact a Connection Manager on a specific address which is not responding.

Action: Check that the Connection Manager is actually listening on that address.

TNS-04046: CMCTL: Could not contact the Connection Manager Admin on address

Cause: There was an attempt to contact a Connection Manager Admin on a specific address which is not responding.

Action: Check that the Connection Manager Admin is actually listening on that address.

TNS-04047: CMCTL: Could not create the Connection Manager Admin IPC address

Cause: There was an attempt to contact a Connection Manager Admin using the IPC address which is not responding.

Action: Check that the Connection Manager Admin is actually running.

TNS-04060: CMCTL: Bad command: only the STATUS command can be used on remote Connection Manager

Cause: The user entered a command that does not exist, or the user tried to make a request other than STATUS to a remote Connection Manager.

Action: Check the Net8 Administrator's Guide for a list of CMCTL commands or type HELP for a list of valid commands.

TNS-04061: CMCTL: Bad command or syntax error: You must specify a trace level

Cause: The user did not specify a trace level.

Action: Specify a trace level and retry command.

TNS-04062: CMCTL: Bad command or syntax error: For help type help/h/?

Cause: The user entered an invalid command.

Action: Check the Net8 Administrator's Guide or type HELP for a list of valid commands.

TNS-04063: CMCTL: Failed to allocate memory for buffers

Cause: CMCTL was unable to allocate memory for internal buffers.

Action: Check the amount of available memory on your machine to ensure that there is enough memory to run this executable. If necessary, free up memory by running fewer programs, then try again.

TNS-04064: CMCTL: Failed to find CMANAGER_NAME in CMAN.ORA

Cause: CMCTL was unable to find the CMANAGER_NAME parameter in CMAN.ORA.

Action: Check that the CMAN.ORA file is properly constructed.

TNS-04065: CMCTL: Command cannot be executed remotely

Cause: A command other than status and version has been attempted remotely.

Action: If you desire to execute any command other than status and version, you must run CMCTL on the Connection Manager machine.


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